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Class Evaluation of Presentation

This form is to be filled out by all class participants as a means of constructive criticism and useful feedback. It is up to you whether to identify yourself.
Your Name: ______________________

It is important to also give written feedback in the "comments" column and/or on the back of this form, including your reaction to the presentation, questions that you still have about the topic, and suggestions for how you would improve the presentation. This is generally much more helpful than a point score.

Speaker’s name: __________________   Date: _________ Topic: ____________________________
Rating Scale
Excellent = 5
Good = 4
Fair = 3
Poor = 2
Terrible = 1
Introduction is helpful and tells you what to expect and focus on
Main points made clear
Presentation logically structured
Material pertinent to the subject (not rambling nor excessive)
Presentation neither too long nor too short
Clear language; technical terms explained simply
Well researched – not taken directly from a single textbook or website.
Good range of information included (not too obvious nor too specialized)
Clear explanations of main points
Helpful case studies and/or examples used to illustrate points
Communication Skills
Interesting and engaging manner
Appropriate expressions (avoiding, e.g., "um," "like," and "stuff" and cursing)
Did not read from notes excessively
Poise and posture – professional manner
Helpful hand-outs, visual aids and/or multimedia
Questions and Discussion 
Sufficient time left for questions and discussion
Good questions posed to class to generate discussion
Responsive attitude towards questions and comments
Questions answered appropriately and completely
Good management of discussion
Total points: