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Dr. Christian Perring
Dowling College
PHL 002 Western Philosophy 2


Jeremy Bentham

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
Bentham on Government
Bentham believed that governments should promote equality among people, because this is the best way to increase the general happiness. His main justification for this was that people who already have goods get less happiness when they are given more of them than people who don't have them in the first place. For instance, consider two possibilities: I give everyone in the class (of 15 students) $10 each, or I give one person in the class $150. Which will promote the most total happiness? The more equal distribution. 
Justifying Utilitarian Theory
Mill on Liberty
    1. First that it enables individuals to realize their own individual potential in their own way, and
    2. second, by liberating talents, creativity, and dynamism, it sets up the essential pre-condition for moral and intellectual progress.