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Alliance for Justice
A national association of social justice organizations, the Alliance's web site provides legislative alerts, information on the Nonprofit Advocacy Project, and the Foundation Advocacy Initiative.

On the Wrong Side of the History:
Children and the Death Penalty in the USA

Case Summaries For Current Death Row Inmates Under Juvenile Death Sentences, May 20, 1998
There are currently 74 death row inmates (all male) sentenced as juveniles, about 2% of the total death row.

Dead Teen Talking
From Time Magazine

Executions of Juvenile Offenders
Historical Background

The Juvenile Death Penalty Today:
Death Sentences and Executions for Juvenile Crimes, January 1973 - October 1998 by Victor L. Streib

Stop Killing Kids
Campaign to Stop the Use of the Death Penalty Against Children

Sign the Stop Killing Kids Petition
We Must Respect the Human Rights of our Children!

Minimum Death Penalty Ages by American Jurisdiction
Information by Victor Streib, Dean and Professor of Law

Chevron Corporation
Support given to communities where Chevron does business, in the US and around the world. Areas of giving include education, crime, and substance abuse.

Ford Foundation
Areas of interest include Urban Poverty, Rural Poverty and Resources, and Rights and Social Justice.

Foundation for Child Development
Recent grants include funding for studies on how to improve advocacy on behalf of children and youth.

Charles Steward Mott Foundation
Searchable database shows significant support for children and youth issues. Recent grants included research on trends in juvenile violence, and research on juvenile violence prevention.