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LeBonheur Children's Hospital

I have thought about this page for a long time. I have resisted doing it for a reason. First, let me say that LeBonheur Hospital is a wonderful hospital. The reason I resisted doing this page is because LeBonheur is where my son died. I don't have any resentment against anyone at that hospital though, they were wonderful. It's just that I had a lot of bad memories. For a long time, I couldn't think of the good things about my son, all I could think about was the surgeries, the "code blues", the single tear rolling down my baby's cheek when he couldn't cry becuase of the ventilator (that was the worst memory that still haunts me to this day). But as time has gone by, I can honestly say that I think the staff at LeBonheur are truly angels in disguise. They work with critically ill children all day long and most of them go home to their own children every night. I don't know how they do it without being crazy! My daughter was also a patient at LeBonheur and she was actually in the same spot in the ICU ward that Zackary was at one time. I will never forget the nurse who walked by me one day when I was standing at Cassidy's bedside three years after Zackary died and said "Zackary Hooper's Mom, what in the world are you doing back in here?". She actually remembered Zackary and she couldn't beleive that we had another child in ICU. And that was three years later! You can't tell me that doctors and nurses don't get emotionally involved with their patients! We lost our son but our daughter pulled through with flying colors and I think that the staff at LeBonheur had a lot to do with that. We have been back to LeBonheur since then for Cassidy to have eye muscle surgery and although she didn't have to be put in ICU, I was confident that she would do well because they have a lot of dedicated doctors and nurses there and we are very thankful for them. We love you LeBonheur!


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Read all about a wonderful hospital!! Lebonheur in Memphis