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My Personal Thoughts on St. Jude Hospital

It has been almost 10 years since Zackary died. I have recently gotten back in touch with some of the nurses from St. Jude. I have to say that I have done a lot of crying over the last few days. It is very painful to bring up some of those memories of my child having cancer. But without the love and care shown to my son and also to the whole family while he was in St. Jude, we would never have made it. The loss of our son was the single most devastating thing in our lives. It is something that we will never understand or ever get over. We have to go on living our lives but there will always be that space in our hearts that no one could fill but Zackary. I am just so thankful for the wonderful staff at St. Jude who loved our son almost as much as we did. He was the youngest patient there at the time and he was "everybody's baby". I will never forget the nurse who burst into tears when we were told that Zack needed surgery or he would not live 2 weeks. She held my hand and cried with me. And when he just couldn't get over the surgery and died soon after, she wrote us the sweetest note we have ever received. Jennifer, we love you for all you did and we will never forget you! Ann, who could forget the little mobile you rigged up for Zack to play with? He loved that thing and you made him laugh a lot. And Margie, your lullabyes were sweet music to my ears as well as Zackary's. There were so many more who showed so much love! Dr. Douglas, Dr. Sandoval, Dr. Kay Walls, Mamie, Nonna, Teresa, and so many others whose names escape me now. If you read this page and were working at St. Jude when Zack was a patient we would love to hear from you. We Love You All and we will never forget you!

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