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Matchbox 20

The three-man band, Matchbox 20, is made up of Rob Thomas, Kyle Cook, Adam Gaynor, Paul Douchette, Brian Yale.

Thomas was born and raised on a military base in Germany. That is where he met Douchette and Yale. After playing and touring together, the threesome decided to start a new band (now known as Matchbox 20), and recruited Gaynor and Cook.

The stories that Rob Thomas sings are way cool. "I used to do a lot of hitch-hiking,when I was younger, from 17 to 20, and I'd spend a lot of time at 3:00 in the morning sitting on an off-ramp for hours. You just sit there and no one is around you. You can scream, you can sing if you want. I had my little keyboard with me in my backpack and I'd pull it out and sit there and work on some tunes," he says.

And what's in a name? Douchette reports that a guy walked into a place he used to work at. The guy was where a softball shirt with a big 20 and patches on it. All Douchette saw from the patches was the word 'matchbox'. He immediatly saw 'Matchbox 20'.
