Legend of the Negamoon
As told by Endymon
Episode: "Legend of the Negamoon"
Endymon: The Earth was devistated by ecological disaster, the entire
planet froze over and all living beings were placed into a state of dormacy.
They slept until the 30th century when Neo Quen Serenity came to the throne and used
the power of the Silver Crystal to reawaken the planet. Earth was prosperous once again and Crystal Tokyo was the bustling
hub of buisness and the arts. But unfortunatelly these prosperous times were not to last. Buligerant forces
from beyond the universe appeared, intent on conquering Earth. After a lengthy and costly war
we repeled them. Some of our enimies accepted cleansing from the Silver Crystal, but
most refused and were banished into space. Crystal Tokyo was once again restored to peaceful times until the nemisis appeared.
Sailor Jupiter: What is Nemisis?
Endymon: Nemisis is a mysterious rougue moon which appeared at the edge of our solar system, discovered just lately because of its irratic orbit.
Luna: A rougue moon?
Endymon: We only discovered it because of the enormous amount of negative enregy it was emiting. Dangerous levels greater than the energy emited by a white dwarf or a palsar.
Artemis: And this is where our adversaries live?
Endymon: Yes, little by little the people there absorbed the negative, supernatural energy. From then descended the family of the Negamoon.
Fiercesome creatures with awesome powers. Then, not long ago, a huge burst of energy pulsed out from Nemisis and attacted Crystal Tokyo. Our losses
had been devastating. They had conquered almost all the planet and cast an evil spell upon the entire populus. Only myself
and the four guardians of the Crystal Palcae are still awake. Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus have been
casting their energy to protect the palace.
Sailor Mars: How come they've got the same names as we do?
Venus: Yeah, what does it mean?
Endymon: They're your future selves.