Name: Serena
Japanese Name: Tsukino Usagi
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Hobby: Eating, sleeping, reading comic books
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Least favorite food: Carrots
Favorite Color: White and pink
Birthday: June 30
Sign: Cancer
Serena is a zany 14 year old who loves food and sleep.
She loves all kinds of food but loves ice cream most of all! She also has fun seeking out cute guys
and figuring out ways to catch them! She really doesn't like to do her homework but Luna is always there to push her to do it.
Sailor Moon is a fierce fighter with extreme stregth when it comes to defending her pals along with Earth.
She knows exactly when she needs help and when others need it too. She gets stronger and wiser as she goes along.
Serena is also Princess Serena, the Moon Princess.