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Quotes for:

An Affair To Dismember (4.08)

Nigel: What's up, love? You're not the same girl I met in Paris! I can see it in your eyes.
Fran: What?
Nigel: A need; a yearning; a desire that is yet to be fulfilled.
Fran: Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls. And if you don't, you should try it!
Nigel: I hope you don't mind me telling you one more time how sexy you are.
Fran: Nope, still digging it!
Gracie: She acts so weird when she's happy!
Brighton: Don't complain, it's been four years since I've been able to get my hands on a Haagen-Daas bar!
Val: Fran, what happened? You sounded hysterical on the phone!
Fran: Oh Val, you know how I've always wanted to be a part of this family, and not just the nanny but, you know, a real part, like if God forbid anything happened, there were problems or strife I could...get the house!?!
Fran: I'm telling you, this is crazy, I don't know what I'm's winter, I don't need cotton pants!

Quotes for:

The Rosie Show (4.04)

Rosie: How many kids you got, Fran?
Fran: Kids? No, I mean, all that whining, and the diapers, and the schlepping...please!!
Rosie: Oh yeah. What do you do for a living?
Fran: I'm a nanny.
Val: I can't believe we're in Rosie O'Donnell's dressing room! I'm so nervous, I don't know what to do with myself!
Fran: You know, I'm doing what any real fan would do, I'm going through her stuff...oh wow, she really *does* shop at K-Mart!
Sylvia: Fran, you were born to be in front of the camera. It's in your genes. You know, I was going to be a model, but you know what stopped me?
Fran: What's in *your* jeans??
CC: Nanny Fine, listen to this-- "The children of St. Andrew's orphanage would love to meet you. I'm sorry, we can't afford your personal appearance fee..." (schrunches it up) Yeah, right! I'm sorry too!
Fran: You know, Mr Sheffield, a lot of men in your position would be very threatened by me running with movers and shakers, rubbing elbows and God knows what else. But not you. You're really happy for me. Now I know what you meant when you said you wanted to be friends.
Max: Of course. (kisses her cheek) I'm very happy for you.
Fran exits.
Max: Niles, get me a bottle of champagne, would you?
Niles: To toast Miss Fine's success?
Max: No, to shoot my eye out with the cork!

Sylvia and Yetta enter.
Sylvia (to Max): Oh, thank God you're alright!
Max: What? Why on earth shouldn't I be?
Yetta: Give me a hug! Oh, I was so worried!!
Yetta (to Sylvia): Make yourself scarse!
Max: What are you doing here?
Fran: Well, I heard moaning and screaming coming from your room and I figured, I should be a part of it!
Fran: Hi, Mr Sheffield!
Max: Oh, there you are, Miss Fine. Where have you been, hanging with the hip crowd?
Fran: No, visiting Yetta. I was with the hip replacement crowd!

Quotes for:

The Nanny and the Hunk Producer (4.20)

Maggie: I hate him! (Maxwell)
Fran: It's OK, just let her express...
Maggie: I hate you too!
Fran: Oh my God! Open a window, I cannot breathe!!
CC: Maxwell, I never noticed how long and luxurious your lashes are!!
Max: (to Fran) I don't understand why no-one wanted to read about us.
Fran:(to reporter) You've got to learn how to market us, mister, that's your problem. You've got to appeal to the younger demographic...(to Max) It was the 40 that *killed* us!

Quotes for:

Your Feet Are Too Big (3.19)

Fran: Boy, you know, I don't know how I ever lasted as a model. I mean, every week, piling on all that hair and make-up, squishing into those tight clothes. I'll tell you, I don't miss it at all!
The doorbell rings.
Fran: Oh, that's Ma.
Niles: How do you know?
The oven timer goes off.
Fran: Pie's done!
Maggie: Oh Fran, I'm going to go pick something up at Brooks Brothers.
Fran: Why, what do you need there?
Maggie: The tie salesman!
Fran: You know, if I died tomorrow, I'd feel like I accomplished something.
Fran (to Gracie): You want to go with your sister or brother?
Gracie: No, I love a doctor's office. The smell, the magazines, the drama - it makes me feel so alive!
Sylvia: Oh, isn't she adorable!
Takes Fran aside
Sylvia: The kid is weird!
Maxwell: Miss Fine, everyone's looks fade's what's inside a person that really matters.
Fran: What kind of a bizarre world are you living in??
Max: Miss Fine, Miss Fine, wake up! Were you having that 'Streisand's retiring' dream again?
Fran: No, no...and don't even say that, it puts it out there!
Max: Miss Fine, your feet are beautiful. You are beautiful.
Fran: Oh, Mr Sheffield...huh??
Max: Miss Fine, the children all have plans for this evening.
Fran: You're telling me this because...
Max: Which would leave you and me free to...
Fran: To....
Dr Roberts (the cosmetic surgeon): Want a chocolate?
Fran and Sylvia take one
Dr Roberts: Enjoy it today, we can suck it out tomorrow!
Gracie: Fran, you know what happens when you get as old as you?
Fran: You lose your tolerance to little children?!?

Week 1/9 Quotes:

The Tart With Heart (4.1)

Fran: (voice over) After three long years of working it..I mean, working there, I had finally got him to say it!!

Fran: (to Grace) Oh, lookey here, here's that restaurant your father promised to take me to. But then he changed his mind and took it back, which he oft' does.
Max: Well, I made reservations, but the thing was...
Fran: There's that 'thing' again!

Fran: (to Jack) I mean, you paint, and you sculpt, and you sky-dive!
Jack: Oh no, I had to give that up.
Fran: Why?
Jack: The dog kept throwing up.

Week 25/8 Quotes:

Love is a Many Blundered Thing (3.9)

Fran: Next time Val, remind me to say it with flowers!
Max: He's going to be a very lucky man.
Fran: Well, aren't we Mr. Optimism!?
Fran: I'm normally not a flashy know me, less is more!
Fran: Ooh, didn't we shave close today?!?
Max: You know Miss Fine, it's been a long time since anyone's made me feel...well, quite like this.
Niles: I only said that because you called me a baby!

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