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Mirella's Gift
Home of Small Reflections

Mirella's Gift

Presented with highest regard for her talent, compassion, and her
symbiotic relationship with a universe which constrains us all.

Flight of Fancy

flitting... does a flight of fancy
ogle angels who cavort and
frolic with the gods;
or take a role in parsimony
of galactic calculi and odds.
does it take tea, with Orion,
after skinny-dipping in the Milky Way -
or does it sup, in stardust,
at Saturn's oh-so-trendy cirque du soleil?

is it exhausted by the time it gets
to earth...
picking moonbeams from its hair
before I give it birth... to flit...
to wit once more!

Heather L. Long - 1998

Mirella, may your generous spirit continue to
brighten the lives of those you encounter on your journey!

Heather L. Long - October, 1998