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I believe:

~ in the sanctity of childhood
~ in taking responsibility for my own actions and reactions
~ in the power of words to both harm and heal
~ in speaking only the truth (except when no comment would do less harm)
~ in a higher power who has no name or face for me
~ in the unconditional love of my family
~ in admitting that I've committed a wrong or made a mistake
~ in embracing positive change
~ in the healing power of unobserved tears
~ that the ocean in a storm gives us a deserved sense of insignificance
~ that people say I love you to a lover (until something better comes along)
~ that when you say I love you to a friend, it's a commitment you'll take to the grave
~ that government does not know the definition of governance
~ that guns in the home are an accident or an incident waiting for ugly circumstance
~ that sidewalks with grass growing through the cracks are a reaffirmation
~ that soup tastes best when you can wrap your hands around the vessel
~ that bald heads are beautiful when worn proudly
~ that some things are just meant to be
~ that some things were never meant to be
~ that I have walked near this river by the firelight of other days
~ that we can "...slip the surly bonds of earth, to touch the face of God"
~ that you can convey as much with a fingertip against skin as with your whole body
~ that a prolonged and gentle bear hug cures everything for its duration
~ that I believe

I like:

~ turquoise and amber and the smell of Santa Fe
~ rain, and the saxaphone and soul of Kenny G
~ the sound a keyboard makes
~ having a word or phrase leap off the page and attach itself to my heart
~ the purr my cats make when they lay on my chest, mouth to my ear
~ wind that howls through cracked windows
~ the crescendo and dazzle of thunder and lightning
~ Chinese and Italian food, and the stew my mother made when she loved us
~ the laughter of young children playing unobserved
~ people who know there's more to learn, and do
~ the pink moment of a sailor's sky
~ the soul who was born to wear black
~ the dignified, one-legged stance of skyscraper cranes
~ skateboards and snow boards, and the kids who ride them
~ the shy man who raised me as his own

I dislike:

~ many shades of yellow
~ dishonesty
~ the necessity of sleep
~ having someone read over my shoulder uninvited
~ that I'm weak enough to enjoy smoking
~ what the business of sport is doing to sport for sports' sake
~ messages conveyed to children by programs like The Simpsons and South Park
~ pornography
~ scaffolding that collapses, sending workers to the ground from five floors up
~ crowds
~ child abusers
~ how the ‘together' moments are left for last

I am motivated to communicate with you:

~ because you are polite enough to listen
~ because your being here challenges me
~ because I like the sound of my own voice
~ because I have something to say

(and for certain poets):

~ because you have mastered words
~ because you use them cleverly, to move and entertain
~ because you share them freely
~ because I like the voice with which you speak to me

What do you believe?

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