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Je Regrette

I saw you in a Paris bistro, lost in silence - a silhouette
against the sinking light. Laughter rang around you
though your eyes saw nothing save the sorrow,
malignant demons of your fight.

Three days passed and I saw you on the Rue de Madeleine,
eyes uplifted to a sparrow, and I said a benediction
that his youthful, joyous flight
transport your pain.

On Sunday, near the cathedral, amongst the faithful
come to pray, I saw you smile at the antics
of the children, and when I saw you shade your eyes
and inhale the solace of the moment I thought this,
this Sunday, would be a healing day.

The service was last Monday and we sang Amazing Grace.
Hours later, toasts rang out in your memory
and we cried. Loath to believe we'd let you
slip away, we prayed for understanding.
Did our silence make you think we didn't love you,
and, that Sunday, was there an absence of compassion
as you looked upon my face?

Father... forgive me.


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