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Live Each Day to the Fullest

Hi and HUGGSS to everyone!
I know it's been AGES since
I worked on my page,
but I felt the sudden urge to get things
all nice and neat and tidy!
I thank heavens for the good friends
and many prayers that have seen me
through some tough times.
Now I get to share the joy and happiness
that is coming my way because of a
whole new life.

As many of you know,
on a warm (understatement) June evening
I became the wife of a
wonderful, wonderful man!
It's kind of funny, because I wasn't looking and then there he was.
We started off as friends and then
became so much more.
He gives me strength and courage
and understanding and unconditional love.
I truly feel I have married
my very best friend!
What more could anyone ask?

I'm changing a few things on here
- adding and subtracting as I go.

Please bear with me as I work on this project.
Any suggestions will be most appreciated!

My family is my life.

Meet our newest family member.

I absolutely LOVE to cook!


One of my hobbies is sewing.
Here are some pictures of some of my stuff.


Angels Among Us

My Home Town

Southern Belle's Bible

The Silent Crime

Our Wedding

Guestbook by GuestWorld