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My littlest "kiddo' is growing so fast I can't believe it! He thinks he's grown up & tries to run things wherever he is. He's having a very busy year with school, Webelos, choir, Big Maypole (2nd year), wheelroller, the "king of croquet" in the Picnic tableaux in the Confederate Pageant, and anything else he can find to do. He also has great fun agitating his sisters, riding his bicycle, and discovering the latest tricks on his Nintendo games. His latest interests include anything and everything that has to do with Star Wars, the Arizona and Pearl Harbor, and the Titanic.

Such a cutie!

He participated in Little Maypole for the Confederate Pageant.

He was mascot for homecoming at his school in 1997.

He loves playing soccer.

This is his school picture from 1998-99. Can't you just see the mischief in his eyes?

He really loves playing baseball, as you can see!

Big Maypole

Isn't he a ham?