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Now does this look like I knew I was going to grow up to be a school teacher - or what?

Hi ya'll!!

Some friends suggested that I put some things about me on my page, so . . . we'll see how I do at this.

The pictures are mainly of times long ago and far away. There aren't many pictures right now, but I hope to add more as I find them in my albums.

In between you'll (hopefully) find out a bit about me and the things I enjoy. HUGS


Hey, everyone! It's me - Sug! I am the about to be married again mom of three lively children! We live in the great state of Mississippi, until we find a place in Lousiana - which has much more to offer than long hot summers and droves of mosquitos. I am a school teacher (full time), a calligrapher (part time), sometimes tour guide, full time taxi driver to the "angels", and whatever else strikes the mood at the moment.

If you've looked at any other parts of my page, you already know 2 of my hobbies: cooking and sewing. I also love almost any kind of needlework (cross-stitch, smocking, embroidery, needlepoint, quilting, crochet), reading (just about anything except horror), walking (still trying to get skinny and gorgeous), swimming, calligraphy, writing, candlemaking, and being anywhere with my family.

I am a song leader (cantor) and a soprano in the choir at my church, St. Mary Minor Basilica. I also serve on the Family Life Commission, assist with Vacation Bible School, and serve as a greeter and Eucharistic Minister. I am a member of the local Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary. Also, I am a member of the Natchez Garden Club (which I really enjoy though I am a horrible gardener).

The Prayer of St. Francis

Lord make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred . . . Let me sow love
Where there is injury . . . pardon
Where there is doubt . . . faith
Where there is despair . . . hope
Where there is darkness . . . light
Where there is sadness . . . joy.

Oh, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek . . .
To be consoled . . . as to console
To be understood . . . as to understand
To be loved . . . as to love

For . . .
It is in giving . . . that we receive
It is in pardoning . . . that we are pardoned
It is in dying . . .that we are born to eternal life