It's For You!!
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Welcome to Spiritual Thoughts for the Soul's Kid's Korner!
God Made People
A poem by one of
our young people, Christina Hornick. 
Have a poem you want on here? 
it to us!!
Bible Stories
The Garden of Eden
Noah's Ark
David & Goliath
Daniel & The Lion's Den
Jonah & The Big Fish
The Birth of Jesus
Jesus Crucified
Jesus Resurrection

Children's Bible Songs
Jesus Loves Me
The B-I-B-L-E
God Is So Good
Jesus Loves Even Me
Praise Him, Praise Him
Jesus Loves The Little Children
Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam

And Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me".

Easter Cookies

When you see this picture, click on it
for an interesting fact.

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