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~*~Wicca 101 Class~*~

Course Description: This beginners class will deal with the basics of the Wiccan religion. It will include subjects such as Wiccan ethics, basic history, beliefs, the Wiccan Rede, what magick is all about, and more! This class will last six weeks, each week a new lesson will be sent out, and every other week there will be a chat. At the end of the course there will be a written assignment about what has been learned.

Course Schedule: Week One- And Wicca is?
Week Two- Wiccan Ethics/The Rede
Week Three- Basic History of Wicca
Week Four- Common Misconceptions
Week Five- The Wheel of the Year
Week Six- What Magick is

Interested in joining? When you do so, you will have access to the members only page which includes the classroom chat and forum.

Join this class by emailing me with the "join 101" in the subject, please include the email address you'd like to use and your name! I will send you an invite to the list!