*It's hard to say what the most memorable experience was exactly, but in general, i find that sometimes i feel so close to God/dess.. like They're right there with me and i can just feel myself being enveloped with Their unconditional love! :) sometimes when i'm outside and i just hear the wind in the trees, or watch a spider weaving a web, or look up at the clouds, and it's just like i suddenly realize what an incredible spiritual miracle the world is and it makes me so happy.. like i feel completed by the Lord and Lady, and everything around me. i'm a part of everything, and everything's a part of me. Sometimes even when i'm indoors i'll just be so happy i can stop smiling or laughing, or even crying with joy, for no reason other than spirituality. Theses things are what i love most about being Wiccan! :)
*My experience really happens every day. As I awake each morning I find myself floating on a jetstream of positive energy. Whether it's from the God and Goddess I can't say, but I do no it starts my day off quite nicely and every night I thank the God and Goddess every night.
*Well, i am new to wicca i am mostly studying. One day it was a full moon and i decided to watch the sunset, i was sitting on my back porch thinking about the goddess and i was thinking of all my worries including the one of is this right to me. i decided to use my tarot cards and see if they could give me some insight and not only did they tell me that i was right, but when i looked up from my porch i saw a flock of ducks in the fish pond. They were all staring at me all of a sudden i felt so happy and so accepted i even started to cry i knew that the ducks were sent to me to show me that i was being welcomed with open arms. :-)
* I have been I guess you could say soul searching for quite some time now I have looked into alot of different religions just to name a few Buddhism, Satanism, and Christianity I just read this and I somehow feel connected. One reason I came in here was out of curiosity it is amazing I truely thought the religion was different from what it is I wouldn't say things about because I didn't know about it if I said stuff it would show ingnorence-which I hate...Out of the religions I have looked into Wiccan seems to be the most fullfilling I truely feel that this could be it as I'm typing right now my heart is racing..
* I am 18 years old. I started studying wicca at the beginning of the summer in '99.
When I was a little kid, the only real comfort I ever found was spending time with animals, being outside to breathe in the scent of life, or sitting under the rays of a full moon. Now, it's like I feel this connection, these invisible threads linking me to this magick, the wiccan religion, all of history. It's like I can feel every emotion of every tiny silver bead of life that ever lived. I feel the persecution from the Christians, the pain of the Burning. But I also feel the joy of believing in the Mysteries, the pure awesomeness of the Goddess watching over my spirit, and the happiness to be able to share such beauty with so many others who all have the magick within. Blessed Be. Silverhorse**
*I decided that this field of religion (one thing that aggravates me is the way that the world 'religion' is recognized immediately as being used for Christianity) was right for me when I met a friend who practiced it, and I suddenly realized that this is what I possessed in my spirit, embedded deep within my soul, and that I had just never found the right practices to make my subconscious spiritual intent come alive with vibrance. Earlier in my life, I had done some 'soul-searching' and dabbled briefly in the realms of Christianity, only to find that balance and harmony, peace, understanding, acceptance, a tie with mother nature, these were unacknowledged, and it left a piece of me feeling empty. (I bring up again, my deep embedded sense of spirituality.) Then, Little less than half a year later, I found my spiritual path. It finally awakened my true sense of meaning. If you have read Clan of the Cave Bear, I can honestly say that it was exactly like how the Clan recalled the memories of their ancestors through practice, and all the information was stored in their brains, but only practice could bring out the habit. I know that sounds kind of corny, but it was HONESTLY my feelings, like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders after years of darkness.**