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Rose's Garden

Merry Meet, I am Rose, the guardian faery of all the plants and flowers on this page. I watch over everything so well Marja decided to let me tell you all I know of plants and flowers, I hope you find this information useful, as it is very helpful when trying to spot us.


is protected by water spirits


sometimes have poisonous hallucinogenic properties. The Vikings ate it and gained their reputations as berkerkers. In Celtic lore, they are among the food of the gods, as with many red plants. Some toadstools associated with faeries are Fly Agaric, Yellow Fairy Club, Slender Elf Cap, Dune Pixie-Hood, and Dryad's Saddle


to ensure a good harvest, leave the last apple of your crop for the Apple-Tree-Man


Druids wands were made of ash twigs. It also has healing properties. Weak-limbed children were passed through split ash trees which were then bound up. If the tree grew straight, the child would too. Also may be used as a substitute for Rowan.

Fairy Ring Mushroom

Marks the boundaries of Faerie rings


Name is derived from "Little Folks' Glove". Florets are worn by Faeries as hats and gloves.


is used as makeshift horses by the Faerie.


are loved and protected by the Faeries. They help one to find hidden Fey gold.


make the invisible visible. Eating them lets you see Faeries. If one touches a Faerie rock with the correct number of primroses in a posy, the way to Faerieland and Faerie gifts is made clear. The wrong number means bad things will come.

Wild thyme

is part of a recipe for a brew to make one see the Faeries. The tops of the Wild Thyme must be gathered near the side of a Faerie hill.


one who hears a bluebell ring will soon die. A field of bluebells is especially dangerous, as it is intricately interwoven with Faerie enchantments.


a four leaf clover may be used to break a Faerie spell


Celtic legend says it is the receptacle of knowledge, the hazelnut is a symbol of fertility in England.


protects against bad spirits. Used in butter churns so that the butter would not be overlooked by Faeries. Bewitched horses may be controlled by a Rowan whip. Druids used rowan wood for fires with which they called up spirits whom could be forced to answer questions when rowanberries were spread over the flayed hides of bulls.


Made from bark, aids liver congestion, helps to carry blood and liver toxins from the body. Good for gall stones, lead poisoning.


Oakmen are created when a felled oak stump sends up shoots. One should never take food offered by them because it is poisonous.


Sometimes is a witch disguised as a tree. Never lay a baby in a elderwood cradle or the Faeries will pinch them so they bruise. Burning Elder wood is dangerous since it invites the Devil.

White Oak Bark

Cleanses and tones entire alimentary canal (tract that food passes through from ingestion to elimination), excellent astrngent. Good for external and internal hemorrhage.


At night they uproot themselves and stalk travelers, muttering at them.