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Julie's Corner

Hello, hello, and welcome to my corner!

My name is Julie, and, as you can tell, I am a fairy! I was proudly adopted on July 23, 1999

Oh, you'd like to see my birth certificate? Alright, here it is...

I'm the July birthday fairy, as my adoptive guardian, Marja, was born on July 23, I guess you could say I was a birthday present.

For the rest of you July birthday people, here's a few fairy facts, did you know?????

The July gem is a



Or that the July flower is called the


or the



And that the July birthday colors are





Well, now that you're a bit more educated about that sort of thing, would you like to play a little game???

Oh, you would! I'm so glad, please, follow the stars, and we'll see where they lead you!!!



The above link shall take you to the most wonderful place to find faery fun for all ages!!! Visit the Faery Hill, and remember to bring me along in your heart and mind, that way I can escape reality with you for a little while too!!!
