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Welcome. This is a club for musicians, ametuer and pro, that play, or would like to know more about, Solton/Ketron synthesizers. We are not associated with Ketron. We are just a group of people who want to stay in contact with others who have similar interests. Its a place to exchange ideas, questions, programs, and to make new friends. The motto and purpose of the club is "Musicians Helping Musicians". It's an international group and we use english to communicate. Right now we have over 1,000 members from 45 countries,and are growing monthly. That is why we established this site. Hopefully this will be a more efficient way to communicate and accommodate our wants and needs. My name is Bob Hughes. This was my idea and I soon realized I was getting in way over my head. This has caused me to learn things about the synthesizer and computing that I never thought I would. (I must give special thanks to my nephew Josh Boulay, for all his help and showing me how to build a web page.) However, it's been well worth it because this is a great group of people that I've met. The talent level among the members is awesome, both musicaly and computer wise. If you would like to join this group, you are very welcome. It's free. We only ask that you participate, and provide help to other members, when you can. You don't have to play a Solton/Ketron to join. We have several non-Solton playing members who have other brands of synthesizers. We also have members who have no synthesizers at all but have a PC and an interest. Also your name will not be sold or given out to others. You join by subscribing to the mail list below. We have an FTP server that we can use to upload and download files that are of mutual interest and use to us. If you join you will need to create your own unique Yahoo password and ID to access these files and contribute, if you wish. As you can see, this is a work in progress and we are still under construction.

Thats all there is to it. Hopefully this will be a beneficial and fun experience.

I welcome your comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc.. Please be gentle. If you have questions, please see our FAQ area. If that doesn't help, E-Mail me directly at the address below. Please limit your questions to how the club works and not to any technical questions. As I stated above, I am a dummy about these things. That's why I started the club, to learn. If you have technical questions address them to the club membership Solton Club Members We have many smart members who will be glad to try and help.

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Upgrade your Ketron with AJAMSONIC. Add USB, VCE, Exclusive voices and Styles, balance the volumes, and much, much more. Click for information and details.


Bobsynths home page
Fran Carango's Web Site

MIDKAR get free midi files
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Midi Works an advanced Midi editing program for Ketron
Ketron Home Page (English & Italian)
French Ketron Club
Ned Winders British Solton Club
Rick Tofte's Solton MS40 Club
Solton/Ketron (Germany)
German Solton Club (no affiliation)
Jay Salam Ketron dealer and free Ketron newsletter
Carillon Studios Dealer in Ketron Hardware and Software
Ketron Dealer in Australia
John Gaunt ACCORDIONS & KEYBOARDS--Ketron Dealer,Clearwater, FL.
STYLEWORKS, a program that allows you to convert and play other Manufacturers styles, for Solton Instruments
Lyrics World
Midi Explorer, a midi file search engine
Van Basco's Great Free Midi Player
GNMIDI Great Midi Software Tool
Synth Zone
Synthesizer Usenet News group
Harmony Central (A great resource for musicians. Everything is here)

vanBasco's MIDI SearchType artist or song name:

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