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My Family!

This is my first-born, the "angel-darling!" She turned 28(!!!!!) today. She has become a very beautiful young lady and a wonderful mother to my first grandchild, Gabriel Michael James Lee. Pics to be added soon.
Alisha's pic

Bryan!!  What can I say about him??  He is very special to me.  He is a wonderful young man of 25, a graduate of Ole Miss (University of Mississippi) and the proud husband of his gorgeous, loveable wife, Alyssa!! He loves just generally clowning around!! Soon I hope to add updated pictures of the two of them.  

My "Net" Family!
Here I am with some of my *adopted* kids from the net!  At one time you could have found most of us in Point of Grace chat! 
Back row: Jason and Joel. Middle row: Laura, Angie, Trish (me!), Treeva, Tanya, Alisha, and Lori.  Front row: Bryan and Richard.