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1998 The Year Of The Earth Tiger

January 28 1998 - February 15 1999

On January 28, 1998 we will enter a year of the Earth Tiger. 60 years ago was the last time this combination of sign and element occurred. In Europe, Hitler had set the stage in the previous Ox year to finally land march into Austria, taking control as ' chief ' and dictator, continuing on to invade Czechoslovakia, France and attack England. In like manner, This coming Tiger year could be a explosive and expansive time. Tyrants, both on the homefront and internationally, empowered and made bold by the previous authoritarian Ox year, could act out in rash, unpredictable and stealth behavior. 1998 will be a year favoring action, and courageous movement.

Magnetic, rebellious, and a risk-taker, the Tiger craves adventure and applause. The essence of the Tiger soul is "Nobility," Self-reliance, Adventure, and Passion. Tigers are Tenderhearted, Generous, Articulate, Courageous, Independent, Protecting, Regal, Physically active, Benevolent, Stoic, Imaginative, Reflective, Attractive, Boisterous, High achieving, Healthy, Commanding, and Passionately sensuous. These same character traits expressed negatively can manifest as Tigers and 'Tiger years' becoming: Hasty, Undisciplined, Obstinate, Reckless, Rebellious, Headstrong, Bossy, Bigger-than-life, and thrill-seeking.

The Earth Tiger is always 'up front' and honest in dealings with others. The Earth element shoulders responsibilities admirably and imparts more patience than would normally be expected from the Tiger.

The nature of Earth is to stabilize. It is the symbol of the well-cushioned, soft nest, of comfort and abundance.The Earth element also symbolizes functional and practical concerns, solid and reliable pursuits. The Earth element gives foresight and a capacity for organization.

CHANGE will be the keyword this year. All signs will feel the restlessness of the Tigers influence motivating changes in many key areas of life. Many may pick up and change residence or jobs or both (possibly more than once.) Tiger years are a time of commotion, uproar and bold new moves. An unusually charismatic influence will prevail, more action-oriented and more impulsive. Takeovers, marches and empowered forces will finally make their move (made bold by this past Ox year) In all endeavors ask yourself the question, "Is this a rash decision?"

Horses and Dogs will finally come into their own this next year, as both of these signs delight in the bigger than life adventure style and generous nobility of the Tiger. These 3 signs are a mutual admiration society, and this next year promises to be an "E Ticket" ride for the Tiger, the Horse and the Dog. Tigers will enjoy their year greatly, and decisions made will have a strong influence over their life for the next 3 years.

Although some tense nerves will abound, the Rat, Monkey and Dragon will cheerfully come along for the ride in 1998. These 3 signs have a clearly defined self identity and will not be challenged by the Tigers bravado. These 3 will find 1998 beneficial through the influence of others.

1998 may find matters changing much too quickly for the Ox, the Snake and the conservative Rooster. Change, which is next years motto, must come slowly, if at all, with these 3 signs. Resist being pushed into physical exhaustion, and high drama situations.

Good news for my poor Rabbits/Cats, Goats and Pigs who have been so strong-armed and overcome with crisis and drudgery, not to mention nil appreciation for their artistry. This next Earth Tiger year will be a time of great change for these 3 signs, but the closer to 1999’s Cat/Rabbit year we get, the brighter life will look to these gentle souls.

During the 1st moon of the year 1-28-98 to 2-27-98: This will be a humanitarian time and charity for the masses will prevail. Idealistic, utopian concepts take form. Also a time of inventiveness, revolutionary and abstract thinking. Eccentricities abound, and lively debates are likely.

During the 2nd moon of this next Tiger year 2-27-98 to 3-28-98: Imagination, feeling and intuition influence at this time. Melodramatic, impossible situations take center stage. Empathy and spiritually evolved thinking emerges. A mystical, visionary and compassionate time of this year. Beware escapism.

During the 3rd moon of this next Tiger year 3-28-98 to 4-26-98: A Forceful, fierce and impulsive time. Even the most courageous must take care not to make rash, headstrong decisions. Many changes at this time. Passion, daring and generous times as well. The restless Tiger in the 3rd moon may provoke major Change in living arrangements and employment.

During the 4th moon of this next Tiger year 4-26-98 to 5-26-98: The sensuous Earth element of this Tiger year will prevail, motivating possessions, comfort and strong values. Marriages at this time should prosper and be happy and successful. A relatively stable and peaceful period of this turbulent year.

On 5-26-98 there is a leapmoon which extends this 5th moon influence for two cycles ending on 7-23-98. An open optimistic period, filled with many social occasions and parties. Communication of all types, mental pursuits, and unexpected imaginative enterprises. All signs will feel more outgoing and gregarious.

During the 6th moon of this next Tiger year 7-23-98 to 8-22-98: A Fiery, Kingly time of year with much pomp and circumstance. This self-confident and ego-centric period could bring world wide change in governments, leaders. Imposing, physically active and powerful forces at this time, will accentuate and personify this Tiger year of change, unrest and authoritative action.

During the 7th moon of this next Tiger year 8-22-98 to 9-21-98: Chaste, perfectionist, and serving others, will resume after the chaotic previous period. A time of contrite, detail-oriented observation and self-reflection on the years experience. Also a time for some much needed rest. All will be exhausted from the unpredictable Tigers antics.

During the 8th moon of this next Tiger year 9-21-98 to 10-20-98: Harmony, reconciliation and balance are restored. A charming, more diplomatic period, but decisions may be difficult. There will be many options open (perhaps too many) and home improvement and decorations are indicated. The Arts, especially dance and music will flourish at this time, as will rekindled social alliances. The Yin energy influences creativity and personal expression at this time.

During the 9th moon of this next Tiger year 10-20-98 to 11-19-98: An intense and deep time, with emphasis on sexuality, instinct, and covert behavior. Superficial concerns are tossed aside, and serious life-changing decisions could be made at this time. Vivid dreams and powerful emotions could take some of the more tranquil signs by surprise. Watch your back. A time of black/white thinking, without much gray to temper.

During the 10th moon of this next Tiger year 11-19-98 to 12-19-98: Travel, philosophical discussion, and fun highlight this period. The desire of knowledge of different cultures and people will be sought. A new open-minded brotherhood will be felt by all. Some may lack tact and speak too freely, but the intent of the heart is good.

During the 11th moon of this next Tiger year 12-19-98 to 1-17-99: Practical, ambitious and a bit over serious forces take over. Entrepreneurial efforts are successful, because of the hard work put into matters. Mastery is achieved and goals are met. A time reminiscent of the previous Ox year in the emphasis on one’s family, homeland and plans for old age.

During the 12th and last moon phase of this Earth Tiger year 1-17-99 to the new Cat/rabbit year which begins on 2-16-1999: The aggressive Tiger energy, confident with the years great changes and achievements, prepares to enter the calm, reticent and well-mannered sign of the Cat/rabbit. The art of persuasion and diplomacy will flourish. The adventurous Tiger influence has prepared to settle in for a while, and pursue more aesthetic avenues. Treaties, talks by the fireside, and ‘mended fences’ will be the order of the day.