The Storm

By Kim, Mady and Winter



JD and Vin were fishing. It was hot as hell and they'd been cooped up in town for a week, while the others escorted the Senator from the "great state of New Jersey" (How the hell many times had Vin heard that come out of the man's mouth?) out of Four Corners to Eagle Bend. Of course, the man just had to "see the beautiful New Mexico landscape" on the way. Never mind that it made a two-day trip six; never mind that it was hot as blazes. The Judge wanted the Senator happy, so five of them were going "sight seeing", while the other two watched over the town.

JD, of course, as town sheriff, was staying. Vin was nursing some bruised ribs from being shoved against the bar in the saloon, trying to break up a fight between two cowboys. He wasn't hurt bad, but Nathan had said flat out, that he wasn't riding for a week and sleeping on the desert ground. Vin had argued he was the best shot and the best tracker and he was fine, he'd ridden with bruised ribs plenty of times. Nathan had snorted and told him they were all good shots, they didn't need a tracker to find their way to Eagle Bend and Vin would say he was fine if he had an arrow sticking out of his head. The argument had ended when Chris told him point blank, "he could stay behind and help JD watch the town, from the boardwalk or from a jail cell."

So, JD and Vin had stayed in town, and had basically sweat and watched flies land on the hitching post outside the jail. They'd decided that the minute the others got back, they were going fishing. So, when five hot, tired and dusty men had ridden back into Four Corners, Vin and JD had told them they were going fishing. They'd even generously invited their friends along, at which point Chris had fixed a glare so baleful on Vin, that JD had been afraid he might shoot him.

So, here they were, just the two of them. Vin didn't even mind the kid's chatter that had to have scared away any fish left in the creek, hours ago. He was just glad to get out of that town for a few hours. Soaking his feet in the cool water, while JD fished in vain, was an added bonus and Vin leaned against a rock and closed his eyes. He'd been dozing for about an hour, when something in JD's voice caught his attention and he was instantly awake. At the same time he heard the horses whinnying nervously. And all around, it was quiet. Dead quiet.

"Vin," JD called urgently. "Something ain't right."

"Yeah, kid. I know," the Texan responded calmly. "I think we better get back ta town." He was already pulling his boots on his wet feet, not even bothering to dry them first.

JD saddled the horses quickly, while Vin packed up their gear. The kid was getting more scared by the minute. He'd expected Vin to reassure him, explaining in his quiet way what was making the horses nervous. He hadn't expected the tracker to agree that something was wrong, and when he did, it was unnerving to the youth.

Vin didn't know just what was wrong, but when the wild creatures went quiet and the horses started actin' up, he knew somethin' was brewin'. 'Most likely a storm o' some type,' the buckskin thought. Animals knew things people didn't and he hadn't ever gone wrong payin' attention to them.

They were more than four miles from Four Corners when it hit. The wind was howling and the sand was blowing everywhere, pelting their faces and hands and Vin called to urgently to JD. "We gotta find shelter kid, now!"

"VIN!!!" JD tried to shout above the howling winds. "WHAT'S HAPPENING???!!!"

"STORM!" the sharpshooter shouted back, pointing to the ominous, dark, swirling clouds to their west.

JD followed Vin's gesture, turning around in his saddle, and instantly felt the fear course through his body, hitting each nerve of each limb like lightning strikes. Just like the lightning bolts coming out of one of those black clouds.


Vin tried to warn the boy - he was obviously in shock at seeing such a quick moving storm and hadn't turned back around in his saddle - but JD hadn't heard him, didn't see that he was about to ride into a fallen tree. He gave a quick tug on his horse's reins and moved closer to JD, slowing down the younger man's horse.

JD finally snapped out of his shock at the slowing of the horse and turned to see what was happening. He quickly regained control of his horse and the two easily jumped the log. Vin wasn't so lucky. Just as he and his horse were about to follow, several trees gave way to the wind and came crashing down around them. The horse reared back and tripped up on the fallen branches, going down in a heap, bringing Vin with it.

Once over the log, JD had kept riding, unaware of what had transpired behind him. It wasn't until he jumped at another lightning strike, realizing that they were getting closer and closer, that he felt something amiss.

"VIN?!" he called, halting his horse, spinning it around wildly, trying to search for the sharpshooter. "VIN!" he kept calling, heading back in the direction he had come. He saw the tracker's horse down on the ground, floundering as it tried to regain its feet. And he saw that it wasn't going to happen - one of its rear legs was broken badly. Then he saw Vin.

"Oh, God!" the young sheriff cried, jumping off his horse and rushing to the tracker's side.

Vin was lying on his side, next to his horse, blood flowing freely from a cut on his forehead. He was struggling, JD saw. Struggling to pull his legs free from under a large tree that had fallen.

JD tried to help, pull Vin by his shoulders, but the tracker was wedged in tight. They both heard the winds picking up. Looking over JD's shoulder, Vin got a good look at the quickly approaching tempest.

"IT'S NO GOOD, JD!" Vin shouted. "GET OUTTA HERE!"

"I CAN'T LEAVE YA!" JD returned.

"GET OUTTA HERE!" the tracker repeated, eyes pleading.


JD tried desperately not to look at the approaching storm. He knew he would have to put Vin's horse down and went over to the suffering animal and shot it. JD looked around to see what he could use to get the tree off Vin. A larger tree next to Vin hadn't gone over yet and JD pulled the rope from Vin's horse and threw it over one of the branches. He tied one end to the horn on his saddle and the other to the tree. Vin watched what he was doing.



"YEAH!" Vin shouted, realizing that JD's plan might work. "JUST HURRY!"

JD ran back to his horse and led it forward. Slowly, the tree lifted and Vin bit his lip so he wouldn't cry out. He guessed that at least one of his legs was broken. He pulled his legs out and fell back in pain. JD stopped his horse and untied him. He led him back over to Vin.

"COME ON, VIN, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" JD cried above the sound of the wind, as he knelt next to him.

"HELP ME GET ON THE HORSE!" Vin made himself heard above the storm.

JD pulled Vin to his feet but as soon as Vin put weight on his left leg, they knew it was broken. After a short struggle, JD got Vin into the saddle and mounted behind him. Vin took the reins - he knew where he wanted to go. JD held onto the tracker so he wouldn't fall off. JD was scared. He had never seen anything like this. The wind blown sand stinging his exposed skin was starting to hurt. The sheriff never figured the wind could blow this hard.


JD looked to where Vin was pointing, but saw nothing. Vin's eyesight was the best of the seven and he took Vin's word that something was there. They rode for what seemed like hours to JD, when suddenly a rock wall appeared out of nowhere. Vin walked the horse behind it and JD saw that it was actually a cave made from large rocks that were leaning against each other. They were big enough for them to ride the horse through. Once inside, the wind was back to a tolerable level and JD sighed in relief. They continued inside and the horse got skittish and began to sidestep.

That's when they heard a menacing rattle. Obviously, they weren't the only ones trying to hide from the storm. The wind was swirling the dust inside the cave and JD couldn't see the snake, but he could certainly hear him. JD helped Vin out of the saddle. The pain was too much for the tracker, though, and he passed out. JD laid him down and looked for the rattler. The horse milled around the young sheriff and the tracker, not wanting to go back out into the storm, but none too happy that it had to share space with a rattler, either.

JD knew he had to find that snake. He stood up and cautiously made his way to where he heard the rattle. As he got closer, the dust settled enough for him to see the snake. He aimed his gun and fired, killing it. He quickly returned to Vin's side to see just how bad he was hurt. Blood covered the right side of his face from the cut on his forehead. He could also see a huge lump under the cut. JD carefully straightened Vin's broken leg, then leaned against the wall.

"Now what do I do?" he asked no one in particular.

"You wait for the storm to blow over and then you go get help," Vin's soft drawl floated up to the young sheriff.

Weak kneed with relief that Vin was conscious again, JD knelt beside him. "I can't leave you alone," the kid protested.

"JD, you ain't got no other choice. I'm hurtin' real bad." A grimace tightened the tracker's face and JD heard the raspy moan that escaped his lips.

JD got up quickly and got his canteen. He was at Vin's side again and helping the injured man up to drink, in less than a minute.

Closing his eyes, Vin indicated that he was done after a couple of long drinks. Speaking softly again, the bounty hunter reiterated the need for JD to get help. "I need Nate and that's a fact."

JD noticed that Vin's hands were tightly fisted and with a heavy heart he put a hand on Vin's shoulder and spoke quietly. "I'll go. Just as soon as the storm's over. But I'm gonna fix your head up, before I do."

Vin began to nod and then the throbbing in his head made him think better of it. "Yeah," he managed to whisper hoarsely instead.

JD found a clean bandana in his saddlebag and wrapped it around his friend's head. Other than a pained hiss when he knotted it off, Vin was silent.

The storm, however, made enough noise for all three of them. The wind howled and JD could see the dust and debris swirling in the air. He watched the deadly power of nature's fury in fascination for a few minutes. A moan from Vin got his attention, and he left off looking at the storm and knelt beside his friend once more.

"Vin?" he called softly. Getting no response, he realized that the older man was unconscious.



The storm had finally let up. Making sure that the nearly empty canteen was in Vin's reach, JD climbed onto the horse's back. He moved out of the cave at a brisk walk and picked up his pace the minute they cleared the cave's entrance. The horse whinnied nervously, but JD ignored it and headed back to Four Corners.

Vin woke up alone and disoriented. Realizing he could no longer hear the storm, he tried to think. There was something he hadn't told JD. Shit, what was it? His head was pounding and his leg was on fire and goddammit what was it? SHIT!! The eye. He hadn't warned JD about the eye. Oh damn. Was the storm over, or...?" His question was answered when the wind began howling again.

With the sound of the wind, his worry for JD grew. The throbbing in his head and leg woke him up some more and he began to think a little more clearly. He laughed when he realized that he had actually thought there would be an eye to the storm.

"Must be thinkin' of those hurricane storms Josiah told me about," he muttered, sighing sadly. "This is just a hell of a wind storm. Nothin' JD can't handle. He got me here, didn't he?" he told himself, trying to alleviate some of the guilt and worry he had for the boy, out alone in the storm, getting help for him. "Shit, let my horse get spooked like a kid greener'n JD." He moved to get up, hoping to do something other than lie helplessly in the cave, but the movement caused the broken bones in his leg to shift, scrape against one another. The sharpshooter cried out in agony, unaware of the sound as it echoed through the cave, as the darkness once again crept into his vision.


JD bent down low on his saddle, holding onto his hat with one hand, the reins of the horse with the other. He nudged the horse onward, kicking it gently with his heels. He was getting that uneasy feeling again. The horse was shying and sidestepping, not wanting to go further, wanting to go back to the shelter of the cave. But JD was determined. He had to get help for Vin. Come Hell or high water he would do it. Unfortunately, as the rain started to pound down around him, he felt he was already in high water, with Hell coming right on its heels.

To the left of him, a tree was struck by lightning, sending its branches flying in all directions. He had just brought his hand up to shield his face from the bright flash, when he felt the stabbing pain in his side. The horse, also hit by the splintering tree, panicked. Between his and the horse's movements, JD lost his hold and fell from the horse.

Rolling over in the mud, crying out as the sharp piece of branch plunged deeper into his side, JD cursed as his and Vin's only hope of survival galloped away.




Chris had never wanted to kill someone so bad before, until he spent a few days with that damned Senator from New Jersey. By the time the five regulators rode back to town they were hot, tired and irritable. The two youngest met them with fishing poles in hand. They were told in no uncertain terms that the town was theirs and that Vin and JD were going fishing. Josiah's rich laugh could be heard as they watched Vin and JD high tail it out of town.

"The town must have been quiet," Josiah said as they headed for the saloon.

"And those two must have been bored," Buck laughed.

"I for one will embrace boredom with open arms," Ezra commented as they sat at their customary table.

"If those two were bored, I'm surprised the town is still standing," Nathan added.

"I don't know about the rest of ya but I'm getting a bath," Chris said. "Then some shut eye."

Chris stood and headed out the bat-winged doors. He crossed the street to the boarding house and felt a gentle wind blow up the street. Finally, Chris thought, maybe this heat will break up. He headed up to his room, grabbed clean clothes and made his way to the bathhouse. He soaked in the cool water for an hour than got out. He made his way back over to his room for a well-earned rest.

Buck and the others remained in the saloon for the rest of the afternoon, playing cards and relaxing. They were all grateful for the breeze that had started earlier that alleviated the heat. By the end of the afternoon the wind had gotten stronger and Buck began to worry. "I hope those two come back soon," Buck said.

"Don't worry, they'll be alright," Josiah answered.

"Mr. Tanner's wilderness skills are more than adequate for them to survive outside of town," Ezra added.

"Ezra's right," Nathan agreed. "They'll be fine."

Buck was only slight reassured. He knew Vin and JD could get in trouble just walking across the street. When the two of them were together their chances of trouble finding them was doubled. Buck wouldn't be happy until they were both safe back in town.

Chris tried to ignore the loose shutter banging on the side of the building. The sound had awakened him earlier and he couldn't get back to sleep. He sat up and swung his feet to the floor and pulled on is boots. When he was finished, he stood up and strapped on his gun, then headed out of the boarding house.

Chris had to hold onto his hat as he walked across to the saloon. He noticed a few of the townspeople secure various items and closing shutters. The gloomy interior of the saloon forced Chris to wait just inside the doors as his eyes adjusted. When they did, he headed over to the table occupied by the others and took a seat.

"Where's JD and Vin?" Chris asked casually as he leaned back.

"They ain't back yet," Buck answered.

"What?" Chris asked, surprised. "That's one hell of a storm brewing out there."

"We did realize that Mr. Larabee," Ezra commented. "The wind is rather hard to ignore."

"You think we should go look for them?" Nathan asked.

Chris was about to reply when a loud crash was heard outside. The five men went out to investigate. When they exited the saloon they were pelted by sand thrown up by the wind and then rain. The intensity of the storm was increasing and it had blown the small porch off the telegraph office. A few townsfolk could be seen gathering items up before they blew away.

"We have to get everything tied down!" Chris yelled over the howling wind.

"What about JD and Vin?" Buck asked worriedly.

"Vin would have a place to hole up until this blew over," Josiah answered.

"He's right," Chris agreed. "Let's get to work."

It took them over an hour to secure the town and they were just finishing bringing the livestock into the livery when Buck heard the pounding of horses hooves outside.

"It's about time," Buck said as he went out.

The others followed and saw Buck grabbing the bridle of the horse JD had been riding. It had returned to town riderless. The horse was more than willing to be led inside the livery to get out of the storm. Once they were inside, they closed the doors and blocked out the wind.

"Damn!" Buck cursed. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

"Chris, look at this," Josiah called.

Chris walked around to the left side of the horse and saw blood on its flank. When he looked closer, he could see a piece of wood embedded in the horse's side. Nathan joined them and began to care for the horse. Buck held it tight while Nathan removed the large piece of wood.

"Look, it's blackened on one end," Nathan said, holding it out.

"Lightning?" Chris guessed.

"Maybe," Josiah agreed. "If it was, the horse must have gotten spooked when it got hit, and threw JD. Then it ran back to where it would be safe."

"If JD was thrown, he could be hurt," Buck said.

"Vin's with him," Nathan said. "He'll be fine."

"I say we go look for them," Buck argued.

"And how shall we accomplish that deed, Mr. Wilmington?" Ezra asked. "We can't see more than two feet in front of us in this storm."

"Ezra's right," Nathan said as he finished with the horse. "We could miss them."

"We'll have to wait until the storm ends," Chris said reluctantly.

"We can't wait," Buck said angrily. "What if they're hurt!"

"Don't you think I haven't thought of that!" Chris said, just as angry. "I hate this as much as you, but we ain't got a choice!"

"I know Chris," Buck said running his hand over his hair. "Sorry."

"We just have to hope Vin was able to find cover after JD's horse was hurt," Josiah said.

"Let's get back to the saloon," Chris suggested. "It's as good a place as any to wait this one out."

They all agreed and followed Chris back to the saloon. They were all thinking the same thing. What if JD and Vin were hurt and hadn't found cover?




JD groaned and got to his feet with great difficulty. The sun was mercifully low in the sky, but it was still hot as hell. The wind had died completely, leaving nothing but some fallen trees and scattered debris as evidence of its passing.

Vin! JD thought fearfully. Gotta get help. Vin needs me. The boy ignored the sharp pain in his side and staggered painfully towards Four Corners.




Vin moaned softly as he opened his eyes. His head throbbed fiercely and his leg was on fire. God, he was so thirsty. He'd kill for a drink of cool water. He spied the canteen lying beside him and carefully uncorked it. Turning it upside down, Vin gratefully swallowed the dribble of water that fell out of the mouth. When he was satisfied that it was completely empty, he tossed it aside. Peering around, he realized that the cave was completely shadowed now. Must be gettin' on ta nightfall, he thought. Soon, he knew, he wouldn't be able to see. He only hoped there were no predators lurking close enough to smell the blood from his injuries.


"It's too dark to track now, but we know where they went," Chris said more calmly, than he felt. "We ride out to the creek and be careful not to pass 'em. If we don't run across 'em, then we start at first light and find 'em.

The other's nodded and followed Chris as his horse cantered towards the creek JD and Vin had been headed for.




"Vin!! JD!! Vin!! JD!!" The names were called out into the darkness, sometimes echoing back a reply. But it was the same as no reply. The five men that called out the names were beginning to lose hope.

"Well, we've made it all the way to the creek and haven't seen any sign of 'em," Buck sighed.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Nathan asked, looking around.

"Yeah, I've been here with Vin a few times," Chris replied. "That's his favorite rock to perch on, over there," he added pointing to toward the creek. "I think it's time we started backtracking. Maybe split up."

"We gotta start thinking about what shelter might be available between here and Four Corners," Josiah put in. "Vin wouldn't have tried to make it all the way back to town in that storm."

"Yes, and I'm sure Mr. Tanner would know of all of the possible nooks and crannies," Ezra added, clearly not happy about the endless possibilities that thought brought up.

"He'd try to find something big enough for him, JD and the horses," Buck thought aloud. He looked up quickly, his eyes meeting with Chris's. Chris smiled and nodded.

"Let's go!" Chris shouted as he mounted his horse and galloped away, not bothering to wait for the others.


Vin heard someone moaning. He turned his head, opened his eyes. He groaned out loud as his head throbbed and realized that that somebody moaning was him. It was pitch black in the cave. He had no idea what time it was or how long he'd been asleep. He only knew that nothing had changed. He was still in the cave. Still in pain. Still hoping JD had gotten back to Four Corners safely. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, tried to fight back the pain.

He heard it first. The quiet swish on the sand. Then he felt it. And he realized that he was not alone in the cave. Even as his heart and breath quickened, he knew he should keep still. But it was all he could do to keep from moving as the snake slithered across his legs and nestled on them for warmth.




Buck knew exactly where Chris was heading. He just hoped they found the two youngest there. The full moon gave them enough light to risk cantering along side the creek. A short time later, the rock formation Chris was heading for could be seen bathed in the eerie glow of the moon. The five regulators left the stream and headed for the rocks. As they got closer, Chris pulled up his horse and dismounted, and the others did the same.

"JD! VIN!" Chris yelled as he walked between the stones.

The hair on the back of Chris's neck stood on end and he drew his gun. Buck was directly behind him.

"What's wrong?" Buck asked.

"Not sure," Chris admitted. "But I've got a bad feeling."

As they moved into the cave they heard a rattler and they frozen in their tracks. The interior of the cave was dark. The full moon's beams couldn't penetrate that far inside.

"Damn!" Buck cursed. "We need a light."

Ezra was bringing up the rear and figured it was safe for him to move. He went back outside looking for a branch. The storm had left broken branches scattered around the base of the rocks. He grabbed one and went back inside.

"Mr. Sanchez, I require a piece of your shirt," Ezra said.

When Josiah saw what Ezra intended, he smiled. He knew the southerner wouldn't ruin his shirt to make the torch. The preacher pulled out his shirttails and ripped off a wide piece and handed it to the gambler. Ezra wrapped it around the stick then slowly moved past Josiah, Nathan and Buck, to stand next to Chris. Once lit the cloth would burn quickly. The others pulled their guns and waited. They would shoot the rattler as soon as it was revealed. He lit the match and touched it to the cloth. He held it high and was shocked.

"Good Lord!" Ezra exclaimed.

The light revealed the prostrate form of the tracker, lying motionless on the floor. Curled up on his stomach was the rattler, protesting the intrusion of his sanctuary.

"Josiah, we need another stick," Chris said urgently.

The preacher moved slowly back outside. Buck could see that the torch wasn't going to last much longer and slowly pulled out his shirt to rip off the end. Josiah returned with the stick and moved up by Ezra. The snake took exception to this and the ominous sound of the rattle filled the cave. Ezra let the torch go out then offered the smoldering end to Buck so he could wrap the length of cloth around it. When he was finished, Ezra turned to Josiah.

"Ready?" he asked.

"No," Josiah admitted. "But go ahead brother."

Ezra lit the torch and held it high. Josiah moved closer and tried to hook the snake with the stick.

The snake stood its ground, striking at the stick. Chris noticed Vin was beginning to stir.

"Oh, God, Vin, not now," Chris swore.

Josiah noticed Vin moving also, and tried again to move the snake. He was able to get under the snake and flick it away from Vin. As soon as it hit the ground Chris shot it. Nathan moved quickly to Vin's side, followed by Buck.

"Vin," Nathan called. "Come on now, open your eyes."

Chris joined them just as Vin opened his eyes. The torch that Ezra was holding was almost out and Josiah went outside to gather wood. Vin turned unfocused eyes towards Chris, but didn't say anything. Buck couldn't wait any longer.

"Vin, where's JD?" he asked anxiously.

"JD?" Vin mumbled, confused.

"Where is he?" Buck asked again.

"Buck!" Chris warned.

Buck subsided under Chris's glare as Nathan checked the tracker. Josiah returned and started a fire. He also brought back Nathan's medical kit and a canteen. With Chris's help Nathan gave Vin some water. After the first drops touched Vin's lips he drank greedily.

"Slowly, Vin," Nathan said taking it away. "You'll get yerself sick."

When Vin had drank his fill, he looked around at each of them.

"Where's JD?" he asked.

"He's supposed to be with you," Buck said angrily.

"He's not with you?" Vin asked worried.

"Take it easy Vin," Nathan said placing a hand on his shoulder. "Looks like you got a nasty bump on your head. You're just confused."

"No," Vin insisted becoming agitated. "Went for help. Got to find him."

They weren't prepared for the injured tracker to sit. Vin screamed in agony as his leg and head protested the move. He passed out and slumped against Chris. The gunslinger laid the younger man back down.

"Mr. Dunne must have gone for help," Ezra deduced.

"We didn't see him coming here," Josiah replied thoughtfully.

"We gotta go find him!" Buck yelled.

"We will, brother," Josiah said grabbing Buck's arm.

Chris found the healer's eyes and asked quietly, "Nathan, you gonna set Vin's leg here?"

"Yeah, can't wait till we get back to town," Nathan said worriedly. "But it's gonna hurt real bad. I'm gonna need help."

"Alright," Chris said. "Then we split up. Nate and I will get Vin's leg fixed up. The rest of ya go look for JD."



"We're headin' out Chris," Buck called, as he, Ezra and Josiah mounted their horses.

Chris spared a glance for the three men and nodded. "Bring the kid back here when you find him. Josiah, head back to town for a wagon. Nate, you gonna be needin' anything?" Chris inquired of the healer.

"Better grab me some more laudanum and bandages. I got plenty for Vin, but no tellin' what kinda shape JD's gonna be in when ya'll find 'im," Jackson answered ruefully, acknowledging how injury prone their youngest was.

"Consider it done," Josiah grinned and wheeled his horse around. Quick nods from Buck and Ezra, and the three were gone, leaving Chris and Nathan to go about the unpleasant business of setting Vin Tanner's broken leg.


JD stumbled blindly towards town. At least, he hoped he was heading towards town. He'd wandered in a circle for a long time, until he finally stumbled across the carcass of Vin's horse. Musta had a guardian angel lookin' out for me, he thought. But, at least I know which way town is now.

If only he could rest, just for a few minutes. That's all he needed, was just to sit and not have that big chunk of wood moving in his side, with every step he took. He couldn't pull it out; it might be the only thing keeping him from bleeding to death right there. But, it hurt so damned bad, that JD would've taken the chance - if Vin wasn't depending on him.

Vin was the reason he couldn't rest or get that piece of wood out of his side. Vin needed help. He needed it bad. Like as not, fever was already tightening its deadly grip on the tracker. JD'd seen more than one injured man die of pain and fever since he'd come to Four Corners, even *with* Nathan's help.

The thought of Vin, alone and hurting, maybe dying, in that cave, spurred the kid to keep going. Resolutely, he put one foot in front of the other and took one painful step after another.




"Okay, Nate," Chris said quietly as he dumped a large pile of branches of different lengths and thicknesses near the healer.

Nathan scanned them quickly and selected two. "Can you clean 'em up some, get the rough spots out?" he asked.

"Yeah," Chris replied and took Vin's knife out of its sheath. His own pocketknife would do for whittling a dog or a horse, but for this kind of wood shaving he needed a real knife. Working quickly and efficiently, Chris soon handed Nathan two branches that were as smooth as he'd find in any cave in the territory.

Vin was starting to come around and Nathan wanted to be sure he'd sleep through the worst of having his leg set. Jackson hated the pain he inflicted on his patients, but it was a hard reality of the path he'd chosen. Still, he blessed whoever had discovered laudanum. "Give me a hand with 'im Chris. I wanta get this in 'im, b'fore we go pullin' on that leg."

Chris sat behind the tracker and gently maneuvered Vin's head and upper body until they were resting against his chest.

Vin moaned softly and Chris spoke soothingly, "Easy pard, just open your mouth and take this laudanum Nate's got for ya." Vin's eyes opened a fraction of an inch and he turned his head towards the sound of Chris's voice. "That's right cowboy, now just let Nate give ya that medicine."

Nathan held the spoon up to Vin's lips and sighed gratefully when the younger man opened his mouth and let him spoon the drug inside. He was even more relieved when Vin swallowed it. Chris stayed where he was until Nathan had finished putting away the laudanum. Vin's breathing had evened out and Larabee was almost certain he was asleep again. The relief on Nathan's face when he checked Vin's eyelids and the Texan didn't move, confirmed it.

"Okay, let's get that leg set b'fore he wakes up," Nathan grinned as Chris eased his sleeping friend back onto the floor of the cave.




"Good Lord, there he is!" Ezra shouted, pointing to the staggering figure in the distance.

Buck had seen him too, and spurred his horse forward, leaving the gambler in a whirl of kicked up sand and dirt.

"JD!" the mustached man shouted as he rode. "JD!"

He jumped off his horse just behind JD, fear and confusion clouding his thoughts as the younger man just kept walking, oblivious to his presence. He thought he heard JD's voice, and realized that he was mumbling the same thing, over and over.

"Gotta get help. Gotta help Vin. Gotta get help. Gotta help Vin...."

Finally, Buck stood in front of JD, blocking his path, and gently took him by the shoulders, stopping his trek.

"It's alright now, JD," he soothed, moving a hand up to cup the boy's cheek. "We gotcha now."

But the older man lost the confidence and feeling of relief he'd gotten from finding JD when he got a closer look. JD had finally looked at Buck and the older man instantly saw the pain and fear in his eyes. He followed JD's gaze down to his side, saw the bloody piece of wood protruding from it.

"Oh, Lordy," Buck sighed as he quickly caught the collapsing JD in his arms.



"How's he doin', Nate?" Chris asked, watching as the healer replaced the cool cloth on Vin's forehead.

Vin had managed to stay asleep while they'd wrenched his broken leg back into place. That had been over an hour ago. Now, the laudanum he'd taken before was starting to wear off, and Vin was becoming restless again.

"He's still weak," Nathan replied with a sigh. "But now that that leg is set, it won't be hurtin' as much when he wakes up. He'll be able to save his strength."

Chris nodded absently. He knew there wasn't much else Nathan could do for Vin here. Hell, there probably wasn't much more he could do for him back at the clinic in town, either. Except provide a warm bed, good food, clean bandages, have better access to medicines... Chris began pacing back and forth again.

"Where the hell is he?" he muttered.

"You talkin' 'bout Josiah or JD?" the healer asked.

"Both," Chris conceded, embarrassed that Nathan had caught him worrying.

"They'll get here," he replied.




"Mr. Wilmington," Ezra called. He watched as Buck pushed JD's hair out of his eyes. When Ezra received no response he tried again. "Buck! Hand JD up to me. We have to get him back to Nathan."

"No, I'll take him," Buck argued. "Come hold him while I get on my horse.

Then you can hand him up to me."

"Don't be ridiculous," Ezra reasoned. "I can't lift him. I don't wish to cause him any more harm. Now place Mr. Dunne in front of me."

Buck knew Ezra was right. He gathered JD in his arms, being careful not to hit the stick in his side. JD moaned as Buck stood up and made his way over to Ezra's horse. They got JD settled in Ezra's arms. Buck mounted his horse. He gathered the reins of Ezra's horse so he could concentrate on holding JD.

Buck turned to Ezra to see if he was ready.

"You made proceed, Mr. Wilmington," Ezra announced as he took a tighter hold on JD's limp form.

Buck tapped his horse with his heels and they moved out. He was just glad they weren't too far from the cave.




Nathan watched as Chris prowled the confines of the cave. He would walk to the entrance to look out, then come back to where Vin lay. Vin was becoming restless and mumbled in his sleep. The laudanum had worn off, but Nathan didn't want to give him any more. He wanted to wait until they had to load him in the wagon for the trip back to town.

"Where the hell are they?" Chris asked, once again.

"Give 'em time, Chris," Nathan said. "JD could be anywhere."

"How's he doin'?" Chris asked looking down at Vin's sweat soaked face.

"Not too good," Nathan admitted.

"JD, look out!" Vin shouted as he woke.

"Easy, Vin," Nathan said as he grabbed Vin's shoulders.

"Where's JD?" Vin asked in confusion. "Storm's brewing. Have to get back to town."

"Don't worry, Vin," Chris said, soothingly. "You're safe here."

"NO! Have to find JD," Vin yelled and struggled against them. He screamed in agony when he moved his broken leg and passed out.

"Damn it to hell, Buck, where are you?" Chris shouted.

Nathan didn't know what to tell Chris. They had to get Vin back to town. Chris had resumed his pacing when they heard a shout from outside.

"Chris get out here!"

Buck's frantic sounding voice spurred both Nathan and Chris into action. Vin was out cold and Buck wouldn't be back unless he'd found JD. And, the desperation in his voice was a clear indication that JD was hurt. The two men were out of the cave in seconds. Buck was already dismounted and easing the kid down off of Ezra's saddle.

"Shhhh," he soothed when the boy moaned against the pain of movement. "Nathan's here, he's gonna take real good care of ya. Just take it easy."

Nathan took hold of the boy's other arm and together he and Buck helped JD into the cave, near the fire. Chris took the reins of both horses.

"Go get a drink," he suggested to Ezra.

Ezra nodded gratefully. The ride back to the cave had been a hard one. JD's weight had quickly become burdensome. He'd borne it willingly, but he hadn't listened to the boy's cries and moans willingly. Ezra would have given anything to have been able to shut out those piteous sounds. Dismounting, he went in to find that drink Chris had mentioned.




"How is he?" Buck demanded of the healer.

"Buck, I ain't even checked 'im over yet," Nathan admonished gently, while he continued to efficiently assess JD's condition. After about ten minutes of prodding and poking on JD's arms and legs and body, he looked up. Putting a hand on Buck's shoulder, Nathan gave it a comforting squeeze. "Looks like that splinter in 'is side is it. He's got a few scrapes and bruises, but nothin' serious."

"You sure?" Buck questioned urgently.

"Yeah, Buck," Nathan chuckled. "I get that chunk o' wood outta his side and he'll be good as new." Nathan knelt and opened his bag and took out the equipment he'd need. "Hand me that bottle o' whiskey Ezra," he ordered the gambler.

Ezra was just about to toast Nathan's happy news, when he heard the healer's demand. "I'm in need of a purely medicinal drink, I assure you, Mr. Jackson,"

Nathan snorted and informed Standish, "Ezra, JD's got a more pressin' 'purely medicinal' need o' that whiskey."

Ezra looked at the small amount of whiskey remaining in the bottle and handed it over promptly, "My apologies, Mr. Jackson, I should have realized," he dipped his head and gave Nathan his two fingered salute.




Chris came back into the cave and crouched beside Vin again. The tracker was sleeping, seemingly peacefully, and his forehead felt cooler to Chris's touch.

"He doin' okay?" Buck asked from just behind Chris.

"I think his fever's comin' down some, but I ain't sure," Chris admitted and got to his feet. There didn't seem to be anything Vin needed from him right now. "Just wish Josiah'd get back here with that wagon."

"Yeah, be real good to get back to town and a hot meal and a warm bed," Buck agreed with a hint of mischief.

"Anybody's bed in particular?" Chris grinned back.

"Now, that just depends, old pard, on who's offerin'." Buck's hearty laugh rang out, lifting the spirits of every conscious man in the cave.




Nathan gave JD the last of the laudanum in his bag and waited for the boy to fall asleep, before he tried to remove the splintered wood from his side. To his surprise, Ezra knelt beside him.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" the southerner offered.

Nathan studied his face, trying to figure his angle and instead saw only genuine concern. Giving the gambler a slow grin, Nathan suggested, "Yeah, you can help me hold him up, when I get ready to wrap 'im up."




"Nate, Josiah's back," Chris called from the cave's mouth.

The gunslinger left the cave, with Ezra following, to help the former preacher carry up the supplies he'd brought.

"Got some extra blankets, bandages and medicine," Josiah said, as he handed Chris and Ezra the supplies he'd named. "How are they?" he asked.

"Holdin' their own," Chris replied. "Vin's come to a few times, but he ain't with it. Keeps callin' for JD. Nate pulled a chunk of wood this big outta JD's side," he added, holding up his hand with his thumb and index finger about three inches apart. "Nate thinks he's just exhausted, mainly."

"He worried about infection?" the big man asked, following them up to the cave, now.

"Mr. Jackson is always worried about infection, Mr. Sanchez," Ezra chimed in, pausing in his step as he realized that he'd gotten the heaviest of the loads. But before he could protest, the other two men were already in the cave.

Nathan gave Josiah a grateful smile as the supplies were put on the ground between the injured two men.

"The wagon's got a layer of hay on the bottom, with some blankets on top," Josiah told him. "Won't be as comfortable as a feather bed, but it'll be better than nothing."

"Soon as I get some more medicine and laudanum into the two of 'em, we'll get goin'," the healer responded, opening the box of supplies.




Nathan gave Vin and JD more laudanum before he would let them be moved. When he was satisfied that they were both deeply asleep, he let Buck pick up JD while Josiah got Vin. Buck gently lifted the limp form of JD and carried him out to the wagon. Ezra helped him get JD situated in the wagon and covered with blankets.

Josiah lifted Vin and the tracker gave a soft moan when his leg was shifted. The ex-preacher looked at Nathan in concern.

"Don't want to give him any more laudanum," Nathan said.

"The storm made the road pretty rough," Josiah said as he carefully made his way outside. "Vin's gonna be hurtin' every time we hit a bump."

"Vin still hurtin'?" Chris asked in concern as he caught the last part of Josiah's statement.

"The break was a bad one Chris," Nathan explained. "The ride back ain't gonna be comfortable for him."

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Buck asked from his position sitting next to JD.

"Mr. Sanchez, might I inquire if there was a tarp for the wagon?" Ezra asked.

"Yup, in the box under the seat," he answered as he sat down on a rock, holding Vin in his arms.

"What ya got in mind Fancy Pants?" Buck asked as he climbed over the seat to get the tarp.

"The wagon is deep enough for us to construct a hammock for Mr. Tanner," Ezra explained. "It would sway as the wagon made its way along the road."

"I knew we let you join for a reason," Buck said with a smile as he jumped down with the tarp in hand.

In no time they stretched the tarp over the back of half the wagon. They left a little slack so it would sway. JD was oblivious to the activity above and next to him as they carefully situated Vin on the tarp. Nathan climbed in front to keep an eye on the two injured men. He was pleased that one of his patients was at least partially protected from the sun. Josiah climbed in the seat and gathered the reins in his hands. The others mounted and took positions in front of the wagon to watch for ruts or debris so they could warn Josiah ahead of time. They were travelling for over an hour at a very slow pace and Nathan worried they wouldn't get back before dark. The wagon bounced over a deep rut and Vin moaned.

"Sorry, Nate," Josiah said when he heard Vin. "Couldn't avoid that one. How's JD?"

"Sound asleep," Nathan said. He placed his hand on JD's forehead and frowned.

"What is it?" Josiah asked when he saw Nathan's face.

"Hoped we could avoid this," Nathan sighed as he leaned back against the wagon. "Kid's got a fever."

Chris rode back towards the wagon and walked his horse alongside. He noticed Nathan wiping JD down.

"He okay?" Chris asked.

"Temperature's going up," Nathan answered.

"What about Vin?"

"He's doin' okay," Nathan said. "Ezra had a good idea."

"We're about an hour from town at this pace," Chris said. "Think they'll be okay that long?"

"They should be," Nathan began, when Vin started to stir. "Easy, Vin, you're okay."

"JD... have to find him," Vin mumbled, but didn't wake.

"He's safe, Vin, we found him," Chris said, leaning over to touch Vin's arm.

"Storm's brewin'," Vin murmured. "Have to get back."

"Easy, Vin, the storm's over," Nathan said as he placed a cool cloth on Vin's forehead.

Vin mumbled something they couldn't understand, then was quiet. Chris rode alongside for a few more minutes, then moved ahead to check on Ezra and Buck.




They were back in town inside of the hour and the five healthy men wearily dismounted and climbed out of the wagon, in front of Nathan's clinic.

"Let's take JD up first," Nathan suggested. He'd get the boy settled and then be able to deal with Vin and his busted leg without worrying about JD.

"Okay." Buck was already putting a big hand under JD's shoulders, while Josiah gently lifted his feet. Together, the two men lifted the boy and followed after Ezra who'd run ahead to open the door and light a lamp.

"Keep an eye on Vin for me, Chris," Nathan said unnecessarily, as he grabbed his bag from the back of the wagon.

Chris didn't speak, but his blond head nodded at Nathan without his eyes leaving Vin's flushed face.




Upstairs in the clinic, Buck and Josiah laid the young sheriff down on one of the two beds in Nathan's clinic. This one was the cot Nathan usually slept in, when he had a patient. Tonight, Nathan would be sleeping in that torturous device he called a chair, or not sleeping in it, was more likely.

JD mumbled a little, but didn't awaken when he was laid on the cot. Nathan entered the room and immediately began issuing orders.

"Buck, get a fire goin' in the stove. Ezra, go over and wake up Mrs. Potter and tell her I need some more laudanum and bandages. Oh, and stop by the saloon and get a couple o' bottles o' whiskey for me. Josiah, can ya get them clothes offa 'im and start cleanin' him up?"

The three men sprinted into action and Nathan began gathering the supplies he'd need to tend the wounds. In minutes, JD was naked and sleeping soundly under two blankets and Buck had a fire blazing in the stove. The small clinic was soon comfortably warm.

"I'll get some more wood," Buck said, and with a last look at the kid, went to find some.

Stopping at the wagon, Buck inquired softly, "How's he doin'?"

"Feels like his fever's gettin' higher," Chris said grimly.

"It's to be expected, pard," Buck offered softly. "But now that he's gonna be tucked up inside of Nathan's clinic, instead of a cave, he'll get well real fast, you watch." With that, Buck laid a gentle hand on Vin's shoulder. "Gotta go get some firewood," he informed Chris and moved off into the shadows to find some.




Nathan finished turning down the blankets over the bed and stood up and looked around the room wearily. As soon as one of the others came back to keep an eye on JD, he, Josiah and Chris would get Vin moved up here.

"Would someone please open the door?" Ezra's voice called from the doorway.

Josiah opened it and took the blankets that were obscuring his view of Ezra out of the gambler's hands. "Thank you, Mr. Sanchez. You have no idea how difficult it is to maneuver when your view is obstructed. Mr. Jackson, I took the liberty of adding blankets to your order for Mrs. Potter. Two fevered men are quite likely to require more warmth."

"That's good thinkin' Ezra," Nathan smiled appreciatively at the gambler. Just when he had the man pegged as nothing but a greedy conman, Ezra did something downright thoughtful. "Ezra, sit them things over on my desk and keep an eye on JD for me. Josiah and I are gonna go see about gettin' Vin up here."




The two men stepped off of the boardwalk near the wagon. Chris looked up at them helplessly.

"He's been calling for JD and mumbling about the storm and turning back," the gunfighter told them. "And his fever's higher. I can feel it."

Nathan nodded and pointed to the ropes holding the hammock up. "I think it'd be best if we carry him up the way he is. You boys take hold of the ends of this thing and I'll untie it. Whatever you do, don't drop him."

"We won't drop him," Josiah assured the healer.

And they didn't. Fifteen minutes later, Vin was undergoing the same stripping down and cleaning up JD had unknowingly endured. When he was settled under the blankets, with his broken leg propped on pillows, the four men leaned against walls and watched their two youngest sleep.

"Vin's gonna want to shoot someone," Nathan grinned.

"Not me, is it?" Buck asked, his arms full of wood, which he dropped unceremoniously into the woodbin.

"Only if we tell him it was you that took his clothes off," the healer teased.




Chris, Buck, Josiah and Ezra each took turns sitting with Nathan up in the clinic, watching over Vin and JD. The two youngest were faring much better now that their injuries had been tended and they were in warm, comfortable beds. Nathan had even managed to get some warm broth into the two of them.

Buck and Chris were there now, giving Nathan a chance to sleep. Chris sat reading a book next to Vin's bed. Buck sat next to JD's, leaning back and lightly dozing. The silence of the early morning was broken by the scratchy voice between them.

"Who the hell took my clothes?"

"That's privileged information, Vin," Buck answered quickly, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he laughed.

"Welcome back, Cowboy," Chris said, giving Vin a sip of water to ease the tracker's dry throat.

"JD?" Vin immediately asked, looking at the still sleeping form in the next bed.

"He's fine, Vin," Buck replied.

"They awake?" Nathan asked, walking into the room, his healer's instincts having woken him.

"Vin is," Chris responded.

Nathan immediately went to the tracker's bedside and began checking him over.

"I'm fine, Nate," Vin groused. "Just a busted leg is all."

"Just a busted leg is all," Nathan mimicked, his eyes rolling. "You two had us worried to no end this past day."

"We just went out fishin'," a new voice said, joining the conversation.

All eyes fell on JD, then.

"We just went out fishin'." It was Buck's turn to make fun. "You two boys couldn't *just* do anything without gettin' into a heap of trouble."

"The important thing is that they're both back with us, only a little worse for wear," Chris cut in, hoping to keep things calm.

They all looked as the door to the clinic opened and Josiah and Ezra entered.

"We saw the commotion and wanted to make sure they were okay," Josiah explained.

"They're just fine," Nathan replied.

"Yup, just gotta make sure these two ain't off on their own when any storms start brewin'," Buck added.

Nathan saw the tired looks on the two injured men and began shooing the rest of the group out.

"Come on, let's let them rest now," he said.

After a few minutes they had gone and the healer drew the curtains to darken the room, so that JD and Vin could sleep better. He sat down in his uncomfortable chair, ready to take another nap, himself, now that Vin and JD were asleep.

"Hey, who took my clothes?" JD mumbled.
