A Valentine Gift
Author: Maggie
Disclaimer: I do not own or pretend to own any of the characters developed by John Watson or Mirisch Co.
But I do lay claim to all OC's that I have created. The poem is an excerpt from Algernon Charles Swinburne  - A Child's Laughter.

The day was as any other, except for the bustling of many woman on the streets. They seemed in a more
chipper mood then late but that was understandable when one thought of the date. St. Valentine's Day, the
day of love. The one day of the year that man and woman showed their true feelings for the other.

Unfortunately, seven men lacked in the emotion department this day and it was a wonder as to why.
The residents of Four Corners had grown accustomed to the mood changes of the seven protectors but were
slightly surprised at the extra venom in their stares or their lack of involvement with anyone other then
another of the group.

One towns person wanted to find out the reason beyond others, Nettie Wells. She had grown close to the men, one
in particular, Vin Tanner. She knew he was a man of little words and big actions but there was something
amiss with the boys and she was determined to find out what.

She saw him crossing the street about 10 feet in front of her and figured now was as good a time as any.

"VIN!" Nettie picked up her skirt and tried to speed her worn limbs into a faster jaunt to catch the
younger man, which was not necessary when the ex-bounty hunter had stopped in mid-stride to wait for

He tipped his hat as the older woman came to a stop in front of him. "Morning, Ms. Nettie. Somethin' I can do
for you?" The concern was apparent in the eyes but lacking in the voice. She had a sneaking suspicion he
knew what her quest was about.

"Yes, first you can take me out of this weather and buy me a cup of hot coffee." Ms. Wells had lived the
majority of her life in the wild frontier and telling it like it was, she found out early, would get you

Vin chuckled softly and relaxed. "Yes, ma'am." He gently took her arm and led her into the quiet saloon.
Seeing as how it was only 9:00 in the morning, not many patrons were seeking council in the bottom of a
bottle just yet. Except for six wayward lawmen.

The other protectors had positioned themselves spaciously around the interior of the tavern. Chris
Larabee taking his usual spot at the back table facing the swinging doors.

Josiah Sanchez had made himself comfortable near the front of the bar, placing his large frame backside to
the world.

Nathan Jackson had sequestered himself in a corner table near the front of the saloon, staring solemnly
at the full cup of java in his hand.

Ezra Standish, usually a noon riser, was surprisingly among the others, in a center table in the most focal
locale of the tavern, shuffling the ever present deck of cards.

The last two of the morose group shared a table across the room from their leader. Buck Wilmington and JD
Dunne, who were the most boisterous of the crowd, were sullen in their speech to one another. Neither of them
allowing their voices to reach above a whisper, either out of respect or lack of energy, no one could tell.

Tanner and Nettie came to a stop just inside the batwing doors allowing their eyes to adjust to the

Ms. Wells took a deep breath as she gazed over the sorry bunch in front of her. "Well, if this ain't the
most depressing site I've seen in all my born days. Who up and died?" She let her glance stop on each man,
looking them directly in the eye.

"I'm sorry Ms. Wells, but it seems that today is not a good day for socializing. Please forgive me." Ezra
gave the woman a small nod before resuming his game of solitaire. She then noticed that the others had too
turned away from her, not only physically, but emotionally.

Nettie glanced to the man standing next to her and was shocked at the sheer hurt shining from his eyes. But
that only lasted for a brief moment, for as soon as the tracker sensed the scrutiny, he once again became
an unreadable piece of marble.

"How about that cup of coffee, Ms. Nettie?" He started to step down but a hand on his arm stopped him.

"I'm afraid I changed my mind Vin. I really need to get back to the ranch and do some chores. Why don't
you and the boys come out later for some dinner?" She smiled at the man she had adopted with as much feeling
as she could, even though she felt her heart breaking.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think we'll stay near town in case of trouble." Tanner hadn't wanted to
refuse, but keeping company with the mother figure right now was last on his mind.

"All right. You all just come out when you can, the offer stands." Nettie patted the arm softly then left
the seven men alone, once again.

The sharpshooter watched the woman he loved like a mother leave and then quietly berated himself for his
behavior. He knew he was probably worrying the poor lady, but that didn't help him shove the memories away.

"Hey Vin, did you find any tracks on them horse thieves?" Buck's voice startled the younger man for a
moment but he quickly recovered.

He turned toward Wilmington and shook his head slightly. "Naw. The way this winds been blowing, I barely found
tracks at the sight where they snatched 'em." Vin meandered his way to the bar not too far from Josiah's
position and reached for a cup and the coffee pot near him.

"Think we need to warn folks?" Sanchez's baritone somehow caused the tracker to relax. He figured it was
just the ex-preacher's practiced tone for injured souls, that he was detecting.

"I doubt it. From the looks of what I found, it was just a couple of drifters looking for new mounts. But
I guess it wouldn't hurt to be prepared." Tanner took a small sip of the warm liquid then felt himself
drifting back in time.

"Do you know what today is Vin?" Emma Tanner leaned down so she could look into the baby blue eyes of her
little boy.

"No ma. What?" The lanky 4 year old stared at his momma's face, trying to etch ever inch of it into his
little brain.

She smiled so bright it reminded Vin of the most sunny day in May. "Well, today is the day that you tell the
people you love how much they mean to you."

The little blonde squinted his eyes in a frown. "I thought that was Christmas. Today ain't Christmas ma."

Emma couldn't help but chuckle at the youngster. "I know Vin. Yes, you tell people you love them on
Christmas, but this day was set aside just for love. Most believe its just for the love between a man and
woman but I think that everybody should make a special effort to tell anyone they love just how they feel."

Vin thought his ma's words over slowly then started to grin. "Do you love me ma?"

Emma squatted down so she was eye level with the little boy. "I love you more than life Vin Tanner. I thank
God everyday that he sent you to me and I want you to promise me that you'll never forget that."  The young
woman waited as she saw the concentration Vin was putting into the statement.

The little boy pulled himself up to his full height and stared at his momma. "I love you too, ma and I
promise to always love you like you love me." Vin's grin broke through again and this time was mirrored by
the lady in front of him.

"Good, then Happy Valentine's Day my sweetheart."

"Happy Valweentine's Day, ma."

Tanner felt the emotion of that day as if it was happening all over again. He shook himself from the
reverie and tried to pull his mind back on the subject they had been discussing earlier.

"You all right, brother?" Josiah had watched the play of feelings cross the younger man's face, trying to
will himself to turn away, for Vin's thoughts were his own, but something in the tracker's features told him
more about the lanky man then in the months since they first met.

The ex-bounty hunter stilled his memories once more to the back of his mind and glanced at his friend. "Yeah,
just got a lot of things on my mind today is all."

The ex-preacher watched the mask fall back into place and realized that Larabee and Standish had nothing on
Tanner's poker face. Sanchez smiled softly hoping he could convey his friendship to this man in that smile.
The slow grin that was returned affirmed he had and then he too felt himself lose reality to his past.

"Mr. Josiah, what does this word mean?" The small Mexican girl glanced up from the bible she was looking
at, to the man that was holding her on his lap. She had been learning the English language since the big man
and his father had arrived at their village several months ago.

Josiah looked at the word the child was pointing too. Love. He chuckled at the thought of trying to explain
such a complex meaning to such an innocent mind.

"Well my dear Rose, its means different things to different people."

"What does it mean to you?" She stared affectionately into the older man's face.

"Okay, lets see if I can explain this. Love means forgiving a person anything who has nothing but the
purest heart and best of intentions." Sanchez could see the girl's confusion radiating from the frown.
"Lets try it this way. Do you know when you do something bad and then you know your madre is going to
be mad?" He waited until she had nodded her head in affirmative before continuing. "But then you also know
that no matter what bad things you do that she will always be there for you and love you." Rose once again
nodded her head yes. "Then that's what love means to me. Always being there for someone no matter what."

Josiah watched the little girl's face light up as she grasped the meaning.

"Then I love you Mr. Josiah, cause I will always be there for you if you need me." Rose clapped her hands
in delight.

The minister's son was shocked at the declaration, at first, but then the thought behind such a statement had
the big man smiling in awe. Love was truly an inspiring emotion.

"Do you think we need to be at the dance tonight Josiah?" The ex-preacher flinched slightly as he
realized Chris was speaking to him but quickly recovered before anyone noticed.

"Might be a good idea. There'll be liquor and men and those two are definitely deadly combinations."

Larabee nodded at the big man's wisdom. He would know all about the temptations and outcomes of men and
booze. "All right. Then two of us will take shifts at a time. Vin and I'll take first then Nathan, Ezra,
then Buck, JD, and then I'll take the last watch with Josiah." Each man accepted the assignments without
complaint, which didn't surprise the black-clad man. He knew that none of the others wanted to voluntarily
attend the shin-dig, so being duty bound would get them out of participating in the festivities. Parties.
Flowers. Love. Chris shook his head at the train of thought. The last thing he wanted to remember on this
day was love.

But like many others, he couldn't seem to escape the call of the days gone by.

"Chris, you and Adam get in here and get ready. I told Ms. Hopkins we would be early to help set up for
the dance." Sarah stared at her husband and son as they strode back to the house. Little Adam was quite
tall for a 5 year old but she still remembered the day he was born.

"Now don't you go drifting off on me." Chris grabbed Sarah and spun her once before sitting her back on her

"Mr. Larabee if you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you would keep from doing that. It makes me dizzy."
Larabee chuckled at the glare his wife threw at him. He knew she didn't mean it but it still made him laugh
when she tried to sound stern.

"What if I refuse?"

"Then I will dance with every other man in town except for you." Sarah stepped back and crossed her arms over
her chest in defiance.

Chris had seen this tactic many times since he first met her and it still had no effect on him. "Fine by
me, but will any of those other fellas get you a Valentine's Day gift?" He knew he had her. The glint
of curiosity flashed in her green eyes.

"Did you get me something?" Sarah thought she was gonna burst with excitement.

"Well, I did but since you don't seem to mind who you dance with...." Chris never got a chance to finish as
Sarah landed a punch to his mid-section.

"Give it up, Mr. Larabee."

The rancher laughed out right as he pulled the box from his pant pocket. "Yes ma'am." He watched her
close as she opened the blue velvet box and felt his heart stop as the tears started to slide down her
face. "Sarah, what's wrong?" Chris had thought it was the perfect gift for the holiday.

Sarah picked the silver locket up with trembling fingers, trying to think of something to say. "Its
beautiful Chris. Its the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." She gazed at her husband through watery
eyes and couldn't keep the smile from her lips.

"I don't know. I can think of at least two things more beautiful." Chris reached over and opened the locket
to reveal a picture on each side. One of their wedding day and the other of when Adam was a baby. "Happy
Valentine's Day, Mrs. Larabee."

"Is ever two hours okay, Chris?" Nathan repeated the question for the second time not understanding the
lack of response from the leader.

Larabee shut his eyes quickly, reigning in the play of memories before answering the healer. "Yeah Nate. That
should do." Chris nodded his head and then drained the remains of his coffee in one gulp, trying to wash away
the pain he was experiencing all over again.

Jackson silently observed the scene, figuring out the reasoning for the silence earlier and feeling himself
drifting away from it.

"Hi Nathan."

"Miss Anna. Something I can h'lp ya with?" Nathan stood outside the kitchen entrance to the mansion with
his eyes cast downward from the master's daughter.

"Actually there is Nathan. I wanted to get my dad a special Valentine's Day gift and Ms. Sophie said you
might could help."

The young black boy glanced up in surprise then down once more at his mistake. "How can I h'lp?"

"Well, the other day I saw you carrying the prettiest bunch of flowers toward the slave quarters. I was
wondering if you could bring me a bouquet of the flowers?" Anna started to reach out to the boy but
thought better of it. "Please, I would surely appreciate it."

"Yes Miss Anna, I would be happy to, but..." Nathan trailed off his sentence as he realized what he was
about to ask.

"What is it Nathan?" Anna did move forward a bit.

"I was a wonderin' if you could tell me what a Valentine's Day was, ma'am?" The young man allowed his
gaze upward a fraction.

"I would be happy too. Its a day of love. A day to show your true feelings for someone."

"Oh, kinda like the other day when I took my ma some of 'em flowers." Nathan did allow his small head to
raise to eye level with the girl.

"That's exactly what this day is." Anna smiled as she saw understanding in the small boy's face.

"Thank ya, Miss Anna."

"Thank you, Nathan."

"Mr. Jackson I asked you a question." Standish waited for the healer to come back to reality and answer him.

"Sorry Ezra. What did you just ask me?"

"I was merely acquiring if you wanted to partake in a game of chance with me." The gambler stopped shuffling
long enough to glance at the other man.

"No thanks Ezra. I'm not in the mood."

"Seems to be a contagious event this day, my friend." The southerner turned back to his deck and found himself
thinking of a time long ago.

"Ezra, darlin'. Are you ready?" Maude Standish stood at the open door of the hotel room and waited for the
arrival of her teenage son.

"I'm on my way Mother." Ezra stepped from around the bed and slowly took in his mother's appearance. She
was, as usual, immaculate. "Your looking wonderful today I might add."

Maude gave him a smile. "Of course I am dear. Today is a day of importance in our lives. This day was
designed just for me." Ms. Standish sat down her duffel and approached the young man. "If there was any
other day to fleece the poor men of society, one has not been appointed. The day of 'love'..." Maude
stopped to clear her throat, "is a woman's dream. I can actually convince a man of many things today just
on the precipice of a silly emotion. I want you to sit back and take notes today, Ezra, so as to protect
yourself in the future from fortune hunting women."

"Such as yourself, mother?" The young man cocked a dark eyebrow at the woman.

"I have you know I am a woman of vision, which is entirely different from fortune hunting my dear boy.
You remember that." Maude turned and left her son standing in the doorway.

"I will mother, and Happy Valentine's Day to you too."

"Does anybody know if Ms. Potter is making one of her chocolate cakes for the dance?" JD noticed the sudden
jerk of Standish's shoulders but saw the stiffness return just as quick. The young sheriff looked from the gambler's form
to the solemn men around him wondering if they would answer, hoping they would give him a distraction from his thoughts.
But the lack of answers forced him back to his reverie.

"JD, where are you?" Rachel Dunne stood on the back porch of the Victorian house, awaiting the appearance
of her wayward 10 year old. As she was about to give up, a black haired boy came barreling around the
back fence at a dead run.

"You called, ma?" JD slid to a stop almost tumbling head first onto the steps.

Rachel chuckled at the boy's clothes. He was covered from head to foot in dirt. "JD, where have you been?"

"I was down at Ms. Corkren's helping her dig up some roses for some fancy party she's having tonight."

Rachel smiled. "Okay, but next time tell me when you leave."

"Yes, ma. Was there something you needed me for, cause if not I told Ms. Corkren I'd be back?"

"Well, I did want you to do one thing for me, if you can?"

JD's face broke into a full grin. "Anything for you ma."

Rachel reached behind her and grabbed a peach pie from the window sill and placed it in the boy's hands.
"Take this to Ms. Corkren and tell her its for the party tonight and Happy Valentine's Day."

JD looked from the pie to his mother. "Did you make me a pie, ma?" The young boy's grin had vanished.

"Of course. Your favorite, strawberry. I wouldn't forget to make my valentine a present now would I?"
Rachel put her hands on her hips and frowned at her son.

JD's smile quickly returned. "Nope, cause I'm your little darlin'." The boy turned and began to run back
the way he came but stopped suddenly, almost toppling the pie.

"Something wrong, JD?" Rachel started to step off the porch but stopped when she saw the look JD gave her.

"Nope. Just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day ma." Then he disappeared around the fence.

JD sighed heavily as he came back to the present.

"You okay kid?" Buck looked up from his study of the table.

"Yeah. Just thinking is all."

Wilmington nodded his head, knowing exactly what the boy was going through. He, himself was having that

"Buck!! Come down here this minute." The bustle of the saloon did nothing to lessen the yell from an
angry Abigail Wilmington.

Buck looked around the room for a quick escape but could find none, so he figured the best way out was to
confess. The 7 year old slowly made his way down the steps into the goings on of the tavern to face a
red-faced mother.

"Yeah ma?" Buck gave her his best charm filled smile but it didn't seem to work.

"You had better have a very good explanation young man." Abby tried not to give in to the adorable face
of her son as he stared up at her.

"Well, tell me what I done first and then I'll tell you why I did it." The little boy let a lop sided grin
take over his features.

Abby sighed knowing she should have given up before she started. "I just got a lecture from Ms. Barrett on
how to raise children to respect other peoples property. Did you take some of her prize winning
flowers from her garden?"

"Well no ma'am. I just took some of them weedy looking ones." Buck couldn't understand why his ma was so
upset. He was just helping Ms. Barrett clean her garden by taking them different colored flowers.

"It doesn't matter what you took son. You should never take anything from anybody without askin' first,

Buck nodded his head. "But I only wanted a few ma. I heard Mr. Randolph ask Ms. Barrett for some to give to
his wife for...." The little boy stopped to think about what he wanted to say. "Oh yeah, Valentinoo's Day."

Abby chuckled. "You mean Valentine's Day, Buck?"

"Yeah that's it. Said it was real important to get a woman flowers today, so I figured I would get you some
ma. Your a woman and I didn't think anybody else would get you any." Buck's voice faded with the last of his

Abby dropped to her knees in front of Buck. "I wouldn't care if they did, because your the most
important man in my life and I'll treasure those flowers forever." A lone tear slid down the dark-haired woman's face.
"I love you my little boy."

Buck reached up and grabbed his ma around the neck. "And I love you."

Wilmington had to shut his eyes to hold back the tears. That had been the happiest he remembered of his ma.

The seven men recoiled into themselves trying to block out anything and everything around them, but life
didn't seem to want to work that way on this day.

"Excuse me?" The tiny voice startled the men, but they quickly recovered as their eyes came into contact
with  a dirt covered little blonde girl. "Could you help me?" She didn't look older than 8 but her eyes
screamed of heartache beyond years.

Ezra stood from his table, slipping his cards in his pocket, as he came to stand next to the child.

"We will do everything in our power to help my dear lady. What is it we can do for you?"

The little girl blinked a couple of times before answering. "I was wondering if you could show me where
the graveyard is."

It was at that moment the seven protectors noticed the scraggly looking wildflowers clutched tightly in the
little girl's hands.

"We'll do better than that little darlin'." Buck walked up beside Ezra with the others on his heels.
"You just follow us, okay?"

The small child smiled slightly as the gunslinger's hand engulfed one of hers. She almost dropped her
precious cargo but the quick reflexes of the sharpshooter saved them.

"I'll hang on to these for ya." He smiled down at the little girl. "You got a name?"

"My ma named me Love." Each man blanched visibly but continued on their way with the little girl.

They arrived at the graveside unsure as to what to do next.

"Who are we looking for Love?" Nathan squatted down beside the child.

"My ma. She died a couple of months ago. Her name was Sara Gail." The little girl looked at each man

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can find her grave." Chris passed the child, briefly patting her shoulder.

The seven spread out, searching the grave markers. After a couple of minutes, it was JD's holler that got
their attention. "I found it!"

They all gathered around the small, white cross and waited for Love to make her move. She stood staring at
the marking for a few minutes but then stepped forward and laid her bouquet at the base of the cross.

"I wanted to say a part from my ma's favorite poem I had been memorizing but I can't remember all the words."
Love bent her head in sadness.

"Well, why don't you start the poem and then we'll see if we can't help you finish it." Josiah placed his
hand on top of the small head. The smile that greeted him had his lips twitching in response.

     Golden bells of welcome rolled
     Never forth such notes, nor told
     Hours so blithe in tones so bold,
     As the radiant mouth of gold
     Here that rings forth heaven.
     If the golden crested wren
     Were a nightingale ..."
Love was having trouble as the poem grew, so she glanced at the men around her and none was as surprised as Vin when he finished the
poem for the child.

"---why, then,
     Something seen and heard of men
     Might be half as sweet as when
     Laughs a child of seven."
Tanner smiled down at the little girl. "Where'd you learn that?"

"My ma had this book of poems my uncle sent her from back east. She used to read me the whole poem but this
was the only part I wanted to remember. I don't know exactly what it means, but my ma always use to cry
when she read this part. Said it meant the most to her."

"Don't worry Love, you'll understand when you get older. Trust me." Buck gazed around him at his friends
and knew that they had all understood something today that they would never forget.
