DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fanfiction based on the CBS television series, The Magnificent Seven. It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyrights of CBS, MGM, The Trilogy Entertainment Group, The Mirisch Corp., or anyone else who may have legal rights to the characters and settings. I don’t own the characters (although I'd cough up a few dollars for JD.) This story is strictly for entertainment. No monetary gain will be made from it.








By Linda Lickenbrock


Guest Cast:


A. Martinez as Raphael

Fabiana Udenio as Inez

Roger E. Mosely as Smitty

Kevin James as Jack

Brad Garrett as Bennett


Rating: PG ~ a little language…and things get a little hairy for JD for a bit…but…c'mon…this is the "kid"…I'm not gonna do anything to my boy that can't be fixed. <g>


Note: I apologize that this story is late. I had some medical problems that kept me away from my computer for a couple of weeks and was unable to get the story sent out. I also have another slight problem…can we say…"five billion e-mails". Sheesh!!







Buck Wilmington sat on the porch in front of the saloon, his long legs sprawled out in front of him, his hat pulled down low over his eyes, shading him from the noon day sun.


He was taking advantage of the fact that things had been pretty quiet in town lately. Barely enough to keep one peacekeeper busy, much less seven.


Buck's quiet siesta was interrupted as his best friend, young JD Dunne, came bounding up the boardwalk, carrying a box. "Hey, Buck! 'Ya got a package."


Even though he wasn't happy about being awakened, Buck had to smile at the boy's voice. Actually, Buck smiled at just about anything JD Dunne did.


Buck loved JD like a brother. In fact, the two had just pretty much adopted one another not long after the boy had arrived in town. Kid definitely needed watching, and Buck was more than happy to oblige.


The kid was nineteen ~ at least that's what he claimed, anyhow ~ although Buck highly suspected the boy padded that figure by at least a couple of years.


JD was both excited and agitated. Excited about the package, wondering what it could be and who it could be from and, at the same time, agitated that he'd received no response from Buck. The teen kicked Wilmington's boot and waved the box under his nose. "C'mon, Buck…open it up. Who'd send you a package, anyway?"


"Probably one of my many infatuated admirers, no doubt." Buck yawned from under his hat, never even opening his eyes. "Open it up, kid."


A huge grin stretched across the boy's young face, as he began to tear the wrapping from the box. The grin soon turned to a puzzled expression. "It's got holes in it, Buck. Wonder why it would have..." the youth got out before all hell broke loose.




Buck bolted awake, making a grab for the kid, but being half-asleep, he was no match for the lightening speed of the contents of the box.


"AAAAHHHHH!!!" JD screamed in fear and pain as the rattlesnake struck at him, sinking it's deadly fangs into his right forearm. The kid staggered backwards, then froze ~ terrified ~ as the snake slithered out of the box, towards him to strike again.


Buck reflexively pulled his gun and shot the snake, then dove to catch JD before he collapsed to the floor.


"JD!!" Buck cried. "Kid…kid…" Buck slammed down hard on the porch with the boy in his arms.


Even though JD had already turned a ghastly pale and was going into shock, the youth managed to get out one, gut wrenching word that made Wilmington's blood run cold.




Buck panicked further when he looked down to see JD's arm was beginning to swell and the area around the bite was turning crimson. "Nathan!!!"


JD's terrified screams, the gunshots and Buck's cries for help brought Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner and Ezra Standish scrambling from the saloon.


Seeing JD and Buck on the floor took the men by surprise.


"Where's Nathan??!!!" Buck screamed.


"He's helping Josiah at the church." Ezra stated, as he was already taking off in that direction.


"What the hell…?" Chris noticed the dead snake on the porch.


"…get…it away…please…get it…away…" JD chanted over and over in a pain-filled whisper.


The men all knew the kid had a phobic fear of snakes. Vin picked the reptile up and flung it into the alleyway alongside the saloon.


Tremors began to rack the boy's small frame. Chris removed his duster and placed it gently over the boy, knowing the shivers had nothing to do with being cold, but tried to keep him warm, none the less.


The town's healer, Nathan Jackson arrived, followed closely by Josiah Sanchez, both men taking the steps two at a time.


"What happened?" the healer asked as he slid to a stop next to the boy.


"…rattler…" Buck whispered, not wanting to upset JD any further talking about the snake.


Nathan was amazed. "Right here?? On the porch??"


"Long story." Buck said as he gently lifted JD's arm for Jackson's inspection.


Nathan tried his best to examine JD, but the teen was not cooperating. The boy was scared and kept trying to back away from Nathan, scooting closer to Wilmington. Buck was trying his best to calm the kid, but when it came to snakes, the kid was damn near impossible.


"…Buck…" JD gasped, as he grabbed the older man's arm in a death grip. "…get it away…please…"


Nathan felt the kid's forehead.




The boy was already getting a fever and was imagining the snake was coming at him again.


"JD…I gotta get that poison out. Now settle down, dammit." Nathan's tone came out much harsher than he meant, but he had to get the kid calmed down enough to do what needed to be done.


Chris could see that JD was slipping quickly. The kid was using up what little strength he had left getting agitated.


They were going to lose the boy.


And Chris wasn't going to let that happen.


Chris knelt down next to JD, taking the boy's face into his hands. "Son…the snake is dead."


"…no…no…it's not…it's gonna…gonna get me…" JD sobbed hysterically, pulling away and burying his face in Buck's shirt.


"JD…listen to me." Chris grabbed the boy's face again, shaking it a little to get his full attention. "Buck killed the snake and Vin got rid of it. It can't hurt you anymore, son."


JD's huge, scared, tear-filled hazel eyes turned up to his idol. Chris had never lied to him before. He focused on Chris' steel blue eyes and felt the trust there. He then closed his own eyes in relief.


"…good…" the youth said weakly, as he passed out.


"Do what you need to do, Nathan." Chris released his hold on the boy.


Nathan sprang into action. He got the knife ready to make the incision, then turned to Wilmington. "Buck…you keep him still? Or you want someone else to do it?"


"I'll…I…can do it…Nate." Buck wasn't sure if he was being totally honest. He wasn't really sure he could stand to see JD go through the painful procedure or not, but at the same time, he knew he couldn't stand to let anyone else hold the boy right now.


Buck made good on his promise and held the boy tightly as Nathan made the cut to suck out the poison.


JD whimpered, but never really woke up.


And for that, the others were all grateful.


"He's in shock. I hope I got most of the poison." Nathan shakily wiped the sweat from his own brow, realizing his hands were trembling with the action.


**How many times has this kid done this to me??** Nathan wondered as he pushed the boy's too-long bangs from his eyes, checking for fever once again. **Too many!!**


"We need to get him over to my place…quick." Nathan applied a crude bandage that would have to do until he got the kid to his makeshift clinic.


"I've got him." Buck scooped the boy up into his arms with little effort.


Chris rose, shaking his head. "I need to talk to Buck about this. Who the hell sent this box?"


"Forget it, Chris." Vin grabbed Larabee's arm, pulling the man back. "You know Buck ain't gonna be thinkin' straight right now. Don't nothin' matter right now but that boy."


"Yeah…I know." Chris agreed. "But this…snake…business…it's pretty sick."


"JD's pretty sick, too." Vin reminded. "Rattle snake bite's pretty bad thing. Seen a lot of 'em my day."


"Let's get that snake out of sight before someone sees it." Chris said.


"Wouldn't you just know the kid'd be the one…he's so scared of snakes anyway…and now…" Vin trailed off.


"C'mon, pard. Let's get it." Chris placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder as the two made their way down the steps. "I'm sure Nathan'll fix the kid up…good as new."


The two men walked into the alley and found the snake lying where Vin had tossed it earlier.


"Sh*t." Vin held up the snake, which was well over five feet long. "Damn thing's almost as big as the kid."






If it'd been stretched out in a straight line, Wilmington had probably paced for over a hundred miles.


At least that's what it had seemed like to Nathan. His surgery room was not big. And it was definitely not big enough to handle an injured JD Dunne accompanied by a worried Buck Wilmington.


Buck had finally settled down ~ now that JD's pain-filled cries had subsided to steady, even breathing, indicating the boy was sleeping soundly.




**God knows you deserve it, kid.** Just looking at the boy's anguished face was enough to make the big man's stomach lurch.




Not that he hadn't felt that way about twenty times already today.


Buck's eyes misted just thinking back to the agonizing hours spent here at Nathan's small clinic earlier in the day.


JD had been so scared.


**Who wouldn't be, hurt like he was?**


Naturally, it had to be the boy that got bitten by the snake.


Buck hadn't seen many things unnerve the gutsy kid since he'd jumped off that stage a few short months ago, but the man knew the boy well enough to know that snakes were definitely at the top of his list.


Watching Nathan trying to treat the boy, while trying to keep him away from him and out of the way, was almost more than the older man could stand.


Jackson finally realized that he wasn't going to get any where very fast without brother Buck, and gave into the fact that he would just have to work around the big man.


Buck worked his usual magic. His soft litany and gentle touch had the kid calmed down almost immediately, allowing Nathan to proceed.


Under the watchful eye of Wilmington, of course.


Nobody was going to hurt JD again.


**Kid's suffered enough.**


Watching the kid sleeping like an angel did nothing to alleviate Buck's overwhelming feelings of guilt. The boy's latest trip to Nathan's was Buck's fault ~ entirely.


Nathan had finally finished re-dressing JD's wound and given him something to help him sleep. But Nathan knew, as they all did, sleeping was not going to be easy ~ and was not going to be restful for the boy. He had been mumbling and crying about the snake the whole time Nathan was treating him. If Buck had not been there, the boy probably wouldn't have gotten through it at all.


"How can a kid no bigger 'n him put up enough of a struggle to wear out two, big 'ole boys like us, Buck?" Nathan slowly eased his long frame into a chair, feeling every muscle in his body revolt against the movement. He was wound as tight as a pocket watch. The stress of listening to the boy's cries had taken an emotional toll on the healer.


"I think what JD lacks in size…he more than makes up for in spunk. Comes from all them years of being picked on 'cause 'a his size." Buck ran a hand down his tired face, before turning to Jackson. "Least that's what I get from what he's told me about when he was a kid. I mean…" an uneasy, crooked smile appeared on the ladies man's face. "…when he was a littler kid."


"Well…anyway…thanks, Buck…I couldn't have done it without 'ya." Nathan admitted, completely drained from fighting with the boy.


"I need to be thankin' you, Nate. And I do. I can't imagine what I'd do if I lost this boy here." Buck sighed and reached over to stroke the boy's dark hair. "This little sh*t's gotten to be a pretty big part of my life, and I ain't ready to lose him right now."


"I know, Buck." Nathan reached over and patted Buck's shoulder. "Kid's kinda grown on all of us, I think. Ain't often you see a hard-assed gunslinger…likes of Chris Larabee… walkin' 'round all teary-eyed over some kid." Nathan smiled. "Why…even Ezra…who I never thought I'd see care about anyone more than his ownself…has got this boy up on some sort of pedestal."


"Yeah…he's a good kid…" Buck smiled as he stared at the small, still form in the bed. "…Good kid…" His voice then took on a serious tone as he questioned Jackson. "He…he's gonna be OK…right…?"


"Well…he's got a fever…and chills…but that's normal with a snakebite. I think he'll be OK if we can make sure he gets some rest. And that ain't gonna be easy for him…not as scared as he is." Nathan's heart ached for the boy, thinking back to earlier. "He's gonna be pretty restless…even though I gave him something to help him sleep." Jackson then turned to Buck. "He's gonna need you tonight…but you know that already…right?"


"Yeah…I'm here for the long haul, Nate. Just like always." Buck grinned.


The long haul.


Just like always.


Nathan knew that Buck wouldn't be leaving the boy's side until he was well on his way to recovery.


Just like always.


JD's fever was pretty bad and he was shivering, despite the warmth of three quilts on top of him. Plus the teen had not released his death-grip on Chris' duster yet, either. The swelling on his arm had gone done quite a bit, but not completely. Nathan was concerned if he had gotten all of the poison ~ but JD was still alive ~ and that was always a good sign.


Buck had moved his vigil to the edge of the bed, talking softly to the object of everyone's concern.


"I sure am sorry, son. Ain't right…shoulda been me."


Buck was thinking about what he'd do when he found out who sent him the package, when he heard the door open.


"How's the kid?" Chris poked his head around the door.


Nathan motioned Larabee in. "I think he'll be OK. Got a bad fever though. It's gonna be a long night, Chris."


"Hope you didn't come here to get your duster back, pard." Buck told his oldest friend, but never took his eyes off the boy. "Kid ain't let go of it since you put if over him."


Chris winced when he looked at the boy's pain-creased face. He looked even paler ~ and younger ~ than usual, if either of those was possible.


"Buck…" Chris began. "We need to talk…"


"Later." Buck said.




"I said…later."


"Sure." Chris gave in. He could tell that Buck was hanging by a thread and decided not to push the matter.


Standish knocked and entered. "How is our young friend faring?"


"Nathan thinks he'll be OK." Chris informed the gambler. "Not gonna do much to cure his fear of snakes, though."


"Such a shame." Ezra shook his head. "Poor boy's going to be in a frightful state over this, I'm quite certain."


"You boys find out anything?" Chris asked.


"Well…the wrapping that our Mr. Dunne removed showed that the package originated in Mexico." Ezra explained. "And the…cargo…shall we call it, for the boy's sake…was wrapped tightly in a Mexican blanket…thus explaining why no one heard a rattle."


Chris had a feeling that Ezra was holding back some information. "And…?"


Ezra seemed uncomfortable about continuing.


"Ezra? You have more?" Chris asked.


"This was also in the box." Ezra stated simply, as he held a cloth strip out for inspection, waiting for the eruption.


Which came immediately as Chris and Buck both recognized the material, and said in unison…"Don Paolo!!"


"G*dd*mm*t!!!" Buck yelled an sprang up from the bed, then suddenly turned to JD ~ and noted, gratefully, that the boy was still asleep.


The cloth strip in question was the one that Inez had given Buck to wear on his arm in his sword-fight against Don Paolo.


But Don Paolo was dead.


Whoever sent the package obviously sent it as a message ~ to Buck.


"It appears as if our young friend is the messenger boy…once again." Ezra's eyes filled, as he looked to the boy lying so still and so innocent in the bed.




"Why is this boy always getting hurt because of one of us?" Chris cried out, slamming his fist into the wall.


"Chris!" Nathan chastised. "I ain't got time to patch up all of ya'll…so I suggest you three get a reign on your tempers. And the next one of ya'll goes to screamin'…goes out the door."


"Sorry, Nathan." Chris let the healer know that his warning was being taken quite seriously.


Suddenly, the men heard a faint, confused voice. "…Buck…???"


Buck returned immediately to the boy's side, placing his hand gently to the boy's cheek. "Hey, kid. I'm sorry. Did we wake you with all our bellowin'?"


JD was fighting to keep his eyes open. "…are…are you OK…Buck? Did it…get…you, too…???"


**Hurt like he is ~ and he's worried about a no-good cowboy like me.**


"I'm fine, kid." Buck smiled, his eyes filling.


"…kay..." and JD drifted back to sleep.


Larabee came up behind Buck and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "He'll be OK, Buck. As long as you're here with him…he'll be fine."


"Well…then…he'll be fine for sure, Chris…'cause I ain't leavin' here till he walks out that door with me." Buck didn't try to stop the tears that now spilled down his face.


"You're a good friend, Buck." Chris whispered.


Good friend.


Buck had been Chris' friend for twelve years.


Twelve years.


It seemed to Chris that he had known Buck forever. Chris had been Buck's best friend for most of those years, though lately JD had taken sole possession of that honor.


Buck and the boy had hit it off right away ~ first day they met. Just took a natural liking to one another. Buck had always had a thing for strays and had since appointed himself as the kid's guardian.




More like ~ keeper.


Kid had a real knack for finding trouble. Chris had often threatened to lock the teen up in the jail for about four years. But then the kid would use those G*dd*mn puppy-dog-eyes of his ~ and all would be forgotten ~ until the next time he got in trouble or got hurt.


Chris looked over at the kid. He seemed to be resting, somewhat comfortably. He'd stir every once in a while, mumbling about the snake, and Buck would offer him his comforting touch that seemed to make everything all right for the boy, and he'd drift off again.


Chris decided to have a seat in the corner and wait until Buck felt he was able to leave the kid's side for a bit.


Then they would decide what needed to be done.






Chris had sat for a good two hours ~ watching Buck ~ watch the kid.


Finally, Buck pushed himself up off the bed, checking to make sure the movement hadn't wakened the kid, and carefully tiptoed his way across the room to a chair next to Chris.


"He seems to have calmed down." Chris noted, quietly.


"Yeah…finally. He's been in such a fret…G*dd*mn belly walkers…kid's so scared of 'em…" Buck choked out.


"He'll be OK, Buck." Chris leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and turned to his friend. "He'll look to you…and you'll get him through it."


"I hope I can. He's gonna have nightmares about this…I just know it." Buck stretched and settled deeper into the chair.


"Who wouldn't?" Chris agreed.


"Ain't that the truth. I tell 'ya, Chris…you shoulda seen it…the way that thing sprang out of that box…kid's lucky he didn't get bit right in the face…" Buck shuddered as the scene from earlier that day replayed itself in his head.


"He was just lucky you were there, Buck. He woulda got bit more than once if you hadn't been there to kill it." Chris reminded.


"I guess." Buck sighed. "'Course if I'd have opened my own G*dd*mn mail…kid wouldn't have got hurt at all."


"Ain't your fault, Buck." Chris comforted. "Remember that. Don't be wollowin' in guilt when the kid's gonna be needin' 'ya."


"Yeah. Ain't gonna be gettin' much sleep…for a while…I guess." Buck speculated. All of the men knew of the boy's penchant for nightmares. And the events of the day would rear its ugly head for quite a while in the boy's sleep. "Might as well put me a bedroll in his room when he's able to leave Nathan's. Till he's…till he's past it."


"I know I told 'ya this before…but you're a good friend, Buck." Chris patted his friend on the back as he rose from the chair.


"So's he…" Buck trailed off.


"I'm gonna go have a little talk with Inez. Maybe she can shed a little light on this Don Paolo situation. I'll be back later."


"I'll be here." Buck made his way back to edge of the bed.


"Where else would I look for 'ya, Buck." Chris smiled as he pulled the door shut.






As Chris entered the saloon, Inez' worried face greeted him. "How is young Senor Dunne?"


"He's gonna be fine…just needs to rest." Chris pulled out a chair and motioned for Inez to sit. "Buck's with him…so he'll be fine."


"Senor Buck is good for the boy. He is…how you say??" Inez smiled as she searched for the phrase and sat down next to Chris.


"Mother hen?" Chris suggested.


"Yes." Inez smiled.


"Yeah…old Buck'd lay an egg…if he thought it'd help the kid." Chris grinned.


"They love each other very much…I think. They are lucky…to be such good friends." Inez knew that Chris wanted to discuss Don Paolo. She was not looking forward to the conversation, but she knew it had to be. "But you did not come here to talk to me about the boy and Senor Buck…did you?"


"No, Inez. I came to talk to you about this." Chris held out the red strip of cloth ~ the one that Inez had heard from Ezra was in the box with the snake.


Inez took the strip and slowly rolled it between her fingers. She dropped it on the table, as if it were the snake itself. "I am sorry. I have caused more pain. First Senor Buck…and now the boy. Will it never end?"


"Don Paolo's dead, Inez. Who could be doing this?" Chris wanted answers.


"His father…no doubt. His father is a great patrone. Much power…many who serve him. I am sure that Senor Buck is in much danger." Inez was fingering the cloth strip again. "This…this is just so there is no mistake…that Senor Buck is aware of who did this terrible thing."


"So…I guess he's got someone watching. You think he already knows that Buck wasn't hurt?" Chris figured there had to be someone in town reporting to the patrone.


Inzez nodded. "I am sure that by now…he already knows Senor Buck was not hurt. But…he will try again. You must believe me." Inez grabbed Larabee's arm. "You must warn Senor Buck…this is far from over."


"Don't worry, Inez. We'll be careful." Chris patted Inez' arm and stood to leave, but Inez did not loosen her grip.


"Please…you must tell young JD that I am praying for him." Inez let go of Larabee, moving both hands to wipe her eyes. "I will visit him…tomorrow. He is such a sweet, sweet boy. Please…tell him I am sorry."


"It's not your fault, Inez. But I will tell him you'll be coming to see him. That will definitely cheer him up. He'll be wanting something prettier than Buck to look at." Chris smiled as he left.






JD opened his eyes slowly and tried to adjust to the darkness.


Was it starting to get dark??


Or was it starting to get light??


Where was he???




Why was he at Nathan's??


Then he suddenly remembered.




God ~ how he hated snakes.


Always had.


Always would.


He tried to forget about the snake. Then another thought entered his head.


Where was Buck???


It wasn't like Buck to leave him alone. Buck was always there when JD woke up.


What time was it??


Or, for that matter ~ what day was it??


JD was so disoriented. He felt like his body was in the bed, but his head was floating up at the ceiling.


The teen tried to slowly pull himself up in the bed. Maybe sitting up would help clear the cobwebs in his head. God, his arm hurt like hell, but he did manage to sit up. That accomplished, he figured he might as well make an actual attempt at getting out of bed.


It wasn't easy, but he was finally able to swing his legs off the bed and he felt his feet touch the floor.


Now, if he could just find his shoes.


He pushed himself up off the mattress and headed around to the end of the bed.




JD leaned over to pick them up.


Big mistake.


His head started swimming, so he grabbed the end of the bed to steady himself.


He finally got his shoes on and just sat on the edge of the bed for a bit, hoping the wave of nausea that had hit him would pass.


After sitting for a few minutes, he felt the dizziness diminish, so he got up and made his way to the door ~ opened it ~ and ran right into…




"God, Buck…you scared me." the boy gasped.


"I…scared…you…??? Your pint-sized ass is supposed to be in that bed over there. I go to the outhouse for two minutes…two minutes…and you're traipsin' all over hell's half acre. What the hell you doin' up?" Buck finally stopped his heart from racing, and took a good, hard look at the boy. "And…G*dd*mn…you're dressed!! Where the hell you think you're goin'?"


"I'm fine, Buck. I don't need to be in bed."


"Yeah…right. Don't you think that's Nathan's decision?" Buck had spun the kid around, both hands on his shoulders, steering him back towards the bed.


The boy shirked away from Wilmington's hold. "No…I think it's my decision, Buck. I'm fine."


"I've seen your fine before, kid…lot's 'a times. Usually when I'm haulin' your ass all over creation." Buck fumed. "Now…get in bed, kid."




"Get in bed, kid…or I'll put you there myself."


"Try it, Buck." A playful grin appeared on the boy's face.


"Oh…you're feelin' cocky, eh?" Buck smilded, grateful that the boy was feeling better.


The chase was on!


Buck grabbed for the boy, but the kid made a mad dash around the end of the bed.


As Buck came around the end, JD jumped onto the bed, then off the other side to avoid the much larger man's reach..


The horseplay continued until Buck finally managed to catch the kid's ankle and held on, sending the boy sprawling face-first across the bed.


"I guess you are feelin' pretty good, kid." Wilmington huffed, out of breath.


"…told…'ya…" the boy's voice almost a whisper, muffled in the covers.


"How's the arm, kid?" Wilmington worried the shenanigans might have been too much for the youth.


"It's OK." JD flopped over on his back, craning his neck, looking upside-down at Buck. Throbs a little…but not too bad."


"I'm sorry 'bout what happened, JD."


"Yeah, Buck…I know." JD rolled over onto his side, propped himself up with his good arm, and turned to his older brother. "What did happen, Buck?"


"Oh…my good friend…Don Paulo??? Well…seems he's sent me a package from the grave." Buck could see the color drain from the boy's face. "JD…you OK, son?"


"Someone's comin' after you because of Don Paulo?" The kid scrambled up on his knees, like he was ready to run to lock the door.


Buck grabbed the boy's shoulders to steady him. "Calm down, kid…'ole Buck's fine."


"Buck…you gotta be careful. He was a pretty mean guy. He's bound to have mean friends."


Wilmington wrapped his arm around the boy's neck and pulled him close. "I'll be careful, kid."


JD looked up to Buck. "Can I go now?"


Buck stood and pulled the boy up by his good arm. "I guess we'll go by the café and tell Nathan I'm takin' you to your room."


"My room?"


"You're goin' to bed, kid."




"JD…don't argue."


"Buck…I'll do what I want."


Nathan walked in on the argument. "What's goin' on here?"


"Kid's bein' pig-headed."


"Buck's bein' bossy…again."


"Kid won't listen to reason."


"Buck won't let me do what I want."


"This boy's gonna be the death of me."


"Buck's drivin' me crazy."


"Whoa!!! Whoa!!! Whoa!!!" Nathan cried out, his hands raised in surrender.


The two friends stopped arguing and looked at Nathan.


"WHAT???" the two said in unison.


"Why don't you two go your separate ways for a bit?" Nathan suggested.


"What'cha mean?" Buck asked.


"You two obviously have a problem. You need to take a break from each other." Nathan knew they'd both had a hard day. The boy ~ the snake attack, the fever, the pain, the sedative ~ all added up to make for one very cranky boy. And Buck ~ seeing the kid go down like he did, trying to keep him calm, hearing the boy's screams ~ all wore on the man worse than if he'd been hurt himself.


"JD…you get to bed…either here or your room." Jackson then turned his attention from the boy to Wilmington. "Buck…you go get a drink or somethin'."


"OK." Buck said quietly.


"Well…I don't think I need to go to bed, anyway…" JD started before he felt the dagger-glare of one mad Nathan Jackson, then added, dejectedly. "…ok…ok…If I gotta…I wanna go to bed in my own room."


"Fine…then get goin'…and don't dawdle. Keep that arm still…don't want that cut to start bleedin' again. I'll be over later to change the bandage." Nathan scooted the boy towards the door.


"…ok…" JD turned, his huge hazel eyes meeting Buck's dark blue ones.


Buck immediately felt like he'd let JD down. He knew the boy needed him, tonight especially. There was no way the boy would be able to get to sleep without his big brother. And even then, there was no guarantee he'd stay asleep. And when he'd wake up tonight, he'd need Buck.


But there was no way JD was going to stand there, in front of Nathan and God, and admit that he was afraid to go to sleep tonight. Anywhere. And especially in his own room ~ alone.


Hell…Buck needed to be with the boy for himself, too. It was all his fault that JD was hurt. He at least owed it to the boy to be there for him.


"Maybe I should make sure he gets to his room…" Buck fidgeted.


"Buck…go get a drink…or better yet…a woman. Take your mind off the kid for a while." Nathan pushed Wilmington towards the door, also.


"OK…" Buck said, eyeing the kid in front of him.


The two brothers looked at each other briefly, then silently turned away and walked out.


Nathan moved to the window to watch how the scene played out.


He saw JD and Buck as they appeared on the boardwalk below. The two stopped and talked for a while.


He watched as Buck placed his hand on the kid's shoulder as they continued their talk.


Soon, Buck's hand moved its way up to the kid's neck.


Next, Wilmington pulled the boy to him in a brotherly embrace, the kid wrapped his arms around the big man, who then swung him around off the boardwalk onto the street.


They continued towards the kid's room, with Buck's arm hooked around the boy's neck.


"Them two…" Nathan said out loud, to no one but himself, shaking his head, tears stinging his eyes as the thought about how close the two friends were.


Nathan would have continued watching his friends, but there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."


Chris stuck his head in. "Hey, Nathan. I was lookin' for Buck. Thought he'd be here checkin' on the kid."


"JD was feelin' better and wanted to go to his own room. The two of them just left a few minutes ago."


"Thanks, Nathan." Chris headed back to the door.


"Anything wrong, Chris."


"Not sure, Nathan."


"Well…you know where to find me."


"Thanks, Nathan."






Chris headed for the boarding house. He could see Buck and JD sitting on the steps.


"Hi, Chris." JD smiled up at Larabee as he approached.

"How 'ya feelin', son?"


"I'm fine, Chris."


"How's the arm?"


"Pretty good, Chris."


Chris turned his concern to his oldest friend. "Buck…you need to be careful for a while till we flush this guy out."


"I told him that, too, Chris." JD chimed in. "'Course…nobody ever listens to me."


"I'll be careful, Chris…don't you worry 'bout me." But Buck's only concern was the boy, who he turned to and added. "Nathan said for you to be gettin' to bed."


JD would have argued about being sent to bed, but he was so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open. "…kay…" he yawned, weakly.


The two got up from the steps to go inside when ~ suddenly ~ there was a rider coming fast down the middle of the street.


"BUCK!!! GET DOWN!!!" Chris yelled, his guns out instantly.


Buck instinctively pushed the kid down and covered him with his own body.


The horse slid to a stop in front of the trio.


"Ola, amigos."




"Raphael…long time no see." Larabee holstered his gun and offered his hand as Raphael dismounted.


"Amigo." Raphael shook Chris' hand heartily.


Raphael looked up to see Buck rising. "And you…Senore Wilmington…glad to see you are well."


"Raphael…" Buck smiled. "Surprised you're showing your face around here."


"Figure I have nothing to lose, Senore. I came to see you, in fact."




"Don Paulo's family has sworn revenge against you, for killing Don Paulo…and against me…for betraying him."


"So…you figured you'd bring your trouble here?" Chris growled.


"I am trying to stay one step ahead. They have been tracking me. I thought perhaps I could get here ahead of them…set a trap."


"'Fraid you're a little late." Chris said.


"You received a package already?"


"Yep." Buck said.


"Scorpions?" Raphael asked.




"Oooh…were you hurt?"


"No…but JD…" Buck suddenly remembered his young friend and returned to the porch. "JD??? You OK???"


"…yeah…" the kid said sleepily, still sitting on the floor where Buck had left him. "…just…kinda…tired…"


"C'mon, kid. Let's get you up to your room."




"Be right back, Raphael."




Buck helped the kid up to his room.


Chris leaned against the porch railing. "JD opened the box sent to Buck. Ratt'ler got him good."


"Poor chiquito."


"Any idea who these people are? How many of them there are?"


"I am sure my former patrone would not hire people I knew. That would make it too easy for me to avoid them. He is a very shrewd man."


"Well…he'd be a very dead man…if I get my hands on him." Chris seethed. "Kid's been sick as a dog."


"No doubt. I am sorry."


Buck walked up to join Chris and Raphael.


"Get the kid settled in bed?" Larabee asked.


"Yep…he fought me all the way until his head hit the pillow. Out like a light." Buck then turned to Raphael. "So…who do you think the son-of-a-bitch is?"


"Let's go to the saloon and try to figure out what to do." Chris said. "Ezra's already there…no doubt…maybe Vin, too. Buck…stop and get Nathan and Josiah on the way over."


"Gotta make it quick, Chris. You know the kid ain't gonna stay asleep for long."






After everyone was assembled, plans were presented.


"We just wait for the son-of-a-bitch to show his cowardly face…and take him down." Buck offered.


"Buck…" Chris sighed. "I really doubt he's gonna walk right up to us and introduce himself."


"Yeah…" Vin agreed. "He'll probably slither in like that snake he sent."


"If there is one thing I abhor…" Ezra began…"it is a coward. He could have easily hurt some innocent citizen with that little escapade."


"He did." Josiah boomed. "He had no fight with JD."


"Yeah…his fight was with me…not the kid…" Buck panicked as the words he'd just spoken began to register. "…the kid…" and Buck took off in a dead run for the boarding house.






Buck took the steps three at a time up to JD's room. He turned the knob and collided heavily with the door, not expecting it to be locked. "What the hell…?" Buck muttered.


JD had been in no condition to get up and lock the door when he'd left him. "JD!!! JD!!!" Buck pounded on the locked door.


The others came up behind him, except Vin who had circled around to the back of the boarding house.


"What's wrong?" Chris was alarmed that Buck was still in the hallway.


"The damn door's locked." Buck bellowed as he stepped back and kicked the door open, splintering the doorframe.


"G*dd*mn!!!" Buck screamed when he entered.


"Calm down, Buck…" Chris tried.


"Calm down? The kid's gone, Chris…or ain't you noticed that yet?" Buck swung his arm towards the empty bed and the open window.


"I noticed."


"Then you know I ain't gonna calm down…so hold your breath."


Vin came into the room.


"Mr. Tanner…have you ascertained how many men have abducted the boy?" Ezra asked as he looked around the room for clues.


"Three." Vin said quietly, knowing Buck would erupt.


"Let's go!!" Buck stormed towards the door, before he looked back to see Vin and Chris whispering. "What???!!!"


Vin started slowly, really not wanting to tell Buck what he'd found. "JD's horse…was saddled…and ready to go…but they left it behind."


"Why would they do that? Why would they want to slow themselves down ridin' double?" Buck shook his head. "Don't make sense."


"There was blood on the horse, Buck." Vin added, the look on the man's face killing the quiet tracker.


"That wound's opened up again. He probably couldn't ride by himself." Nathan observed.


"This just keeps getting worse." Buck slammed his hand into the doorframe as he made his way out of the room.


**G*d*mn kid. Jumps off that stagecoach and expects me to take care of him. Thinks nothin' can happen to him that old Buck can't take care of. Stupid kid. Someday he's gonna learn that old Buck can't take care of everything. But don't you worry, kid…today ain't gonna be that day. I'm comin' little brother.**






JD hurt.


God he hurt.


The wound on his arm was bleeding again and his head was pounding. **Guess Nathan was right about needin' to go to bed.** The teen felt nauseous and considered throwing up on the man in front of him, but thought better of it. That would probably only get him another beating, like the one he'd already endured in the livery when they found out he couldn't sit his horse.


"Get up there you little sh*t!!!"


"…I…I…can't. I…hurt my…arm…"


"Like we care. Get up there."


The huge black man, who was obviously the leader, tossed him up on his horse. JD screamed as the man had grabbed his bad arm ~ the rough handling causing the bleeding to begin again. He noticed the steady, heavy stream of blood dripping down, running off his fingers onto his horse. He began to feel lightheaded and could feel himself collapsing, but couldn't do anything to save himself from the sudden, hard fall to the ground.


"G*dd*mn you, boy…" The man grabbed him up from the ground and shook him like a ragdoll. "Ain't you man enough to sit a horse?"


He punched the boy in the stomach and held him tighter as his knees buckled and he started to go down. The man became infuriated and grabbed the kid up and threw him up on a horse behind another man. "Think you can manage to hold on?"


"…I…I…don't…wanna go…with you…" JD mumbled.


"Too bad, kid…I don't remember askin' what you wanted."






Chris headed out after Buck. "Give him a minute, brother." Sanchez grabbed Chris arm. "He needs a few minutes…alone."


"Buck doesn't need to be alone, Josiah…he needs…JD…and until he gets him back…until we get him back…" Larabee shifted his eyes away from the big preacher, unable to finish.


"We'll get him back, Chris." Josiah smiled. "Those men don't know what they've got with 'em…"


"But I am willing to wager that they are by now…no doubt…paying the price for taking the boy." Ezra said.


"What?" Chris seemed confused by the line of talk.


"C'mon, Chris…you know that boy's yakin's probably got them men wishin' they was deaf by now." Nathan tried to cheer the gunslinger.


"…Yeah…maybe so." And the men headed for the livery.






They were, of course, not surprised to find Buck in the livery ~ but they were surprised to find that he'd made no preparations for leaving yet.


The big man stood by JD's horse ~ one hand gently rubbing the animal's neck ~ the other absently fingering the blood on it's side. He looked up, startled as the others entered.


"JD'd be mad as hell…if we left his horse saddled. You know how that damn kid loves this horse." Buck choked out as he unsaddled the boy's horse.


Chris walked over and helped the man finish, then walked the horse into it's stall and made sure it had feed and water.


"He's bleedin' bad, Chris." Buck whispered.


Vin and Ezra started getting the horses ready, while Chris, Josiah and Nathan tried to get Buck ready for the trip.


"I've got my bag, Buck. I'll fix 'im up…soon as we find 'im." Nathan prayed he had everything he'd need for the boy.


"Brother Buck…the boy will be fine…" Josiah started, only to have Buck go on a rampage.


"Just how the hell can you say that?" Buck screamed. "Look at that…" he pointed to the blood on JD's horse. "That boy's bleedin' bad…and he's weak…and he's sick…and he's scared…"


"…Buck…" Chris tried.


"..and I'm scared…" Buck cried. "…Chris…they'll hurt 'im…just to get to me…"


"…Buck…" Chris tried again.


"Don't…Buck…me. This is all my fault…anyway. I shoulda opened that G*dd*mn box myself…but no…Open it up, kid…just like always…got JD doin' my work…Open it up, kid…" Buck broke down.


Sanchez came forward and wrapped his arms around his friend. "Buck…I mean it when I say the boy will be fine. God ain't got no use for a kid like JD right now. The Good Lord ain't got time to keep watch on 'im twenty-four hours a day…" Josiah patted Buck on the back. "That's your job, Buck."


Buck looked up. "Full time job, too."


"That it is, Buck…that it is." Josiah said. "And you better get to doin' your job."


"Horses are ready." Vin and Ezra lead the horses out of the livery.


"Let's go get 'im, Buck." Larabee gave a reassuring look to Wilmington.


They'd bring the kid back ~ or they'd all die trying.






Vin was in the lead, checking the trail. He was the best tracker in the area. If anyone could find JD, Tanner could.


He had the eagle eye and keen senses a good tracker needs. But in this case, he had more. He had the deep desire and urgent need to find the kid.


The kid was a good friend.


The kid was family.


The kid was his little brother.


His pain-in-the-ass little brother ~ but his little brother ~ none the less.






Raphael was uneasy about the ride. The group had spoken barely ten words since they'd left town. He finally broke the silence. "Why would they have taken the chiquito? These men were hired…just like the ones hired to find me. They were sent here to hurt Senore Wilmington."


"Exactly." Larabee nodded.


Standish noted the puzzled look on Raphael's face. "Young Mr. Dunne is the easiest way to hurt Mr. Wilmington." Standish smiled thinking of the two friends together. "One might say that the two…are…one."


Raphael thought back to his first meeting with the chiquito.


"If you're against Buck Wilmington…you're against me."


"It is a coward's way…hurting a child…" Raphael shook his head in disgust.


"Just no honor among kidnappers these days." Standish remarked as he prodded his horse up ahead to assist Tanner.






"…can…we…stop…???" JD pleaded weakly.


"Shut up!" the leader yelled. The boy had learned that the big man in charge was named Smitty.


"I'm…gonna…be…sick…" JD turned and threw up over the side of the horse, almost toppling off as he did so. The man in front of him reached around and steadied him. But it was too little ~ too late ~ as JD dropped limply to the ground.


"Hold up…stupid kid fell off."


The huge man he'd been riding with dismounted. JD's eyes widened as he saw the man approach him. He couldn't believe the size of the man. He made Josiah look short. The man grabbed JD by the collar, pulled him up and reared his hand back to strike the boy.


"…no…" JD begged, drawing his uninjured arm up to protect his face.


"Shut up!" He shook JD. "Stupid little sh*t! Why do those men put up with you…anyway?"


JD's legs gave out and he collapsed to the ground. The man pulled him up again and easily hoisted him up into the air and roughly deposited him on the back of the leader's horse. "You babysit 'im for a while…I've had it."


"Fine, Bennett." The leader told the biggest man. "Take the point, then."


The third man was silent, shooting the kid an uneasy grin when he saw the boy glance his way.






"Why do those men put up with you…anyway?"


"Why do those men put up with you…anyway?"


The words kept reverberating in JD's aching head.


Why did his friends put up with him?


He wasn't a fast-as-lightning gunfighter that could save your life…like Chris.


He wasn't a top-notch tracker and sharpshooter, both equally life-saving skills…like Vin.


He wasn't a healer that could save your life after someone else tried to take it…like Nathan.


He wasn't a preacher, who could save your soul…like Josiah.


He wasn't a crafty, good-in-a-pinch con man that could save your money…like Ezra.


He wasn't a charmer that could fast-talk them out of any dangerous situation…like Buck.


He wasn't even a man ~ at least not a full-grown man ~ like the rest of them.


He was just a boy. As he'd been told so many times.


Just a boy.


Why did his friends put up with him???






The tension in Buck's back and neck had inched its way up until his head felt like it was about to explode right off his shoulders.


**How the hell can one boy get into so much trouble?**


How many times had Buck asked himself that question?


Probably only once a day since the kid had shown up, refusing to leave.


**Took on the infamous Chris Larabee that day, kid. You did real good.**


A soft chuckle escaped Buck as he thought back to that first day.


"What?" Larabee's horse suddenly appeared next to Wilmington's.


"…Just…thinkin'…'member that first day? Kid got right in your face?" Buck grinned. "Sh*t that kid's got guts."


"…Yeah…I remember." Chris smiled. "Hard to forget some little kid…standin' on his tip-toes…gettin' in your face…"


"Still think he's not the type?" Buck asked.


"Yep." was Larabee's simple answer.


"Why'd you give in?" Buck wondered. "Why'd you let 'im stay?"


"Meanin'…if I hadn't…he'd be safe now?" Chris figured Buck was thinking along the same lines he himself had been for the past hour.


"No…I don't mean that at all, Chris." Buck grabbed Larabee's wrist. "Not at all."


"Well…I shoulda sent the kid packin'…coulda saved us…and him…a lot of trouble."


"Now, Chris…you know that little sh*t attracts trouble like sugar attracts ants. If you'da sent him packin'…he'da just been facin' trouble on his own."


"You wanna know why I let 'im stay, Buck? I mean…the real reason?" Chris took a deep breath before he continued. "I…I let 'im stay…'cause I was afraid what would happen to 'im on his own. No one to watch out for 'im." Larabee's steel blue eyes had an even colder, harder glare than usual. "…Kid his size…face like an angel…wouldn't take long before some…well…you know. Things happen to young boys that look like JD…that ain't right…"


"Chris…I want you to know…ain't a day goes by that I don't thank the man upstairs…that you changed your mind and let 'im stay." Buck grinned.


"Oh…really???" Chris scoffed. "Never woulda guessed. Like you'dve let me turn him away for good…anyway."


"Can't say we've done the boy a whole lotta good, this time, though." Buck grimaced. "At least…me…anyway."


JD was being used as a pawn ~ once again ~ against the others.


A messenger ~ once again.


The Seven's Achilles heel was easy to spot.


The kid.


Pure and simple.


The kid.


The others were all tough, unbreakable men.


Except for one weakness.


The kid.






"Get 'im down. We'll camp here." The leader barked the orders and the others jumped to pull the boy off the back of his horse.


"Aaaggghhh!!!" JD screamed when the biggest man pulled him down grabbed right where he'd been bitten.


"Shut up!" the man growled. "You are the whinin'st kid I ever did see." He tossed JD to the other man, who managed to keep him upright. "Here Jack. Get him outta Smitty's sight…'fore he gets really mad."


Jack walked the boy over to a fallen tree. "Sit down. And be quiet."


JD hugged his arm to him, trying to stop the bleeding. **What would Nathan do???** The boy started feeling woozy and slowly let himself slide off the tree until he was sitting on the ground, leaning up against the tree for support.


The three men had huddled and were talking.


"He don't look good, Smitty." Jack said.


"I know. I didn't know he was already hurt when we grabbed him." Smitty shook his head, looking at the boy. "Well…ain't our fault if he don't make it."


"Why'd we stop anyway. They're bound to be lookin' for 'im." the biggest man, Bennett, asked.


"What do we care? We don't care if they catch us. If they do…we get Wilmington. That is what this is all about…right?" Smitty snarled.


"Yeah…but…" Jack began.


"But, nothin'. We get Wilmington. That's what we're gettin' paid for. If'n the boy don't make it…boss just gets two for the price 'a one."


"He's…just a kid…" Jack argued.




"…Don't seem right. He didn't do nothin' to Don Paulo."


"He's like a brother to Wilmington. Boss might even pay us more…if Wilmington gets to see the kid die before we kill him…then he'd know what the patrone felt. First hand." Smitty walked away, leaving Jack and Bennett to watch over the boy.






It didn't take long to catch up to the kidnappers. They'd obviously never realized Tanner was the tracker he was, or they'd have never risked making camp so soon.


"There right up ahead. JD looks…" Tanner started as he made it back to the others, only to be cut off by an explosive Wilmington.


"JD looks what???!!!"


"Let 'im finish, Buck." Larabee grabbed Buck's shoulder, trying to keep a reign on the man's explosive temper.


"Kid looks a little worse for the wear…but he's alive, Buck." Vin said.


"Let's go, then." Buck took two steps before Larabee grabbed him and spun him around.


"Don't go off half-cocked, Buck." Larabee seethed.


"I'm gonna go get that boy…"


"Get 'im what??? Killed???" Larabee knew it was a cheap shot, but he had to get the man's head back on straight.


Buck stopped in his tracks. He swung his head around to look at the others. They were all staring at him like he had three heads.


"…I…I…" Buck stammered.


Surprisingly, Standish appeared next to Buck to reason with the man. "Mr. Wilmington, we will retrieve the boy, I assure you. We just need to do so in a manner that will cause the boy no further harm. I am sure that is your hope, too…correct?"


"…yes…" it was almost a whisper.


"Then…please…allow us the proper time to assess the situation and to plan accordingly."


"I think Ezra's sayin'…don't go off half-cocked." Tanner slapped Buck on the back and turned to Larabee, grinning ear-to-ear.






Bennett brought over a plate of food and knelt next to the boy, who had curled up in a tight ball, leaning against the tree. He reached up, slowly, tentatively, to push the boy's long bangs from his eyes. He could feel that the boy had a raging fever. **Sh*t!!**


JD felt a cool hand on his forehead. "…Buck…???" He shifted his face slightly, leaning into the touch. "…Buck…"

Bennett reached around to cup the boy's head in his hand. He took his kerchief from around his neck and wiped the boy's face. "…Ssshhh…" he soothed. "You're OK…just relax." The man took the boy into his arms and held the soft, dark head against his chest.


JD relaxed immediately. **Buck…I knew you'd come.**


He felt Buck's hand on his chest and he knew everything would be all right.


Just like always.


He felt Buck's hand moving over him, checking for injuries.


Just like always.


He felt Buck's hand…




The hands moving over him were suddenly not caring and gentle ~ but more like ~ groping.






JD panicked and his eyes flew open.


**Oh my God!!**


JD feebly dug his heels into the dirt, trying to push himself away from Bennett. "…stop…" he cried, before a hand roughly covered his mouth and strong arms lifted him from the ground.


"…mmmffffff!!!!" JD's muffled scream was barely audible even to Bennett, much less the other two who had fallen asleep.


"Go ahead. I like a little fight…makes things more interesting."


Bennett took JD about fifty yards from the others and tossed him roughly to the ground.


JD made an unsuccessful attempt to scramble away before Bennett pounced on top of him, straddling him and pinning him down.


"…no…" JD gasped, unable to breath.


Just as JD began to pray he was dead, a shot rang out, and Bennett's dead body collapsed on top of him.


JD screamed, and wiggled out from under the body, trying to drag himself as far away as possible with his good arm.


His next reach came in contact with a boot.


A black boot.


He looked up to see black pants.


And a black duster.


"…Chris…" JD whispered.


A cool hand touched his forehead, but this time there was no fear.


"…you're safe, kid…"




"He's safe, too." Chris assured the boy he now cradled in his arms. "We've got the others tied up."


"…he…he was gonna…"


"…ssshhh…I know what he was gonna do." Larabee rested his chin atop the boy's head, his steel-blue eyes closed, as he realized how close the boy had come to Chris' worst fear.


Chris stood up, the boy still in his arms.


"…I…I can walk…Chris."


"I know." Larabee looked down at the innocent face. The still innocent face. "And I can carry you."




"You ever gonna learn, kid? Don't argue with the hard-ass Chris Larabee?"


"…yes sir…Mr. Larabee." and the boy was out.


He never woke as he was passed from one set of strong arms to another. Those of his big brother.


"Chris…???" Buck's tear-filled eyes met Chris.


"Nope. Nothin' happened." Chris slapped Buck on the back. "Like I said before, Buck…that's why he's with us."






Several days later, JD was pronounced "likely to live" by Nathan.


The boy's first order of business was helping Raphael get his horse saddled. "You really gotta leave, Raphael?"


"Afraid so, chiquito."


"Don't call me that." JD snapped. "Inez told me what that means, you know."


"It means…" Raphael began.


"…boy…" JD hung his head.


"Well…are you not?"


"A boy?" JD whispered.


"How old are you, chiquito?"


"…uh…nineteen…" JD squirmed a little under Raphael's scrutiny.


"Ah…I think not." Raphael laughed as he shook his head.


"What'cha mean…I think not?" JD asked.


"I do not think you are nineteen…that is all."


"Well…I said I was."


"And…if I say I am the ruler of all Mexico…that would make it so?"




"Saying it…does not make it so, chiquito." Raphael walked over and sat next to the boy on the straw bale. "I have a brother, back home, much like you. He is in such a hurry to grow up."


"…I am grown up…"


"Well…" Raphael grinned. "Let's just say…you're getting there."


"Let's just try to make sure you make it, kid."


JD swung around to see that Buck had entered the livery and came to stand behind the boy, placing both hands on the kid's shoulders.


"Kid's a full time job, Raphael. Could always use another good pair of eyes on the boy."

Buck offered.


"Thank you, Buck…but…I must be moving on. Perhaps we will see each other again…under more pleasant circumstances."


"That'd be good, Raphael. You be careful."


"Ola, Omigo! Ola…CHIQUITO!!!" Raphael laughed as he sped his horse out of the livery.


"…I hate that…" JD whispered.


"Aww, kid…ain't so bad…he coulda called you a lot worse." Buck smiled, tousling the boy's hair.


"I hate that, too!!" JD griped.


"Hell, kid…what do you like???" Buck placed his hands on his hips, annoyed, waiting for another smart-ass remark from the boy.


"…well…" JD hung his head, his long bangs shutting out the word. "…uh…I like you…"


Buck was taken aback by the boy's sensitive answer and felt a sting in his eyes. "Well…then…I'd say that makes us just about even." as he wrapped the boy in his arms and then headed for the saloon.


"Kid…I ever tell you 'bout when I was no bigger 'n you???" Buck tousled the boy's hair again, just to aggravate him. "…'course…I was ten when I was your size now, but…anyway…"


**Oh, brother!!!**




May 2000