The Black Raven, sleek as night, soared in the midnight sky, it's piercing eyes locked on the struggling sight of me. Silently landing, it nodded its head as if sending me a command to follow. As this magnificent bird led me farter and farther into the woods, the moonlight shone down; creating an illuminating glow around his silky feathers. No longer in controll, the bird's power overwhelming me, pulling me, as if I were a puppet on strings. Finally stopping, it was hovering in mid-air. Glancing around, I realized I was in the center of nothing, a pitch black sea of emptiness, the ground transpatent in its entirety. Suddenly, the raven shuttered and slowly began a transformation, becoming a faceless, plain, heartless being. It was then that I realized I had fallen into the hands of pure evil, a lone victim seized while traveling the night roads. Never have I returned home, I have become one of them. The only difference between and me is that I still have my memories and feelings. But those too will be taken from me, leaving me to roam the earth, forcing me to do their work and complete their evil.