Title: They Could Be Me 1/1 (poem)
Rating: G
*Disclaimer: Well, no characters are directly mentioned in this, so I guess I don't need a disclaimer...
**Author's notes: I've had a rough day, and I guess this just came out. -A word of advice.. writing when you're mad or upset can work wonders!! :-) This poem is my ideas of some of the thoughts that run through Mulder's head.
"They Could Be Me"
I've tried so hard to understand why no one understands me.
Is it because they don't want to?
Is it because they can't?
Or is it because I'm me?
I'm different
I'm an enigma
an unknown.
If they try to understand me and succeed,
then they'll have no excuses..
No one to laugh at,
No one to blame.
They'll discover I'm human
with feelings that can be hurt,
with a heart that can be broken.
I have strengths and weaknesses.
If they understand me,
then they'll understand all of this,
and in a way,
that is what they're afraid of.
This is what they don't want to realize,
if they do, then they'll realize that
they could be me.
*The End*