Title: "Fallen" 1/1 (poem) Author: Tiffany E-Mail: StarBuck83@yahoo.com Archive: Archive at Gossamer; anywhere else please ask first. Rating: G Classification: Angst Content Warnings: None Spoilers: none Summary: Scully's thoughts after Emily's death. Disclaimer: I don't mention any characters by name, but Emily and Scully belong to the one and only Chris Carter. **Author's Note: I wrote this awhile ago, but didn't post it until now. Warning-this is kind of depressing, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, turn back now. This is supposed to be Scully's thoughts after Emily dies, but could probably be used in a number of scenarios. ** Please Send Feedback!!!!!!!!!! "Fallen" Outside I am strong, Never unsteady, Never afraid. Outside I am willing, Never unready, Never angry. Outside I am unbreakable, Never fragile, Never careless. Outside I am in control. Inside I am broken, Shattered into a million pieces, Hurt in every way. Inside I am bleeding, My heart pierced And torn apart once again. Inside I am a mixture, Hurt, anger, pain, and sadness Control me. Outside I may be a rock, But inside I am human. A human who has been betrayed, A human who has been pulled in a thousand directions. And now I have finally fallen, been beaten. What I had just found, and held most sacred, has been stolen from my arms. Never again will I be the same, Never again will I love that strongly, It will only be taken from me, breaking my heart all over again. **The End**