Title: A New Beginning
Spoilers: Minor reference to the Pilot episode.
Rating: G
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance
Summary: One night Mulder watches Scully sleep, and reflects upon their relationship.
Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, Gillian, David, and Fox. I'm making no money, so no harm done!!
"A New Beginning"
Mulder opened the door ever so quietly, wincing when it let out a loud creak. He paused, but when Scully kept sleeping, he continued toward her. 'God, she's so peaceful when she's sleeping,' he told himself. Her skin was so smooth, and the lines of worry that crowded her face in the day were gone.
As carefully as possible, he sunk down into the cheap motel chair by the bed and watched Scully sleep. 'If it weren't for me, she would look like this all the time. Every time I get a lead, I run off without her, leaving her to fix me up and smooth things out. What do I give her in return? Nothing except more trouble,' he silently scolded himself.
Mulder sat there, thinking of Scully and himself. Out loud he talked to the sleeping Scully. "Scully, Dana, you may not know this, but you're everything to me. Without you, I would've been dead years ago. Maybe even by my own hand. You complete me. The truth is, I love you. From the day you walked in the office, I knew. I've been yours since that first case in Oregon. One of these days, I'll get up enough guts to tell you all this when you're awake."
He sat there for a moment, the stood up. Swiftly and quietly, he took a few steps towards Scully. Then, very gently, he bent down and placed a light kiss on her forehead. As he walked back to his own room, he whispered, "Sweet dreams Dana."
The next morning, he and Scully were eating breakfast in a small cafe. As usual, his plate was stacked with cholesterol-filled foods, while Scully had a bagel with cream cheese. A comfortable silence had settled over them as they ate their food, and thought about the case. Scully looked up from her case, seeing Mulder heavily in thought, most likely about the case they were on. Suddenly, she smiled, and shook her head. Mulder caught this, and decided to let her know. With his signature grin in place, he questioned Scully, "Now Agent Scully, what could I have possibly done to deserve one of your rare, dazzling smiles? Am I looking even more desirable then usual?"
Scully just smirked back, then looked down at her plate. "Mulder, you have it wrong. You may think your mine, but actually I'm yours. I've been yours since the beginning. I'll always be yours." She looked up at him, seeing his eyes widen. "Yes, Mulder. I was awake last night." As he continued to stare at her, unable to speak, she reached across the table and took his hand. "Mulder, I think that this is a new beginning for us."