NAME: Fox William Mulder
George E. Hale, Marty, Monster Boy, Buttmunch (from
NICKNAME(S): Spooky Mulder, Spooky (earned nickname at Quantico Academy)(see near end of profile for reason why)
RANK: Special Agent, Department Of Justice(D.O.J.), Federal Bureau of Investigations
PARTNER: Dana Katherine Scully (from 6/3/92 to 11/5/94 and 6/11/94 to present)
NUMBER: JTT 047101111
NUMBER: 2219-526
WEAPON(S): Certified with high ranking in all firearms. Currently carries FBI issue Smith and Wesson 1056 (9 mm rounds) and personal Sig Sauer 226
OFFICE: Basement, former copier room
HEIGHT: 6 feet 0 inches
WEIGHT: 170 pounds
Medium Brown
RACE: Caucasian
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Belief in unexplained phenomena has earned him the nickname Spooky; conspiracy obsessed; has a (pretty damn funny) wry wit (mostly aka "Mulderisms") .
BELIEVER OR SKEPTIC: Believer for the most part, there has been times where he began to have doubts (like when it comes to religion).
RELIGION: N/A (possibly Jewish)
BLOOD TYPE: O-negative
SMALLPOX VACCINATION NUMBER: 292544 (Samantha's is 378671)
D.O.B: October 13, 1961
PLACE OF BIRTH: Chilmark, MA, Martha's Vineyard
ADDRESS: 2630 Hegal Place Alexandria, Apt.#42, VA 23242
TELEPHONE: (202)555-9355 (work), 555-3574 (cellular)
E-MAIL:, account Fox Mulder, 000517
OCCUPATION: Department Head X-File Division
DISTINGUISHING MARKS/FEATURES: Mole on right cheek; red-green colorblind; Has photographic memory
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: Notify Agent Dana Katherine Scully, Washington Bureau
MARITAL STATUS: Married(possibly)/Single now
-Phoebe Green:
At Oxford in 1987 had a relationship with a woman who is now with Scotland
Yard. He apparently was in love with
her but she was not with him.
-Kristen Kilar: She's a vampire who Mulder and her seemed to be attracted to each other during the dissapearence of Scully in the fall of 1994. -Diana Fowley(a.k.a. the bitch): Was the "chickadee" of Mulder around the time he found the X-Files. She actually worked with Mulder, on the X-Files, in the beginning. They were in love and possibly got married, but something happened because they are not together anymore. Then who knows where the hell she went to(who cares...) and in 1998, she suddenly popped back into Mulder's life. |
EDUCATION: Oxford University, A.B. in Psychology, 1982. Graduated high in his class, Quantico FBI Training Academy, 1984.
PUBLICATION(S): On Serial Killers and The Occult, Monograph, 1988. (as M.F. Luder) article in Omni Magazine, 1993. Article which assissted in the capture of Monte Propps (a serial killer)in 1988.
PARENTS: Separated/divorced
FATHER'S NAME: William "Bill" Mulder
FATHER'S OCCUPATION: Worked at the State Department. (was assassinated by AleX Krychec)
FATHER'S ADDRESS: West Tisburg, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
MOTHER'S NAME: Tena Kuipers-Mulder
MOTHER'S ADDRESS: 2790 Vine ST., Chilmark, Massachusetts
One sister, Samantha Ann(T.) Mulder (disappeared
November 27,
1973 - X-File Case #: X-42053)
SIBLING'S D.O.B.: January 22, 1964
-RAISED: 2790 Vine Street, Chilmark, MA
-FIRST WORDS SAID: JFK [October 1962]
-FAV TV SHOW AS A KID: The Magician[at age 12]
He found the
X-Files, dealing with unexplained phenomena, by stumbling across them during
his first three years with the Bureau, as a crack analyst in the Bureau's
behavioral sciences department.
He likes using
hypnotic regression as a psychological healing tool, and hates the use
of medication if it's unnecessary ("Born Again").
He's known as
"spooky" around the F.B.I. because of his uncanny ability to process information
and jump ahead to logical conclusions, and because of his interest in paranormal
phenomena. "He is considered a loose cannon, a person who is maybe wasting
time and money, and also his expertise, on an area the Bureau thinks has
very little value." a quote from CC, in Starlog.
FEAR(S): Bugs, especially cockroaches and fire (developed an intense fear of fire when a childhood friend's house burned down)
TUSTS: No one but Dana Katherine Scully
PET(S): Fishes
FAV. SNACK: Sunflowerseeds (it's a habit he shares with his father ("Aubrey"))
INTERESTS: classic rock ("Beyond the Sea" "Little Green Men") and classic science fiction movies ("Tooms", "Erlenmeyer Flask")
IS A FAN OF: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)("Space"), New York Knicks("Beyond The Sea"), Washington Redskins ("Irrisistable")
MISC. DATA: Wears glasses for reading and close-up work,
likes pornography,
basketball, football, Elvis, running/jogging, enjoys wearing sort of wild
ties to work, keeps notes for his field reports in a handwritten journal,
and of course, swimming (!)