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Jasmines Learning

20th August 2003.
Jasmine attends R, Most Wednesday mornings, the school does have alot of activies, to get the child to use their 5 senses. Jasmine's speech has come along greatly, shes having conversation and she put three or words together now. She is her own character.

    One of the Aids, assists Jasmine into showing her to "feel" the rice in the tub. Objects are in the tub to assist the child into filling up the truck. Co-ordination skills.

      The balloons are filled with abit of rice. The object is to use the hollow cardboard tube and hit the balloons. Eye contact to hit the balloon. Jasmine didnt use the tube, instead she used her hand to take a swing at it, or just to hold it closely. She also untangled the balloon and the streamer.

        Jasmine uses her eye cordination, and goes for the balloon. She also uses her "touch" sense, and others.

          Jasmine paints with toy cars. There are four containers, all with 4 different colours. In the containers, there are toy cars, with paint on the wheels. Instead of a brush, it shows different patterns on the paper, and also, its rougher.

            Jasmine learns to Cut&Paste. Its hard for me to show her how to use scissors as i am a left hander, and jasmine is right handed. Jasmine uses the finger first instead of thumb first. Best way of teaching a child is put a sticker on the thumb, so they know its thumb first when cutting. Jasmine isnt to keen on pasting as her hands get sticky. She perfers to glue the main paper first before attaching the object.
