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The Flank Shirts

From the original conception and design to what they are today.

This is it, the original FLANK 3/4-sleeve t-shirt.  We thought, "Hey, what could be cooler?"  Old Navy, eat your heart out!

The design for "The Next Step... I," the first official retreat written and directed by FLANK Ministries.  On the back of the shirt are the letters, "O.F.T.," standing for Original FLANK Team.


Here's the design for "The Next Step... II."  Notice the new color scheme and the stylized "FLANK" on the front!  These shirts have been known to make very roomy, comfy nightshirts!

The ultimate and final design!  Notice the new FLANK "shield."  This was actually a mistake on the part of the t-shirt printer, but it was a COOL mistake.  The "shield" has become the official emblem of FLANK Ministries.  Thanks, Mr. Owen!!  Check out that cool color scheme.  We refer to it as orange and "FLANK blue."

The Newest version of the FLANK shirt.  Don't worry, this sequel is going to be much better that Empire, and if you ask Dante.... well yeah.  PS: I wouldn't hold out for muppets on the next shirt....
