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The Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC) is a youth program, sponsored by the United States Navy and the Navy League of the United States for boys and girls 10 to 13 years old. Adult leadership for the NLCC is provided by members of the NSCC officer corps. The program is similar in structure to the NSCC, but oriented toward the younger age groups. For more information about the nearest unit, please consult the unit list or fill out the form located on the home page.

The objectives of the program are:

1. Develop an appreciation for our naval history, customs, and traditions.

2. Develop the positive qualities of patriotism, courage, self reliance, strong moral character, and good citizenship.

3. To give young people mental, moral, and physical training through a medium of naval and other instruction. To instill in them a sense of duty, discipline, self respect, and respect for others.

Naval League Cadets are involved in a variety of activities including classroom, practical, and hands-on training. They take field trips to military bases, Navy and Coast Guard ships, and other places of interest. NLCC cadets participate in Community and Civic events. The majority of training is conducted at a local training or "Drill" site. During the summer, cadets attend a one week orientation at a Naval base where they learn basic seamanship skills, such as knot tying, first aid, firefighting, semaphore, swimming, and water safety.

NLCC Cadets wear a modified Navy Uniform, rank insignias, and ribbons. Cadets earn advancements that parallel the Navy approximately every six months. Advancements are made when a cadet fulfills the requirements for the rank and passes a written examination.