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album cover

The Agents of Oblivion were one of the best bands that I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. For those of you that don't know, before Dax and Mike were in Agents of Oblivion they were in Acid Bath,but I'm not gonna tell the history. If you didn't know that shit already, you would not be here. I have been a loyal fan of Acid Bath for many years now. One night in October of '99, I had the chance to hear the new Agents sound at Jimmy's in New Orleans. I told my friend that I was just going to sit near the bar and soak it all in. I had no idea what kind of sound I was about to hear. It took about 2 seconds of hearing Dax say, "It's only the end of the world again," before I left the bar and ran up to the stage. I just stood there in amazement. The new sound is simply perfect. With the new style and keyboard sound that was added, I realized that it was the kind of music that I had always wanted to hear, I just never knew that it could exist. Dax and Mike's guitar talents mixed together is truly a creation of musical beauty.

Pictures that we took from variuos shows,click below.

album art

This is on the inside of the album cover,who is this girl? Anyway, click the chick for the song listings on their new album. There is also a newspaper article from an interview with the band in here to.

To go to my Agents links section click here.
To see some flyers from shows click here.
To get back to Agents Home Page click here.
This page has guitar links, and other various shit. Go to it