The Real Hero

by Kim, Shawna, Winter, and Tracy


     Vin reached down and scratched Cuervo as the big tomcat rubbed up against his legs.
     Opening the brown paper bag, Vin fished out one of the sausage biscuits and tore a piece
     off and tossed it to the cat. Cuervo gulped it down in one bite and then hopped up into the
     jeep. The only part of the big tom visible was his waving tail.

     Looking around the garage, Vin realized that he was the first one to arrive. Josiah must still
     be at home meditating. Coffee's gonna be good this mornin', he thought happily. Whistling,
     Vin left the cat to busily hunt up scraps in his jeep. Good luck cat, he wished silently.

     Entering the office, Vin flipped on the lights and tossed his jacket onto one of the hooks
     hanging near the door. He made his way over to the tiny kitchenette, plopped his breakfast
     down on the counter and then bustled around making coffee. Clicking the machine on, he
     leaned against the counter and waited while the machine gurgled quietly. Finally, the brown
     liquid started to dribble down into the pot and Vin turned and went to his desk.

     He noticed the letter before he was halfway to his desk and picked it up cautiously. It was
     postmarked Denver and there was no return address. One of the secretaries must have put
     it on his desk the night before. Tossing it aside to read later, Vin ate his breakfast, thankful
     that Ezra wasn't there to expound on the fat content of the Sausage Biscuit with Egg. If he
     was going to clog his arteries, he was going to enjoy doing so, Vin thought privately every
     time Ezra lectured him.

     Ten minutes later Josiah strolled into the office, while Vin was pouring his first cup of
     coffee. The big man nodded good morning to Vin as he made his way straight to the
     coffeepot. Pouring the thick liquid into an old chipped mug Josiah breathed the aroma of
     the coffee appreciatively as the steam framed his face. Careful of the scalding hot coffee,
     Josiah took a sip.

     "Ah," he said happily, "now that's how I like to greet the day."

     Vin laughed, "Mornin', Josiah."

     "Brother Vin," Josiah saluted Vin with the chipped mug.  "What's on the schedule today?"

     Vin was scrolling through his E-mail.  "Looks like Chris has a team meeting scheduled for 9
     am.  Briefing on the McClelland case, court proceedings . . ."

     The clicking of Vin's fingertips on the keys was the only sound in the office. "Doesn't look
     there's much else here. Guess we get to spend the day catching up on paperwork," Vin
     said disgustedly and grimaced. He wasn't a big fan of the endless mountains of paperwork
     the federal agency required.

     Josiah had just settled his big frame into his office chair when the door opened and Buck
     and JD came into the room. Buck was describing something to JD, punctuating his speech
     with hand movements that looked suspiciously like he was tracing the curve of a woman's
     body. JD just rolled his eyes as he listened to his roommate.

     "Yeah, sure she did Buck," JD told him knowingly.

     He'd been subjected to endless descriptions of Buck's conquests. Sometimes, he
     wondered where Buck found the time to work considering all of the woman he'd
     apparently escorted about Denver. Vin was laughing at Buck's description as he reached
     over and picked up the envelope he'd tossed aside earlier. Slipping a thumb under the flap
     he tore it open carelessly. Pulling the typewritten piece of paper out he unfolded it and
     began reading, his mind still half on the conversation Buck and JD were having. It wasn't
     long before the letter got his attention entirely.

     Agent Tanner,

     I've been thinking about you over these past three years. I owe you a great debt for
     your persistence and your integrity. If it hadn't been for you, I might never have been
     caught and I would still be living in the manner I had been living for all those years.
     Your diligence has led me to turn my life around. I no longer think about selling
     drugs or guns. Indeed, all my thoughts are about the changes that my incarceration
     has brought in my life and the changes I want to make when I am released. It's all
     due to you that I've had the time to reflect on the lifestyle I used to live and the
     lifestyle I want to live in the future. I hope to have an opportunity to repay you for
     everything you've done for me. Thank you again for the changes you helped bring
     about in my life. I'm looking forward to thanking you in person soon.


     Walter Alston

     "Aw hell!" Vin swore, and threw the letter on his desk.

     "What's wrong, Junior?" Buck demanded, as he moved closer to Vin's desk. He'd heard
     something he couldn't put his finger on in the sharpshooter's voice.

     Josiah and JD were beside Vin's desk, before Buck finished speaking.

     "Aw, it's probably nothin'," Vin began sheepishly. "Just a letter from somebody I sent away.
     Says he wants ta thank me for helpin' him change his life. Guy was real scum. Ran guns and
     drugs and sometimes girls. Got him on a couple o' weapons charges. Nothing big, but he's
     been off the streets for three years now. Looks like he might be gettin' out soon."

     Vin chewed on his bottom lip, as he handed Buck the letter. Buck read it silently and
     passed it off to Josiah. Finally JD read it and asked what all three of the others had been

     "You think he's out for revenge?" the youngest of the seven asked concernedly.

     "Don't know. Says he's changed his life," Vin answered uneasily. "But, he was a real
     lowlife. Don't know as how I'd take his word for it."

     "Perhaps we should be extra vigilant for the foreseeable future," Josiah suggested.

     "Josiah, you sound like Ezra," JD said with a frown.

     "Well, don't say nothin' about this. I don't want the others worryin' over nothin'," Vin

     "For now," Buck reluctantly agreed. "But, if this starts to look serious, we tell the others,

     "Yeah, Vin replied. "Now, let's get back to work.


     Buck had gradually relaxed, chalking up the letter to just another con with more time than
     brains. Vin had assured him that he hadn't heard from the man again.

     It was Saturday and Vin had coerced them all into helping out at the Children's Center in
     Purgatorio. The police had finally gotten around to getting the junkies out of the playground
     the kids played in and today Team Seven, along with about a dozen other volunteers, were
     going to try to get rid of the drug paraphernalia they'd left behind. They were also going to
     fix up the equipment and install an assortment of sturdy rocking animals that had been
     donated by a landscaping firm.

     Even Ezra had agreed to come along and "supervise". He'd tried to refuse, but Vin had
     threatened to tell Chris exactly how a certain book on, Fifty Ways To Improve Your Love
     Life, along with Mary Travis's phone number in hot pink letters on a white business card,
     had ended up on Chris's desk one morning. Chris had glared daggers at them while the
     entire team had snickered behind his back. Ezra's wounded, "That's blackmail, Mr.
     Tanner," had merely earned him a "Thanks Ez, see ya Saturday - early," from Vin.

     Now, they were hard at work and Ezra was painting a freshly sanded swing, thinking up
     ways to pay Vin back for this indignity. He spied the sharpshooter teaching several of the
     older boys the correct way to use the power tools. Ezra marveled at the patience that the
     man showed them. He himself liked children, but he couldn't imagine dealing with them in
     the intense one on one ways that Vin did on a daily basis. Card tricks and stories Ezra
     enjoyed sharing with them. More than that though, well, he'd leave that to Vin. Not, Ezra
     thought, that Vin would mind for a second. Lord, the man routinely left his apartment
     unlocked just so there would be a safe haven for the children in this neighborhood to
     use. No, Ezra admitted ruefully to himself, children just weren't his forte. Give him a
     grown up gunrunner to con any day.

     Chris watched his team with pride. Josiah was hammering and sawing and sanding like a
     machine. Nathan had been besieged by mothers the moment he'd stepped onto the

     "Please Senor Jackson, will you look at my Maria. She's not feeling well," and "Por favor,
     my baby is ill. Can you check over him?" had drowned out Nathan's insistence that he
     wasn't a doctor. He might not be a doctor, but they trusted him and he didn't demand
     payment they didn't have.

     Buck and JD had just finished installing a bright yellow duck rocker and still had a pink
     seahorse and a blue dolphin to go. Some of the little ones were dancing around laughing,
     impatient to try out the new toys.

     "Sorry, but you guys have to wait until they dry. You can ride 'em tomorrow, OK?" JD's
     voice was kind. He hated disappointing them. "Hey," he brightened. "I bet Ezra'd show you
     guys some tricks."

     Buck laughed out loud as the children obediently trooped over to Ezra. Ezra, Chris had to
     smile at the sight of the refined southerner repainting an old metal swing set. Larabee had
     raised an eyebrow when Standish had shown up at 9:00 that morning and privately
     wondered what Vin had held over the man's head to get him here. However, he was here
     and he was working without complaining - well, without complaining much.

     And Vin, he was moving among the teenage boys in his quiet way, helping one measure a
     board, showing another how to use a miter box. Chris wondered not for the first time, how
     someone, who'd endured the childhood Vin had, could have grown into such a fine person?

     "Mr. Larabee, care for a drink?" Sister Maria, the director of the Center, said as she held
     out a can of cold soda to him.

     Thanks," Chris replied to the tall, fifty-ish nun, with steel gray hair and blue eyes that
     sparkled with intelligence. He downed the cold drink, then turned back to his sawing.


     The day was nearly over. The children and their families had drifted home, leaving only a
     couple of adults who volunteered at the center, Sister Maria, and Team Seven. A beat up
     brown pickup with almost as many dents and scratches as Vin's Jeep, pulled up and
     parked near the playground. A powerfully built man strolled onto the lot and headed
     straight for Sister Maria. He spoke to her for a few minutes and then started cleaning up
     debris and carrying it to his pickup.

     Chris and Vin were finishing up the last coat of paint on the old swing set and didn't look
     up. JD had left an hour ago to pick Casey up from work. Buck, Josiah, Ezra and Nathan
     were drinking iced tea and wondering who volunteered on a playground after 5:00. Setting
     the bright blue plastic cup down, Buck decided to find out for himself.

     "Howdy," Buck's voice was friendly and he quickly picked up an end of the heavy board
     the new arrival was carrying to his pickup.

     "Howdy," the stranger replied, cautiously, to Buck's ear.

     "You look like you could use a hand cleanin' up," the big agent offered. "Name's Buck
     Wilmington. My friends'll lend a hand loadin' up your truck, if you want."

     "Call me Walt," the stranger extended his hand. "I'd appreciate the help. Told Sister Maria,
     I'd stop off to help clean up after I got off work."

     Buck nodded at his three friends and they hastily set their own cups on a picnic table and
     walked over.

     "Walt, this is Nathan Jackson and Josiah Sanchez," Buck introduced them and happily
     turned towards Ezra. "And, the fella who looks like he swallowed a bug, is Ezra Standish,"
     he laughed.

     "Really, Mr. Wilmington," the undercover agent's voice was annoyed, as he held out his
     hand for Walt to shake.

     "You can just throw all this junk in the back of my truck and I'll haul it to the dump in the
     morning, before mass," Walt told them.

     "You gonna be able to handle unloadin' it, by yourself?" Nathan inquired solicitously.

     Yeah, just toss it and go," Walt answered.

     They began methodically cleaning up the area and were nearly done, when Chris and Vin
     closed up the can of bright green paint and began cleaning out the brushes they'd been
     using. At that moment Vin glanced up and caught sight of Walt.

     "Damn!" he swore. "Alston, what the hell you doin' here?"

     "Vin Tanner?" Walt replied incredulously.

     "What are ya doin' here?" Vin demanded angrily again.

     "I'm a volunteer," Alston answered quickly.

     "Sister Maria know about you?" Vin's eyes blazed furiously and his drawl was just as

     "Yes, as a matter of fact I do," Sister Maria spoke coolly, as she joined the group.

     "Mr. Alston was very up front about his past. He told me he had been in prison and what
     for, when he volunteered."

     "He told ya what he's done and ya still let him 'round the kids?" Vin asked, incredulous.

     "No, Vin. I didn't let him around the children. He wanted to help, but I told him in good
     conscience that I couldn't allow him any contact with the children who use the center. Mr.
     Alston asked if he could volunteer to help with projects when the children weren't present.
     I was very impressed by his desire to help the children, even if he's allowed no contact, so I
     agreed that he could volunteer on a trial basis. He's been working at the center, doing
     carpentry work for a week, after it closes in the evenings. He volunteered to help clean up
     the debris when the work was done and the children had left. I saw then, and still see no
     harm in allowing him to help."

     "Sister, you don't know the kinda man he is," Vin insisted.

     "I know the kind of man he was. As to the kind of man he is, well that's what second
     chances are all about," the nun replied softly.

     "Fine," Vin replied to Sister Maria. Then, to Alston, "You do anything, to any of these
     kids," he warned, "And you'll be regrettin' the day you set foot outside prison." He held the
     man's gaze for another moment, letting the seriousness of his words sink in before heading
     to his Jeep, leaving the rest of the team behind.

     Chris watched as Vin pulled away. There was no use in going after him when he was like
     this. He knew Vin would drive around to clear his head then meet them later at the saloon.
     Chris looked over at Alston and decided he'd check his records. He wanted to see what
     had the younger man all riled up.

     "I'm sorry Mr. Alston," Sister Maria said. "Vin is very protective of the children."

     "I understand," Walter said. "Agent Tanner only knows me from my previous life. Prison
     opened my eyes and I've changed. You won't regret me working here Sister."

     "I know I won't Mr. Alston," she said before heading inside.

     "So, Walt, what made you pick this children's center to work at?" Buck asked suspiciously.

     "What do you mean?" he asked confused.

     "It's a pretty big coincidence that you picked the one Vin volunteers at," Buck pointed out.

     "I had no idea he worked here," Walt said defiantly. "I needed a place to live and this was
     the only place I could rent an apartment on what I make at Home Depot.  I like kids and I
     wanted to help. Sister Maria gave me a chance. It's all I ask."

     "Just so you know, I'll be keeping an eye on you," Buck warned.

     The two men stared at each other until Alston backed down. Buck walked away and
     joined the others. They said good bye to Sister Maria before heading over to the saloon.


     Vin was furious. How could Sister Maria trust that man? He drove out to the park and
     found a parking space near the lake. Vin climbed out and walked over to the water's edge.
     He bent down and picked up a rock and skimmed it across the surface. Vin knew Alston
     hadn't changed. The man was lying and he was determined to prove it.  He just didn't know
     how and he had no idea what Alston was up to.  If it was revenge against him, then why try
     to convince everyone he'd changed?  Vin picked up another rock and skimmed it across
     the lake. Finally, Vin decided to play along with Alston and see what happened. The
     sharpshooter walked back to his jeep and climbed in. He knew the others would be
     waiting, and worrying, for him at the saloon.


     "Where do you think he is?" JD asked for the hundredth time.

     "For the last time kid, I don't know," Buck said in frustration.

     "Don't worry, JD, he'll be here," Chris said

     "Speaking of our wayward companion," Ezra said as he nodded towards the door.

     They saw Vin enter the saloon and head over to their table. Inez saw him also and came
     over with his favorite beer.

     "Good evening Senor Vin," she said.

     "Evenin' Inez," he said with a smile.

     "So Junior, you OK?" Buck asked.

     "I reckon," Vin said. "I don't like the fact that he's so close to the kids, but I guess prison
     could have changed him."

     "You'll just have to give him the benefit of the doubt," Josiah said.

     "I'll try Josiah ,but it's gonna be tough," Vin admitted.

     "Don't worry Vin," Chris said. "At least with you keeping an eye on him he can't get away
     with anything."

     "Now that the issue has been settled, can we get to the reason we all gathered here?" Ezra

     "Keep your shirt on Ezra," Buck said. "You'll win our money soon enough."

     "You know Rain is starting to dislike me playing with Ezra," Nathan said. "She says I've
     already contributed way too much to the Standish Foundation."

     "Well Mr. Jackson, be prepared to contribute more," Ezra smiled as he shuffled the cards.

     They enjoyed their evening at the saloon. As predicted, Nathan did contribute some
     money, but not as much as he feared. Buck, as usual, lost it all and borrowed from JD.
     Josiah knew when he was beat and folded before Ezra could wipe him out. JD didn't stand
     a chance against Ezra, while Vin broke even. Chris seemed to be the only one Ezra had
     trouble beating. Maybe it was because Chris had the perfect poker face. It didn't mean
     Ezra couldn't beat him and he often did, just not tonight. Chris walked away the winner as
     they said their good-byes. Beady eyes watched from the shadow of a doorway across the
     street as Vin walked to his jeep.

     "Soon, Tanner, soon," the man promised as he walked toward his beat up truck, parked in
     an alley, hidden from view.


     "No! No! Alston . . . leave 'em be . . . it's me you want . . . No!" Vin screamed out in his
     sleep, rolling around the bed frantically, caught in the throes of a horrible nightmare. "Stop .
     . . no . . . look out!" he yelled, twisting and turning and finally hurling himself off of the bed
     in his struggles.

     "Damn!" Vin cursed as he sat up suddenly, face drenched with sweat. He looked up at the
     bedside clock from his spot on the floor, disgusted at the time. "Five a.m., and another
     damned nightmare," he muttered. "Might as well get up, it ain't like I'm gonna be able to get
     anymore sleep tonight."

     Pulling himself to his feet with a groan, he stumbled to the kitchen to start coffee. As it
     brewed, he wandered over to the front window of the apartment, checking the street

     "Son of a bitch!" Vin hissed at the sight of a truck, parked outside of his building. The light
     from the streetlamp was faint, but he could make out the dents and rust covering the
     vehicle. He hurried into the bedroom, threw on some clothes and boots, and grabbed one
     of his service revolvers, then ran out the door. When he got outside, the truck had
     disappeared. He looked up and down the dark street frantically, searching for signs of the
     truck, but everything was quiet. With a feeling of dread, he went back inside.


     "I tell you, it was him! I know what I saw!" Vin shouted vehemently in the bullpen area of
     Team Seven's office.

     "Take it easy Junior," Buck shot back. "Maybe you just think you saw him. You said
     yourself, you didn't get much sleep last night."

     "Mind can do funny things, Vin," Josiah agreed in his deep, rumbling voice.

     "'Specially when you're on edge like you've been," Nathan chimed in.

     Vin looked at his friends in disbelief.  Do they think I'm makin' this whole thing up? he
     wondered sadly. He looked at his best friend, seeking support in the sharp green eyes.


     The leader of Team Seven shook his head faintly and broke eye contact with the
     sharpshooter. "We've got a lot of work to do boys, let's get to it," he ordered, then walked
     back into his office and shut the door.

     "It was there," Vin said softly, shaking his head as he walked back to his own desk. "I saw


     Behind his closed office door, Chris called in some favors. Talking to a few old friends and
     academy classmates, he managed to get every scrap of information available on Walter
     Alston, past and present, and put a private detective on the job of tailing the recently
     released criminal. He did all this without alerting Vin or the others, hoping that the
     sharpshooter would calm down about the whole thing and eventually let it go.

     Chris was in an awkward position, since Walter Alston had not broken any laws or any of
     the conditions of his parole, and, as his superior officer, if Vin confronted Alston or
     continued to complain about the man, it would be seen as harassment, and Larabee would
     be duty bound to alert the higher ups about the situation. Vin would most likely have to
     appear before the brass to explain his conduct. Chris sure as hell didn't want to have to do
     that to his best friend.

     Chris was unsure about what to make of the situation, himself. From the information he'd
     received, it did seem like Alston had paid for his mistakes and was trying to change his life
     for the better. But Vin didn't jump the gun about things. If he was concerned, he had a valid
     reason. And, so far, his hunches had been correct every time.


     "You comin' Vin?" Chris asked his best friend as he headed out the door. It was five
     o'clock and the other members of Team Seven were already  on their way to Inez's saloon.

     "Nah, I'm just gonna head on home," Vin said tiredly.

     Chris paused in the doorway, looking at the younger man. "Vin, don't let this thing with
     Alston eat you up," he advised. "He hasn't done anything wrong, and the Sister knows what
     she's doing. She's not letting him around any of the kids . . ."

     Just then Vin's cell phone rang.

     "Tanner," Vin said into the phone.

     "What? . . . Are you sure? . . . How long ago? . . . Okay . . . Okay . . . just calm down . . .
     I'll be right there."

     "What's wrong Vin?" Chris asked.

     "Marta Ramirez is missing. That was her aunt. She never showed up after school. It's that
     God damned Alston . . . I know it is!" Vin shouted frantically and then ran out the door.

     "Wait Vin! I'm coming, too!" Chris yelled out after his friend.

     The two men raced down the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator, and headed for
     their respective vehicles. Vin and Chris used their police sirens and lights to weave through
     the rush hour traffic and managed to make it to Purgatorio in good time. Both men pulled
     up to the curb in front of Vin's apartment complex and headed for the small group of

     "Mrs. Ramirez, your sister called me about Marta," Vin explained hurriedly. "Do you have
     any idea where she would have gone?"

     "No, no, she comes home right after school, Senor Vin, you know that. She is always
     home at four to start working on her homework," Mrs. Ramirez said, wringing her hands.
     "She is so little, Senor Vin . . ." she began again, then her voice faltered as she dissolved
     into tears.

     One of the women clustered around her pulled her into an embrace, while looking up at Vin
     and Chris.

     "Please find her, Senor Vin," the woman pleaded.

     "We will Mrs. Martinez," Vin promised.

     "I'll call the others Vin, we can form a search party," Chris suggested, and reached for his
     cell phone.

     "Look!" one of the women called out joyously. "It's Marta!"

     All eyes turned to watch as a small child, her body shaking with huge sobs, ran out of a
     beat up truck. A large man sprang out of the truck, hurrying to catch her.

     "Keep your filthy hands off of her Alston!" Vin screamed, lunging at the big man.

     Alston backed away from Vin, but the sharpshooter came forward, slamming his fist into
     the man's face, snapping his head back, throwing him off balance. He landed on the ground
     and Vin leapt on top of him, swinging wildly.

     "If you hurt her, you son of a bitch, I'll kill you!" he yelled as he pummeled the unresisting
     man beneath him.

     Suddenly, Vin was hauled to his feet. He turned, fists raised, to combat another enemy.

     "Vin! Vin! Leave him alone! He didn't do anything!" Chris shouted.

     "The hell he didn't!" Vin spat back at Chris. "Look at her, she's crying. If he . . ."

     "Stop it Vin!" Chris ordered, grabbing the sharpshooter's arms, forcing them behind his
     back. Vin wriggled in his grasp, struggling to escape. Chris shook him hard to make him
     stop. "The little girl was lost. Alston found her and brought her home," he hissed in Vin's

     "I don't believe it," Vin protested, still trying to fight his way out of Chris's hold.

     "It's true, Senor Vin," a small, tremulous voice whispered behind him.

     Vin whirled around sharply, still held loosely by Chris, until it was obvious he wouldn't
     approach Alston, but only wanted to talk to the young girl.

     "What's true honey?" Vin asked as he kneeled down to bring his face level with the little

     "I was lost, Senor Vin. I fell at school, and one of my books went under the fence. I had to
     get it, Senor Vin, I have a test in two days and I need to study," she said, looking up at the
     long haired man with wide eyes.

     "Then what happened Marta?" Chris prodded.

     "When I found it, I ran for the bus. But the bus was gone and I walked home." She looked
     up at Vin again with those huge eyes. "I got lost. But Senor Walter found me and said he'd
     take me home if I told him where I lived. Please don't be mad at him, Senor Vin, he's a nice
     man and he helped me."

     Vin smiled at the little girl and ruffled her shiny brown hair. "You go see your mom and
     aunt, Marta. Don't worry, I'm just gonna talk to Senor Walter, okay?"

     "Okay, Senor Vin," Marta said happily and ran off to her family.

     "I don't know why you won't believe that I've changed."

     Vin got to his feet slowly, then turned and faced Alston. "I don't care what it looks like
     happened here. You stay away from these kids, Alston. I mean it," he threatened.

     Alston looked at Vin, then at Chris, then back at Vin. "I'd best be going," he said softly,
     then headed for his truck.

     The two men watched him walk away.

     "Vin, he did a good thing, he . . ." Chris began, as Alston drove away.

     "You gonna take his side?" Vin asked bitterly. "You gonna take the word of some criminal
     over mine?"

     "Vin, he's done his time," Chris said, trying to make Vin see reason. "Did you ever stop and
     think that maybe he has reformed?"

     "Don't you have someplace else to be?" Vin said coldly, ignoring Chris's question.

     "Vin, don't be like this," Chris pleaded.

     "See ya around Chris," Vin said, then turned and walked away, leaving his best friend
     staring back at him sadly.


     This couldn't be happening, Vin thought desperately, as he threw his jacket on the couch.
     Alston had even fooled Chris. The look his best friend had given him when he'd left had
     said it all. Chris thought he was being paranoid, but Vin knew better. There was just
     something about Alston that he couldn't put his finger on. But he would. He just hoped he
     found out what the man was up to before somebody got hurt.


     "He's clean Chris," Ben Adams, the private detective Chris had hired to shadow Alston,
     reported to the Team Seven leader, as they sat in an isolated booth at a diner near the ATF

     "You sure?" Chris asked.

     "Yep. He's about as dull as they come. Works at that Home Depot over on Grant Street,
     goes to Church just about everyday, helps out at the Purgatorio Children's Center." He
     shook his head and exhaled hard, then leaned over the table, fixed his old friend with a
     steady gaze. "Chris, I was a cop for 15 years and I've seen some bad apples in my time.
     But, as crazy as it sounds, maybe he has turned over a new leaf."

     "It seems like it, doesn't it, Ben?" Chris said quietly. "But I need to be a hundred percent
     convinced. This is too important not to be. Can you give it a few more days? Just to be

     "Hell Chris, I'll tail him as long as you want," Ben replied with a smile. "All the times you
     saved my sorry butt when we were at the academy, it's the least I can do."

     "Thanks Ben," Chris said, shaking hands with his old friend, then turning to leave the

     As he walked out the door, a large hand slapped at the back of his shoulder. Chris tensed
     and whirled, coming face to face with Buck.

     "Thought that was you!" Buck exclaimed. "What're you doin' slumming it at the Golden

     "Is anybody else from the team with you?" Chris asked tersely, angry with himself that he
     hadn't been more aware of the other customers in the restaurant.

     "Nah, just me," Buck replied easily. "I dropped the kid off at the office with doughnuts, but
     I was in the mood for a real breakfast," he explained, patting his full stomach with a
     satisfied smile.

     "Good, do me a favor Buck, don't say anything about me being here to the others," Chris

     "Sure thing pard," Buck agreed, but frowned at his oldest friend. "What's up? Why the big
     secret about it?"

     Chris looked around uneasily, then turned his gaze back to Buck. "My car's down the next
     block. Give me a lift to it and I'll explain."

     "Okay by me," Buck said and the two headed for Buck's car.

     "I asked Ben Adams to tail Walter Alston," Chris blurted out when they were inside Buck's

     "What? Why?" Buck asked.

     "Because I need to know if he's really on the up and up," Chris replied. "Vin doesn't think
     he is, and I . . ."

     "Vin's got a problem with that man, Chris," Buck interrupted. "It's plain to see. Now I
     know it's hard to believe that a criminal like that would go straight, but prison can change a
     man. And look at his volunteer work with the kids in Vin's neighborhood. Sister Maria isn't
     a fool, you know."

     "I know Buck. So far, Alston checks out. I asked Ben to watch him for a few more days. I
     hope that Vin will settle down in the next couple of days and let it go."

     "What if he doesn't?" Buck asked.

     "I don't know, Buck," Chris said in a hollow voice. "If Alston is clean, and Vin keeps this
     up, my hands are tied. Policy's pretty clear on that."

     Buck slowed down and pulled up next to Chris's car.

     "Let's hope it doesn't come to that pard," Buck said softly.

     "Believe me Buck, that's what I'm hoping for," Chris said as he jumped out of the car.
     "Thanks for the lift, and remember, you didn't see me."

     Buck gave him a smile and a two figured salute off his imaginary hat brim, then pulled away
     from the curb with a squeal of tires.


     "Walter, can I see you in my office?"

     "Sure Mr. Jones," Walter replied, moving quickly to follow the store manager back to his
     office. "What can I do for you?"

     "Well Walter, one of the associates that was going to help us with the store inventory
     tonight called in sick. We're short handed, and I was wondering if you'd like to help us out.

     "Sure Mr. Jones, I'd be happy to," Walter said. "I just need to call Sister Maria at the
     Children's Center. I volunteer there in the evenings, but I'm sure she'll understand."

     "Yes, I'm aware of your volunteer work, Walter, and I must say how proud we are to have
     you working with us. You're really doing a great job with turning your life around."

     "Thank you Mr. Jones," Walter said with a smile. "I'd better call Sister Maria, then get
     back out on the floor."

     "You do that Walter," Mr. Jones said. "Oh, and Walter, since you're working tonight late,
     you don't need to come in tomorrow. Everyone who participates in the inventory work has
     the day off."

     "That's great Mr. Jones, thanks," Walter said with another pleased grin. "I'll see you

     "Everything's falling into place," Walter said to himself as he walked to the phone in the
     employee break room.  'Just a few more hours, Tanner, and we're gonna have some
     real quality time to reminisce about the old days,' he promised himself silently.


     "Thanks again for the help, Walter," Mr. Jones said as he locked the back exit to Home
     Depot behind them. "That's the smoothest inventory we've  done in two years."

     "Glad I could help Mr. Jones," Walter replied. "Good night."

     "Good night Walter, see you day after tomorrow. Enjoy your day off tomorrow, you've
     earned it."

     "Oh, I will, Mr. Jones, believe me, I will," Walter muttered to himself with a smirk as he
     headed for his truck.

     Once inside the truck, Walter pulled a cell phone from its hiding place in his coat pocket.
     He'd filched it from one of the evening's customers, smiling as he set it on the seat next to
     him, near the heavy cloth bag that held a length of rope, duct tape, a large wrench and
     several rags he'd stolen from the store little by little, during the past week, and that same
     night, when Mr. Jones had sent him out to get dinner for the inventory workers. He sped
     off, down the quiet streets, heading for Purgatorio, ready to put his plan into action.

     He slowed down as he neared the apartment building, driving around the block cautiously,
     watching and waiting. Sure enough, the car that had been following him for most of the
     weekend reappeared. The man tailing him was good, he had to grudgingly admit. And he
     decided that it didn't matter.  He was going to get Tanner, and then he'd take care of
     whoever it was in that damned car.

     Parking out of view from the sharpshooter's apartment, Alston slipped silently out of his
     pick-up and edged toward the building. Pressing himself up against the side of the building,
     he dialed Vin's number on the cell phone.

     He began speaking before Vin even said a word.

     "Tanner, I've waited a long time for this. Time for you to get what you really deserve. I've
     got a little friend with me . . . a mutual friend of ours. You remember Marta, don't you?"

     He ignored Vin's angry retort and curses, continuing to speak in a calm, relaxed voice. "If
     you ever want to see the little girl again, you'll do everything I say. Meet me at the
     warehouse . . . you remember the one. And come alone . . . none of the other agents, or I'll
     kill the girl.  I'll be waiting for you Tanner, be seeing you real soon." He snapped the phone
     shut and gripped the huge, heavy wrench tightly, waiting for Vin to exit the building.


     Ben Adams saw Alston hiding in front of Vin Tanner's apartment and knew he had to notify
     Chris Larabee immediately.  Taking out his cell phone, he flipped it open and started to
     punch in the number, when he realized the battery low light was flashing and that there was
     no signal.  "Shit," he cursed softly and got out of the car.  Hurrying around to the trunk, he
     raised the hood and shuffled through a box of electronic gadgets and equipment, until he
     found a new battery.  Popping it on, he started to lower the hood, when a heavy blow from
     a wrench took him down.

     "I knew it!" Vin spat out angrily as he slammed the phone down and stalked through his
     apartment, preparing himself for the meeting with Alston. Before he went to the warehouse,
     he wanted to see if Marta was really missing. Unfortunately, the Ramirez's didn't have a
     phone, but they lived over in the next apartment complex, so he could run over their first, to
     see if the child was really missing. He grabbed two handguns, his cell phone, car keys and
     jacket, then headed out. He didn't know what sick game Alston was up to, but if he had
     taken Marta, there would be hell to pay.


     Alston stepped into the shadows beside the building Adams was parked in front of and
     tensed as he heard Vin's shocked, "What the hell?" as the sharpshooter caught sight of Ben
     Adams lying behind his car.  His hurried footsteps pounded on the pavement.  Just as he
     rounded the back of the car, Alston sprang forward, clipping Vin viciously on the head with
     the heavy wrench. The sharpshooter crumpled to the ground with a groan.

     "Going somewhere Tanner?" Alston jeered, then drew his foot back and kicked Vin
     sharply in the ribs. Vin moaned weakly, then lay still. With a  cruel laugh, Alston kicked him
     again, this time in the head. Vin made no sound as the boot connected with his body.

     Alston pulled out the rope and tied Vin's hands and feet, then dragged the Texan into the
     alley.  He stuffed the private detective into the trunk of his car and slammed the hood shut.
      He sprinted to his truck and double parked it beside Adams's car and then dragged Vin to
     it and shoved him into the passenger seat.


     Josiah walked into the ATF office early and was surprised to see that he had beat Vin. He
     checked his watch and it read 7:30am. Vin was usually in by this time and Josiah figured he
     must have been having trouble with his jeep. Why Vin kept it he didn't know. He started
     the coffee and sat down at his desk and the phone rang.

     "Agent Sanchez," the big man said into the mouthpiece.

     "This is Detective Mike Clark, with Denver PD, Homicide.  I'm looking for Special Agent
     Chris Larabee," a deep voice answered.

     "Chris won't be in for at least about an hour.  I work for him.  Anything I can help you
     with?"  Josiah inquired, all business.

     "I'm not sure,"  Detective Clark admitted. "We've got a body in a trunk and Agent
     Larabee's card was found on the front seat.  The victim is a private detective, Ben Adams.

     "Detective, where are you now?" Josiah asked urgently.

     "Purgatorio,"  Clark said, the corner of Elleon and Leahcim Blvds.

     "Dammnit!" Josiah swore.  "Detective Clark, I need you to check on the man who lives in
     Apartment 3b, of 2703 Elleon.  He's an ATF agent named Vin Tanner and if I'm right, he's
     the reason Adams was there. I'm on my way," Josiah finished and hung up the phone.  He
     dialed Ezra's number, figuring the southerner was the only one of the Team likely to be still
     at home and not already enroute to the office.

     "Standish," the cultured voice answered.

     "Ezra, we got trouble," Josiah said breathlessly.  "I'm on my way to a homicide scene in
     Purgatorio.  A private detective was killed last night outside Vin's building.  Chris's card
     was found on the front seat of the man's car."

     "I see," Ezra said quietly.

     "I'll be in the office in thirty minutes.  I'll contact everyone else.  Keep us informed," Ezra
     told him and hung up the phone.

     Josiah hastily put his siren on top of his car and flipped it on as he pulled out of the garage.
      He only hoped he was wrong.


     "Agent Sanchez," Josiah said loudly and showed his badge.  A fiftyish black man with
     graying hair waved and the police officer guarding the crime scene let him pass.

     "Mike Clark," the detective held his hand out to Josiah.

     "Call me Josiah," the tall agent said quietly and then inquired, "Agent Tanner?"

     Clark took a deep breath and shook his head sadly.  "Looks like your friend might have
     met up with Adams's killer."  With that he motioned Josiah over to the back of the car.
      Two distinct seperate blood pools could be seen.  A very large pool on the ground directly
     behind the car and a smear of blood ran down the car's bumper.  Another smaller pool was
     on the sidewalk beside the car and there was a smear where someone had clearly been
     dragged into the alley.

     "Looks like it," Josiah said sorrowfully.

     "You got any idea who'd want to kidnap your friend or why Adams was here?"  Mike
     asked him professionally.

     "There's an ex con named Walter Alston.  Vin was sure he was outside his apartment a few
     days ago.  Vin sent him away and he got out and turned up here.  He sent Vin a letter not
     long ago saying he owed him for helping to change his life."

     "Sounds like maybe he decided it was time to pay his debt," Clark said knowingly.  "I'll get
     an APB out.

     Josiah spent the next forty five minutes giving all of the information he had on Alston to the


     "Mr. Larabee, Mr Sanchez will contact us as soon as he knows anything," Ezra said calmly,
     watching the vein on Chris's forehead throb and his face turn red as he paced around the
     office.  "You wearing a hole in the carpeting is not going to make the phone ring any

     At that moment an ashen faced Josiah stepped into the bullpen.  Holding up his hand to
     ward off the five men descending on him, Josiah walked slowly to his desk and slumped
     down in his chair dejectedly.   "Ben Adams is dead.  Looks like Vin was right about
     Alston."  His next words chilled the hearts of five men who were waiting with bated breath.
     "Vin's gone," the big man finished simply.

     "What the hell happened Josiah?" Chris demanded, anger masking his fear.

     "Don't know for sure.  Sometime last night someone, probably Alston, killed Adams.  Vin
     was probably injured in some way and dragged into an alley and then taken away,"  the big
     man summarized what he and Detective Clark had come up with.  "Chris, they want you
     down at the scene.  They found your card on Adams's front seat and want to know what
     you know."

     Chris nodded and went into ATF Team Leader mode, "Buck, you're with me.  Josiah you
     stay here, in case Vin calls.  JD, Ezra, Nathan, hit the streets, talk to anyone who might
     have any information about Alston.  Start with Home Depot."

     Chris headed to his office to pick up his keys and Buck followed.  The others sprang into


     Josiah was frustrated.  He'd read over the file they had on Walter Alston from front to
     back.  Nothing unusual for an ex con, nothing that stood out.  Nothing that would give him
     a hint as to where he was, what he might have done with Vin, or even if he had done
     something with Vin.

     It had been almost an hour and he hadn't heard from the others. Truthfully, he didn't expect
     to hear from them anytime soon.  Chris and Buck would go over every detail with the
     detectives and then they'd canvas Purgatorio themselves.  The others would be working
     sources from all walks of Denver society.  He was about to get up and pour himself a cup
     of coffee, when a very uncomfortable looking Sister Maria stepped through the door of the

     "Sister Maria," Josiah greeted her distractedly, trying to will the phone to ring at the same
     time.  "What brings you here?"

     "I was looking for Senor Vin," she replied, her voice uneasy.

     "Us too, sister," Josiah said. "Vin's missing."

     "I was afraid something bad was going to happen," the sister answered unhappily.

     "Why sister?" the big agent asked and pointing to one of the chairs, he suggested she sit

     The nun did so and opened her purse and pulled something out and handed it to Josiah.
      "Where did you get this sister?" he asked fearfully, when he turned it over and saw that it
     was a picture of Vin.  Only this picture had a red heart drawn on body with a tiny hole
     punched neatly in the center.  It matched the hole punched right between the eyes of the
     smiling Texan.

     "I found it in the trash this morning, when I was cleaning up.  Agent Sanchez, it was in the
     trash can in the workshop of the church.  Mr. Alston, uses that one,"  Sister Maria
     informed him in a concerned voice.  "I'm very worried.  I think maybe Senor Vin was right
     about Mr. Alston."

     "I think so too, sister," Josiah said kindly and covered her hands with his own gentle hands.
      "Did Alston give you any clues as to where he might take Vin? Think Sister, anything at
     all,"  Josiah requested urgently.

     "Nothing," she said, her brow frowned in concentration.  "No, wait.  Maybe there is
     something.  A few days ago I was telling Mr. Alston how much we all appreciated his help.
      And he said something I found a little strange.  He said, let me see if I can remember it,
     'Sister, in a plastic world, you gotta do what you can to get back to real.  I'm glad to
     help out.'  I didn't understand it, but I didn't question him about it.  Do you think it might

     "I'm not sure sister, but maybe," Josiah said eagerly and hurried back to his computer.  Just
     let me check something.  He typed some commands and Walter Alston's file came up.
     Scanning quickly, Josiah found what he was looking for in minutes.  "YES!" he exclaimed
     exhuberantly.  "Sister, I need you to do something for me," he requested, already grabbing
     his jacket and cell phone.  "Call Chris Larabee and tell him I'm headed over to the Morley
     & Ganley plastics warehouse on 9607 Garrison Blvd.  It's the warehouse Vin busted him
     Alston in.  Tell him I think Vin is there with Alston.  His cell phone number is on my
     rolodex.  Can you do that sister?"

     "Yes Agent Sanchez," the nun assured him and added softly,  "Via con Dios."

     "I sure hope so Sister," Josiah said and left the office.


     Josiah headed for the elevator and down to his SUV. He wasn't sure what he was going to
     do but as the elevator doors opened he got an idea. He stepped off the elevator and over
     to his Suburban. Cuervo was sleeping on the still warm hood. Josiah petted the big tom and
     Cuervo began to purr.

     "Cuervo," Josiah said, a wide grin spreading across his face, as he picked up the cat. I'm
     going to need your help,"

     Cuervo went willingly until Josiah started the engine. The cat instinctively wanted to get out
     of the car but there was no escape. He made his displeasure known by growling as Josiah
     backed the Suburban out of his space.

     Twenty minutes later Josiah pulled off by the warehouse and waited. He wasn't sure he
     liked his plan but what choice did he have. He waited a little longer to make sure no one
     was by the door he was going to enter the warehouse. When he was satisfied he turned
     around to get Cuervo. The big tom had ripped his back seat to shreds and left a token of
     his opinion of the ride in the middle of it.  Cuervo was now in the cargo area, tail lashing
     and his hackles up.   Josiah didn't have time to be subtle, so he climbed over the front seat
     and and threw his coat over the cat and grabbed him.

     "Sorry cat, but you're my only back up," Josiah apologized.

     He walked to the door without incident holding the squirming cat. The door opened quietly,
     which Josiah was thankful for, and he entered. He heard a voice in the distance and crept
     along hiding behind the boxes. As he got closer he could hear Alston talking. Josiah peered
     around the box and was surprised to see Vin tied to a chair. The sharpshooter looked
     more than a little worse for wear. One side of his head was covered with blood and his hair
     was matted with it.  One eye was swollen shut and he had a bloody nose and a split lip and
     was leaning heavily to his right and Josiah suspected he had a couple of broken ribs.
      Looking down at the wriggling coat in his arms, he whispered, "OK Cuervo do your stuff,
     as he released the cat.

     Cuervo did exactly what Sanchez hoped he would. The tom hissed loudly and then ran
     across the warehouse, scattering plastic pieces and making all sorts  of noise. He scaled a
     pile of boxes, hunkering down at the top, and looking down at the three men warily.

     "What the hell was that?" Alston asked.

     Alston walked over to where he heard the noise and started moving boxes, causing
     Cuervo, on his high perch to teeter as the boxes were shifted. He jumped off the box,
     landing on Alston's shoulder. Cat and human both let out a terrified screech at the contact,
     then Cuervo scurried away behind more of the boxes.

     Meanwhile, Josiah used the diversion Cuervo had supplied, and snuck out of his hiding
     place, and hurried to Vin.

     "Josiah!" Vin hissed.

     "I'll have you out of here in a second Vin," Josiah promised. About to holster his gun, to
     work on the ropes binding his friend, he turned at the faint noise behind him.

     "What a touching reunion."

     Both men froze at the sound of Alston's voice.

     "Don't do it Sanchez," Alston warned, as Josiah started to inch the gun up, closer to him.
     "Keep your hands where I can see 'em."

     "Okay, Alston, just settle down," Josiah said, holding up his hands. Vin took the signal, and
     threw himself and the chair he was tied to, backwards as hard as he could. Josiah leapt at
     Alston, and the two men, knocked off balance, fell to the floor. Vin could only watch
     helplessly as the two men rolled on the floor, fighting. One of them dropped his gun, and
     they began to struggle for possession of the remaining weapon. They were about the same
     size, except Alston had a few pounds on Josiah. Vin struggled hard against his ropes,
     watching in horror as the gun ended up between the two men. A few minutes later it went
     off. Josiah fell back onto the floor, a bloody stain beginning to spread on his chest.

     "NO!!!!!!" Vin screamed as he fought desperately against the ropes binding him to the

     "Well Tanner looks like that's one less friend of yours I have to worry about," Alston said
     as he walked back over to Vin.

     "I swear I'm gonna kill you!" Vin snarled weakly and struggled with the ropes.

     "Not before I kill you," Alston said as he put the gun to Vin's head. "I can't afford to keep
     you any longer. I just wanted to give you a taste of what I had to endure for the past five
     years, before I killed you."

     Josiah knew he had to do something, but damn his chest hurt. He slowly moved his hand to
     the gun at his side. He heard Alston say he was going to kill Vin and he knew he had to
     move fast.  Biting his lip, he pulled the gun and tried to take aim on Alston.  His hand shook
     and he was afraid he might shoot Vin. He watched as Alston aimed his gun at Vin's head
     and knew he didn't have a choice. Saying a silent prayer, the wounded agent pulled the

     Vin jumped when he heard the gunshot and was surprised to realize that he was still alive.
     He looked up to see a shocked look on Alston's face just before he crumpled to the floor.
      The Texan looked over at Josiah and saw the big man smile as the hand holding the gun
     fell to the floor.

     "Josiah!!!!" Vin called frantically.

     He didn't get a response and he struggled harder with the ropes that bound his arms.
      Suddenly one hand pulled free and moving as quickly as his injured head and ribs would
     let him, he untied himself and ran to Josiah's side.

     "Josiah," Vin called gently, as he knelt next to him.

     He could see a crimson stain spreading along his friend's shirt. He ripped it open and
     applied pressure to the wound with his hand.

     "Damn it, Josiah, why'd you come alone?" Vin demanded.

     "Not alone," Josiah gasped. "Brought a friend."

     Vin looked at Josiah like he'd lost his mind until he heard a meow and looked up to see

     "You brought the damned cat?" Vin asked him in disbelief.

     "He was the only one around," Josiah said as he cringed.

     "Where's your cellphone?" Vin asked but got no answer. "Don't you dare die on me

     Vin frantically searched for Josiah's phone with his free hand while he kept pressure on the
     wound with the other. He found the phone and with a shaky hand dialed Chris's number.

     "Larabee," came the curt answer.

     "Chris!" Vin cried in relief. "I need help."

     "Where are you Vin?" Chris asked him gently.  He'd heard the fear and pain in Vin's voice.

     "Ain't sure, Chris," Vin admitted.  He hastily scanned his surroundings.  They were vaguely
     familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on why.  If his damned head didn't hurt so bad, he
     might be able to figure it out.  "Looks like an old warehouse.  I think I been here b'fore, but
     I can't think straight," Vin's drawl was pained.

      "Vin, does it look like the place you busted Alston?"  Chris suggested hopefully.

     "Yeah, it is!"  Vin said excitedly, "but, I can't remember the name of the place." His voice
     broke, as a wave of pain from his ribs shot through his body.

     "It's OK, cowboy, Sister Maria told us where.  We're on our way.  We'll be there in five
     minutes," Chris said, relieved to know that Josiah's hunch had been right. "Vin, is Josiah
     with you?" he asked.

     "He's hurt Chris, call an ambulance," Vin's weak voice said.  "He's been shot. Hurry Chris!"

     "OK, Vin," Chris told him and hung up.

     "Hang on Josiah, the calvary's on the way," Vin said, hoping they wouldn't be too late.

     Vin wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there, with his hands pressed up against Josiah's
     bloody chest. Cuervo had come out of hiding and was curled up in his lap, but the young
     agent hadn't even noticed the cat. He continued to applied pressure to Josiah's wound but
     he wasn't able to get the bleeding to stop. "Josiah, help's almost here, you can't die," Vin
     pleaded over and over with his unconscious friend.  He never even heard the sirens in front
     of the warehouse or the sound of slamming car doors.

     Chris and Buck busted through the doors of the warehouse, guns drawn.  They quickly
     spotted the sharpshooter sitting next to their fallen team member and Alston's body.  Chris
     huried towards them, while Buck summoned the rest of the team and the paramedics.

     Vin was vaguely aware that someone was kneeling beside him and feeling Josiah's neck for
     a pulse.  He blinked in surprise at the sight of his best friend.  "Chris?" he asked in a
     detached voice.

     Larabee realized immediately, that Vin wasn't completely aware of what was happening.
      From the looks of him, Chris was pretty sure a concussion was only the start of his
     injuries.  Buck and the rest of the team were there now and the paramedics were ready to
     see to Josiah, but first Chris had to get Vin to understand.

     "We're here now cowboy," he said softly looking directly into Vin's clouded blue eyes.
      "You can let go now."

     "Chris?" Vin repeated weakly.

     "Yeah, that's right.  It's me, Chris.  C'mon and let the paramedics help Josiah, ok?" Chris
     held his breath hoping Vin understood what he said.  It was obvious that the younger man
     had been through a lot and he didn't want to have to forcibly remove his friend from
     Josiah's side, but Sanchez needed help now.  To his relief, Vin nodded and let go of
     Josiah's chest.  Every man in the place let out breath they hadn't realized they were holding,
     when Vin's head bowed.

     Chris immediately took Cuervo from Vin and handed him to JD.  Gently, he and Nathan
     helped the sharpshooter to his feet and moved him away from the big agent's side, so that
     the paramedics could do their job.  They eased him back to the floor a few feet away and
     Nathan began checking him out.  Vin gasped when Jackson found the broken ribs.  Chris
     and the others hovered anxiously, until the paramedics were finished with Josiah and the
     two injured men were loaded into the ambulance and it pulled away. Nathan and Ezra said
     they'd wait for back up to arrive to take care of the crime scene and that they'd see to it
     that Cuervo got home.  Buck, JD and Chris climbed into his truck and followed their
     friends to the hospital.

     When they got to the hospital, Chris went to the nurses station, while Buck and JD got
     coffee.  They'd been through this routine more than once and knew that they had a wait
     ahead of them.

     "Who is it this time?" Kathy, the nurse on duty at the desk recognized them all immediately.

     "Josiah and Vin," Chris said wryly.  It wasn't good when the hospital staff knew your team
     by name.

     Kathy smiled reassuringly, as she accessed the computer.  "Vin's been taken to Xray and
     Josiah's on his way to emergency surgery. I'm afraid I can't give you any more information
     than that. I can show you to the waiting room where the surgery is taking place."

     "Thanks," Chris said. "We'll wait to find out about Vin, and then go up."

     They'd been waiting for an hour, when Nathan and Ezra finally arrived.  They informed
     Chris that the FBI had takenover the case since it was technically a kidnapping.

     "Any word?" Nathan asked.

     "No nothing yet," Buck said. "They took Josiah up for emergency surgery. Vin went to
     Xray and that's all we know."

     Just as Buck said that they saw Vin walking towards them followed by a doctor.   A large
     white bandage was wrapped around the sharpshooter's head.  The doctor didn't look too
     happy as Vin came over and leaned against the wall where they were sitting.

     "He should be in a hospital bed right now," the doctor said to them.

     "I'm fine," Vin protested weakly and swayed a little.  "Besides I've been beat up worse

     "It's alright doctor we'll watch him," Nathan said, taking his arm to steady him.

     "Fine," the doctor said in exasperation. "Here's a prescription for some pain medication."

     He scribbled on a pad and started to hand it to Vin.  Chris took it and gave it to Ezra to get
     filled at the pharmacy.  Ezra nodded and said he'd meet them up stairs. The rest of the team
     headed for the elevator, Chris and Nathan keeping a tight hold on Vin's arms.  They got off
     on the fourth floor and found the waiting room.  The chairs were more comfortable then in
     the emergency room and they all sat down. Vin was deposited gently on the couch and
     warned not to move in no uncertain terms.

     "Vin what happened?" Chris asked quietly, when he was sure the Texan was settled.

     "Not rightly sure," Vin answered slowly. "Alston was working me over when he heard a
     noise. He went to go see what it was and found Cuervo.  Josiah brought him along as a
     diversion.  They wrestled for the gun and it went off.  Josiah fell and Alston came over to
     finish me when Josiah shot him. Then you showed up."

     Ezra arrived with the pain medication and Chris made Vin take one.  The younger man
     tried to protest that he he didn't need it, but one look at Chris's face changed his mind.
     After he took the pill, Nathan made him stretch out on the couch and Vin was asleep in no
     time. The rest of the team made themselves as comfortable as possible and waited for news
     on Josiah.


     Two hours later, Vin was still sleeping and the five other agents were scattered around the
     room in various uncomfortable positions.   Chris was sitting across from Vin on an orange
     Naugahyde chair, watching the younger man sleep.  Nathan and Ezra were sprawled on
     another couch that backed the one Vin was lying on.  Their long legs stretched out in front
     of them.  Buck was looking out the window and JD had taken up residence on the floor
     using a support pole to lean against.

     Finally three hours after Nathan and Ezra's arrival, a doctor came in and announced that
     Josiah's surgery was over.

     "Agent Larabee?" he called looking around uncertainly.

     Four men were on their feet instantly advancing on him and the doctor backed up a few

     "I'm Chris Larabee," the blond man informed him.  "How's Josiah?"

     "I'm Dr. Willis.  A - agent Sanchez is going to be fine," he told them as he looked nervously
     from one to the other of them.

     "Back off guys," Chris suggested with a smile.  "Excuse us doc, we're just really worried
     about Josiah," he apologized.

     To the doctor's relief, the other three immediately sat back down.  "Your friend is very
     lucky," Dr. Willis informed them. "He lost a lot of blood, but the bullet didn't hit anything
     vital.  He might need some physical therapy, but barring complications he should be able to
     go home in about a week.

     "Thank you," Chris said sincerely and held out his hand. "When can we see him?" he asked,
     while he shook the doctor's hand.

     "It'll take an hour or so, to get him out of recovery and into his room.  You can see him
     then for a short visit," Dr. Willis told them.  "Why don't you all get something to eat," he
     suggested before leaving the waiting room.

     "That sounds good to me," JD announced.  "I'm starving."

     What do you think Chris, should we wake up Vin?"  Buck inquired.

     Shaking his head, Larabee said ferally, "No, you guys go ahead.  I wanta have a talk with
     the lone ranger over there.   We'll get something later."

     "Just go easy on him," Nathan warned.  "Remember, you gotta fill out a lot of forms, if you
     kill him."

     Chris grinned and turned to wake the sleeping Texan.


     "Wha -?" Vin questioned groggily as he tried to sit up.  His head felt like there was a
     hammer pounding against the inside of his skull and his side was burning and throbbing like
     crazy.  Suddenly, he remembered where he was.  The hospital, waiting to see about Josiah.

     "Josiah!?" he called hoarsely and struggled to get to an upright postition.  He wasn't having
     any luck, when he felt strong hands close around his arms and help him sit up.  Chris was
     looking at him, concern and anger on his face.  This wasn't good.  "How's Josiah?" the
     sharpshooter asked weakly.

     "He's gonna be ok, the guys just went down to get something to eat.  How are you
     feeling?" Chris asked.

     "I'm fi-" Vin's stock answer was cut off by the roar that emanated from Larabee.  The
     sound made the hammer in Vin's head beat faster.

     "DAMMIT! VIN! When are you gonna get it through that thick head of yours, that you
     can't handle this kind of stuff on your own anymore?  You almost got yourself killed and
     Josiah too, trying to handle Alston alone.

     Vin's blue eyes looked up at him miserably and Chris's anger eased.  "Why didn't you call
     me?" he demanded.  The anger was gone from his voice, leaving only a friend's concern.

     "I was goin' to," Vin said simply.  "Alston called me, said he had Marta and he'd kill her if I
      didn't meet him.  Ramirez's ain't got no phone, so I was headed over there to see if she
     was really ok or not.  I was gonna call ya and tell ya what was up, when I knew for sure.
      Only, Alston whacked me upside the head 'fore I could."

     "That's good to hear Vin," Chris put a hand on his shoulder.   A nurse chose that moment
     to inform them, that Josiah was in his room.  Chris thanked her and turned back to Vin.
     "Let's go see Josiah," he suggested and helped his friend to his feet.

     An hour later, six men were crowded into the tiny private room.  Vin had the only chair and
     the others were leaning against walls and sitting on the floor.  Finally, Nathan spotted
     fluttering eyelashes and moments later their oldest was looking back up at them.

     "You boys look like hell.  Somebody die?" he asked the solemn faces.

     "Only the bad guy," Chris told him with a tight smile.

     "Josiah," Vin's raspy drawl was pained.  "Thanks."

     "You're welcome, brother," Josiah said with a grin.  "Besides, Cuervo's the real hero."

     Nathan saw the exhaustion on the big man's face and the pain in Vin's and spoke quietly.
      "Think it's about time these two got some rest.  I'll stay with Josiah tonight.  Why don't you
     all go home?" he suggested.

     The team nodded their agreement and they filed out silently, each man taking a second to
     touch Josiah's arm or uninjured shoulder lightly, before they left.   Chris held onto Vin's arm
     and guided the unsteady sharpshooter to the elevator.

     Nathan settled into the chair Vin had left and met Josiah's sleepy eyes.  "You done good,
     Preacher," he said softly as the big man's eyes closed.


     One week later, Chris pulled into the ATF parking garage, smiling as he noticed Vin's jeep
     in it's usual parking space. Things were finally getting back to normal. Josiah was going to
     be released from the hospital tomorrow, and today was Vin's first day back on the job.
     The sharpshooter wasn't completely recovered from his injuries, but Chris knew he was
     anxious to get back to his usual routine. As he pulled into the space next to Vin's, a flash of
     fur caught his eye, and he made out the shape of Cuervo, leaping into the jeep and settling
     himself on Vin's seat.

     Chris reached into the back seat of the Ram, and brought out a large bag. Pulling two items
     out of it, he walked over to the passenger side of Vin's jeep.

     "Hey Cuervo," he said quietly. "Got a little something for you."

     The cat regarded him quizzically, his tail slashing the air. Chris opened the can of cat food,
     and set it down scratched the big tomcat's head, and then placed the other object, a cat
     bed, near the food.

     "I owe you, Cuervo.  Anything you want, you've got it. You saved Vin and Josiah, and I
     never forget a debt," Chris said, giving the cat's head a final scratch.

     Cuervo stared back at Chris, then turned and began to attack the can of food.  Saving lives
     could sure work up an appetite.

                                   THE END

