Editor's Note: This decree essentially makes military settlements in six gubernias off-limits to the system of otkup for the four years that follow the decree. Otkup was a system of tax farming: gathering taxes and other State revenues using private individuals, who received a set sum of money for performing this service. These agents, Otkupshchiki, were holders of government concessions for distilling, and liquor sales. They were allowed to keep any amount collected over a certain State-appointed sum, which was usually determined from the previous years's receipts, plus an increment. Levanda extracted only § 7 of the decree.
§ 1. . . . . . . .
§ 7. Jews may not maintain public tax collections in districts with military settlements,
uniformly and specifically for Jewish otkupshchiki,
not only on food sales but in no way can they be engaged in the business of otkup and entry to
them is prohibited.
(V.P.S.Z. Vol. XVII, No. 15,755 § 7)