Editor's Note: The 'places of permanent Jewish settlement' is a phrase denoting the Pale of Settlement. Sworn appraisers were individuals elected in rural communities to oversee the allocation of tax obligations among households of peasants. They administered the apportionment of taxation on each household.
On the election of appraisers in the places of permanent Jewish settlement.
The Legal Department of the State Council, in General Assembly to consider the loyal report of the first three
deparments of the Governing Senate, on the election of appraisers in places of permanent Jewish
settlement, from the resolution of the Senate, reached this opinion: to decree as a supplement
subject to statutes: in places of permanent Jewish settlement, the election of sworn appraisers is be
determined from Christian city communities jointly with Jewish communities.
Resolved. His Imperial Majesty, following the opinion in the General Assembly of the State Council,
concerning the election of appraisers in places of permanent Jewish settlement, Imperially ratifies the
order and commands it to be carried out.
(V.P.S.Z. Vol. XVIII, No. 16,783)