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Law #715 from the Levanda Index

Czar: Nicholas I
Year: 1854

Editor's Note: This decree was reversed by Nicholas I's son, Alexander II, four years later in Levanda #807.

715. -- March 24. Exact, Announced to the Senate by the Central Directorate of Communications and Municipal Buildings. --

On prohibiting Jews to reside in those wards of the city of Zhitomir between Great Berdichev Street and the Teteriv river.

The Emperor, from the loyal report of his Central Directorate of Communications and Municipal Buildings, was pleased to imperially order: in accordance with the opinion of the Interior Minister and improvements by the Kiev Military, Podolsk and Volhynia Governors-General, in the city of Zhitomir, in the wards between Great Berdichev Street and the Teteriv river, comprising the better and main sections of the city, - prohibit Jewish residence, allowing them only, in these sections of the city, to purchase land and buildings, and to construct buildings for rental. (V.P.S.Z. Vol. XXIX, No. 28,079).

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