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Charlie and Brett's Italian Adventure
June 2003

View in Palermo

Bus stop at Cefalu

Brocato's shop in Cefalu sells tourist items and toys

Cathedral in Cefalu

Narrow side street in Cefalu

Hanging out the wash in Cefalu

Beach in Cefalu

Mosaic showing Cathedral in Cefalu

Stairway in Agrigento

Tree in the Valley of the Temple of the Gods near Agrigento

Temple of Concord in the Valley of the Temple of the Gods - one of the best preserved Greek temples in the world; the best outside Greece

Temple ruins in the Valley of the Temple of the Gods

Street in Taormina

Taormina view

Cathedral in Taormina

Ruins in Taormina with bay in background


Our hotel in Rome - Forum Hotel

Ruins of part of the Roman Forum

Brett at Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain

View from rooftop bar of Hotel Forum - view of the Monument to Victor Emmanuel II

Ruins of the Colosseum

More of the Colosseum

Pissant car, typical of those driven by most Italians, parked on cobblestone street

Crowd waiting for the Pope, St. Peter's Square at Vatican City

The Pope at public audience, Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Pope on closed circuit monitor, St. Peter's Square

Roof statuary, St. Peter's Square

Crowd dispersing, St. Peter's Square

Photos by Charles Brocato
Posted July 11, 2003
Updated July 14, 2003