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Hello! Welcome to my online diary! You want to learn more about me? You've found the right place! (Memo to self: remember this page exists! I have enough troubles keeping my paper diary updated!)

April 1, 2000: Oh dear, I fear I will no longer be able to update this page, personal family troubles have taken me away from the computer *my beloved* and placed me with a group of people who are much to old to be of any comfort. I just figured that because this was my online diary and all I'd have to write it in here before just whooshing off without a word of goodbye. I am dreadfully sorry that this webpage never did quite get completed, and hopefully I'll be back soon.

April Fools! (((((((Have a nice Day))))))))

March 9, 2000: I said I'd have troubles keeping this updated! Well, today I missed school due to a *getting of a head cold*, I have a feeling I won't sleep very well tonight. I was supposed to go to a pep-band today, but I can't, due to the fact that I am very cold one moment and broiling the next. What's new, you ask? Well, not much, that's for sure. I am a Girl Scout *G* and all the cookies came in the other day, so I had the pleasure of sorting them, not a fun job. I screwed up on this one girl's order and didn't get enough cookies to fill some of the rest! Sheesh!

Did anyone watch the 10th Kingdom? It was the best movie EVER! I loved it so much! If you didn't see it, it was on NBC for five nights, it was 10 hours long! It was so good that the other day I went to and ordered the book! Now I'm saving money to buy the movie! I do hope they make a sequel, it was so good!

Anyway, that's about it for now. I have to go work on the unicorn page.

February 21, 2000: I have this crazy cockateil crawling from one side of me to the other, I don't know what he's doing. He's a rather new bird, I only got him last weekend, and his name is Perriwinkle. He's the most affectionate little thing, I have a Budgie too, but he's quite a homebody. Ahh, I suppose I should introduce myself, eh? Well, my name is Marja and I am 15 years old. If you haven't looked through my other pages yet you won't know I'm a Pagan, well I am, Wiccan actually. And if that's dandy with you I'll go on. One request *do not email me for spells* Now that we've got that over with I'll tell you of my love for animals. My dad has taken to calling me the *bird lady* and I also have two cats, one of which I'd be willing to wager is sleeping on my bed right now. I have bunk beds, you see, and she likes the height.

I love to write and read, at this moment I'm reading Marion Zimmer Bradley's "Avalon" series, very depressing, especially the last one. Poor Accolon *sniff*. I've taken to creating webpages, it's tons of fun and a great way to get in touch with people. Wanna visit my other webpage? Click here! If that isn't magic I don't know what is, writing in a diary and being able to tell people to go someplace! What else about me? Hmmm, I have two brothers and one sister, all younger. I take Spanish in school and this summer I'm going to Spain *G* So "Bienvenido a mi casa" Welcome to my home (at least I hope that's what it says!)

Today is just "one of those days", President's day, so I'm home from my 10th grade classes. Can't say that's a bad thing. I'm in rather a good mood actually, save the fact that I must go to school tomorrow ~sigh~. Goodness I've been on the computer a lot today, I must fly! (Not seriously).

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