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~*~My Haiku~*~

Haiku is a type of Japanese verse, much like poetry, but shorter. It usually consists of three short lines, the first having five syllables, the second having seven and the third again having five. Below are some examples of my own Haiku.

Haiku is meant to convey messages with short writings, it is very spiritual and meaningful, so, when you look at my own, perhaps you'll see what the subject was about...

Peaceful slumbering
Until summers warmth shines
But beautiful still

Slow Shadow Dancers
Take the floor to dance this night
Our hearts are at ease

Enter peacefully
Into a forgotten realm
Where time stops swiftly

divinely speaks on again
and forever more

The web of the soul
Tangles itself among trees
Of friendship and love

Would you like to visit a site where you can share your own Haiku, and maybe win something? Check this site out...

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