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~*~The Story of a Lifetime~*~

As many a story begins, this one will as well, as it really did happen, long long ago and in a faraway place.....

~It was very dark, dark but not cold, but then again, it wasn't warm either. She was alone in a dark place, lonely, bored, tired. She was everywhere, yet still nowhere all at once. She was moving even as She was still. She had been stuck here for a long time, preparing and waiting. Waiting as ideas formed and ideas turned to reality. She watched all around Her, all the time, She was lonely. She reached past Her barrier and carried away molecules, She reached deep inside Herself and gathered everything together. Putting them in their place. She created, just as is, created everything necessary to make Her dark prison brighter, more full of life. More full of life then even She Herself took up.

~And as She let go everything took on shape, and Her energy expanded everything to a full and yet awkward size. She wasn't used to carrying and living through such massive beings. Over the course of a instant in Her being, a billion years had passed.

~She breathed and looked about at Her creations, Her world was lit and She was blinded. She closed Herself off and let Herself run free. She ran through Her creations and as they realized their Mother's presence they cried out to Her. She could not ignore them, so She listened to their thoughts. As She listened to Her children a love grew inside Her for these beings that had come out of Her creative womb. Love replaced loneliness and She rejoiced in Herself, Her love leaked unto Her creations, giving them a feeling other than loneliness, as Her creations had been made out of Her own experience.

~She felt such a great love She gave Her creations Her full support and encouraged them. She wanted them to develope into themselves, so as they'd all be different. A world based on Herself would have been just as lonely as when She was alone.

~She mingled amongst Her creations, and they gave Her a name. It seemed as though they all gave Her a different name, all based on their own experiences. Some called Her Hecate, some Cerridwen, some Calypso, some Diana, and still others Lady, Goddess, and still more. She was happy to have all these names, but in reality, She had no name, She just "was".

~Some of the loveliest beings that came out of Her creations were the unicorns, who evolved on one of Her creations whom the inhabitants called Earth. She loved these creatures, who called Her Diana, and She made frequent physical visits to see them.

~On one of these visits She took on the form of a woman pregnant with life, and was known as Diana. This form became what is widely thought of today as people think of Her.

~As Diana searched for the unicorns She came upon a village filled with creatures who called themselves "humans". They lived humble lives, not filled with much meaning, but Diana could tell they had potential. She mingled amongst them, soaking in their hunger for life, but there was also something horrible about them; they fought amongst themselves so their hidden potential grew even more vague. They didn't realize their Mother was so near to them.

~Diana, for the first time in eternity, saw hate and felt sorrow. Her feelings turned hard and Her jaw became clenched. She saw death and suffering, but at the same time felt a great deep ache. A ache to be understood, to be appreciated by these creatures to whom She'd given so much of Her love and energy. She wondered how She could do this, and decided that at night while Her children slept, She would speak to them. For then, most certainly, they would listen. So She sent energy into their minds and caused them to dream of things better then they had, and when they woke, there was something different about them. They were happier.

They started to believe something was sending them these night-dreams and some began to ask for explanations. Diana sent to them Herself, in a form molded to look similar to their own, and She told them that She was their creator. But when they awoke, they did some strange things. They gave offerings, they worked magic all in Her honor. But didn't they realize that She knew if they were thankful? For She already knew if they were fulfilled, She didn't need sacrifices. As they continued to treat Her not as something natural Herself, but as something more, She began to fell pride. A bursting ego thrusted from within Her and She couldn't contain it. So He was born from Her, He, known as Cernunnos, Hern, Pan, even God, was formed out of pain, hate, jealosy, desire, death. But a little piece of Her, His Mother and Lover, also came with Him; Love. And a little piece of Himself stayed with Her; pride.

~Together, they were not the normal concept of male and female, they were whole and full, not mixed. For they weren't really male and female, but something other and more complete.

~And so together they inter-mingled, happy in their union, fulfilled, complete, and not lonely. BNut they began to worry about their creations, they soon began to disappear, to die. They had to do something. They decided to become One, together, they could do more then apart. They gave new life unto the Creations, they decided that once a year they would become One. They would refresh the souls of those gone, so as they could be returned, for they realized that these beings needed to learn more to be really complete, as they part, these creations can once again learn. But more just seemed to die, He had been given Death, so He would have to die for them. To show the Creations the way, so as they would not get lost. So, He died after the reuniting with Her, and as She once again Created, He was reborn.

~Diana's creations fought furiously amongst themselves. But many who fought recollected the dreams She sent as they slept. She did not enjoy seeing them fight, She loved them so She decided it was time to lay down one, simple sule, and as Her children, they would have to obey it. She sent a dream, a very vivid one, so all beings would recall it. There was one problem, only those who had not left Her presence would receive them, better then none at all, though.

~So she sent them all, or to every being who felt Her energy, a dream of peace, of love. When they woke, they all murmured the same ending words....."An ye harm none, do as ye will." They said it with a great pride, they knew their Mother had put these words into their mouths and they felt Her all around them.

~The creations were growing restless (again), they had a urge to believe in things they could see physically. So She sent dreams to those on "Earth" of the moon with Her face implanted on it.

He sent similar dreams of the Sun. The next day a eclipse followed, this strengthened the creations, namely humans, views of belief. They took this Natural happening quite literally as a omen and from then on used the Moon as Her sign and the Sun as His. Diana was at peace with her creations, and She was happy.

~At this day, Her creations have taken on many forms of belief, to numerous to count. But for each form a peace is brought to those who believe it. All She wants is for Her creations to feel this peace. She is happy by their tranquilety. Though many have kept Her memory alive, and it is these people that can tell Her story, and feel deep inside, that it is true.

~Written by myself

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