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"Their bodies are white, their heads dark red, and their eyes dark blue. They have a horn on the forehead which is about a foot and a half in length."

Ctesias; Indica, 416B.C

Thank you for visiting 'The Unicorns Grove', I leave you with all of my etc. things, including webrings and any awards I happen to win. As well as a few good links I believe you will enjoy. For now, though let me create a poem, just for you, by me. Our link to one another...

Here there be unicorns,
this we know well.
Day and night they creep into our minds,
and into our hearts.
As the wind blows swiftly,
and as the seas do turn,
we hear the gentle sound of a Unicorn's mane
as it rustles in the air.
We shall forever know the Unicorn's gentle touch,
us that mean it no harm.
And we shall always love it,
from this day forth.

~Written by myself

(c) Fred Field