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Hey, when it comes to computers I know almost nothing. So I'm trying to learn a little bit. Any ways this is my first attempt at making a web page, so if it sucks, let me know, and I'll try to fix it.

I want to thank a few people, for their help. First is my best friend, and roommate, Kristin . And second is my big brother, john . The both helped out a ton. So about me.

Right now I work at a hospital, in the NICU ward. I want to some day go To nursing school, and be able to do something more than just shuffle paper, and page Doctors.

I love animals. I have two pets now and the are my babies. The are both a year old. My first is my kitten, her name is Maybe . and she is the prettiest cat around). The strange thing about her is that she is a vegetarian. She loves tomatoes! I also have my puppy, Samantha . She' a rot, lab, German shepherd mix. Even though she is dumb as a doorknob, I sill love her. How can you not adore something that sit at the window waiting for you to come home? from work? They are my babies; they both sleep with me every night.

And that brings me to my first pet peeve. Do you realize that more cats in the United States than there are people? Almost every pet brought to a shelter has to be put to sleep, Millions of helpless animals every year. So in short, if you don't have a pure breed animal, get it fixed. Animals live longer and healthier lives after being fixed, and the also become better companions. (And yes both of mine are fixed; the dog was before I brought her home)

So what else is interesting? I have my belly button and my tongue pierced, and I love them both. Just recently (May 1 2001) I got a tattoo on my back, l love it, I'm still getting used to the idea of a tattoo, and it itches like hell. But no pain no gain, right.

I love to read, mostly 18'Th century novels. (And I case you didn't know, the three musketeers,and the man in the iron mask, were Novel's first, not movie's "pet peeve number two")

I also love to go camping, and do anything that's not "Girly". (well atually thats a lie, i'm really girly, i just like to hang with the guys, shot pool and vodka sort of stuff.) I drive an old ford pick-up truck, its "redneck" grey, and has a huge dent on the side, and no ac (living in MS that sucks).

I'm single and not loving it, but living with it right now

Any ways let me know what you think of my site, I really want to make this look kicking.



For anyone that is an animal lover, please check out this web site, and link it to yours. Thank You American Human Society, pets