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There are millions of children who are being neglected, beaten, raped and mentally tortured. As you read this, one little girl is crying out in pain, one little boy is begging not to be touched "there" anymore. Right now, children are praying for someone to help them when they can't help themselves. And we close our ears and avert our eyes.
These children are without is our duty to protect them.
Approximately three children die each day in the United States from abuse or neglect Please, don't hesitate to get involved. Child abuse is NOT a family issue. It is a CRIME! Not reporting suspicion of child abuse is a crime! Have a heart!

These are signs of Child Abuse..get involved in the life of a child today!

Physical Abuse: Sores, burns, bruises on body. A reluctance or vagueness about where these originated. Bruises and burns are the most persistent physical symptoms.
Neglect: Soiled diapers, dirty hair, unwashed clothes, body odor. Sometimes weight loss and lackluster skin and/or hair can indicate neglect, particularly in a proper or sufficient diet.
Emotional or Mental Abuse: This is harder to tell. Abused children often become quiet but that is not always a way to tell. Lack of self-esteem is another way to tell but again, that does not mean children are abused.
Sexual Abuse: There are warning signs of sexual abuse of children, too. Precocious behavior; sexual knowledge, through language or behavior, that is beyond what is normal for their age; copying adult sexual behavior; inappropriate sexual behavior such as kissing on the mouth and/or attempting to insert tongue in your mouth; soreness, redness, chaffing around genitals; reluctance or outright refusal to let you wash or dry those parts of the body; persistent sexual play with other children, themselves, toys or pets.

Most abused and neglected children never come to the attention of authorities....maybe we are to afraid to "get involved". The question we should be asking is why? These children can die if we don't get involved!

How You Can Help!!!!

Don't Know who to contact in your area? Check out this site -
Or call the National Child Abuse Hotline -
1-800-4 A CHILD

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