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The Guide for the Single Mother

Here are a few topics and articles. Most I have gotten out of magazines (and yes, I will give credit to those magazines in case you wish to read more on the subject). Some of them are also on the message board. If you would like to see any other subjects here, please use the form at the bottom of this page.

Your Pets and your baby
Stress Busters for that first nine months
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Symdrome aKa the Silent Killer)
Child Abuse

Well, that's all for now. If you would like to see anymore topics up here, please fill out the form below. And remember, some of these topics (and more) are on the mesage board.

What's your name?:

What's your email address?:

What other topics would you like to learn about on this site? Or do you have a "Did you Know?" to add?:


Did you know?:
Did you know that you shouldn't drink or eat dairy products in the last 2 months of pregnancy because it can cause allergies in the baby?

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