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'Puppy Preparations'

If your dog is the spoiled lonely only, it might not be puppy love at first sight when a new baby is on the scene. "Start thinking about this as soon as you learn your expecting," says Jacque Schultz, a behavior consultant for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruely to Animals (ASPCA). Pets need to be prepared for a new family memeber just as people do, she explains. It's also important not to expect too much from your dog, advises William Kottler, M.D., a pediatrician who teaches a pets-and-babies seminar at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, New Jersey. "Never leave your baby unattended with your dog no matter who good you think he is," Says Dr. Kottler. Here's how to prepare your pup for the new arival:

Give your dog opportunities to interact with children during your pregnancy. If there's a snapping or growling, seek professional training. Never have a dog that has a history of biting around children. There are an estimated 4.7 million dog bites a year, reports the Centers for Disease Control, and children are most vunerable.

Pets should be current on vaccines and checked for parasites, advises Dr. Kottler. Consider having your dog spayed or neutered since this may decrease aggressive tendencies.

Install a gate to keep dogs out of the nursery when unsupervised.

Have your partner/friend/relative bring home something the baby wore while you're both still in the hospital to familiarize your dog with the baby's scent.

Keep toys seperate. Don't give your dog plush or terry cloth toys with rattles or he may mistake the baby's toys for his own.

Pay attention to your dog's response to crying. If your dog is distressed, temporarily place him with a friend.

Protect your pup. Don't let your baby tug at his tail, screech in his ears, or poke his eyes or nose.

With the proper precautions, man's best friend can be a wonderfulf riend to your baby too. And though your mother-in-law may disagree, says Dr. Kottler, "There's no harm if the dog kisses the baby."

May 2001 issue of "Baby Talk"



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