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3,000 babies die each year from SIDS

SIDS has no cure. For that matter, researchers are still trying to figure out what causes SIDS..... 90% of SIDS cases occur by the sixth month of age, averaging the most between two and four months. SIDS occurs during an infants sleep. The majority of SIDS cases occur during the winter, due to respiratory infections and overheating due from to many layers of blankets. SIDS is higher in males than females by a ratio of 1.5 to 1.

The most reliable SIDS theory as of today is that in most infants SIDS is a defect in cardio respiratory control and arousability from sleep. When their oxygen level falls, their breathing does not automatically restart, therefore, they do not arouse like they should.

It has been researched that SIDS babies might have problems with the way their nervous system controls their heart. Their heart may not pump enough blood to tissues involved in respiratory control. Usually SIDS is considered to be a breathing problem, not a heart problem, this might not be the case

Infants At Higher Risk of SIDS :

premature babies
babies who had a bad womb environment (i.e.., smoking, illegal drugs)
babies who sleep on their stomach.
babies who are not breastfed
babies of mothers who had little or no prenatal care
Siblings of a previous SIDS baby.

SIDS babies can have the following characteristics:

hard to wake up from a sleep
unstable breathing
sleep apnea
unstable heart rates
unstable heart rates

SIDS Information:

Back To Sleep : 1- 800 - 505 - CRIB
P.O. Box 29111
Washington, DC 20040

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