Do you like Joohan?
I hope all the guys fail this test

1.Whenever you see him you...
A)Cry your eyes out
B)Stare at him till the bell has finish ringing 5 minute ago and he wasn't even there anymore but you still want to stare at the place he had stepped on.
C)Igore him
D)Think to yourself "What a strange hair he has"

2.He talked to you! You:
A)Cry your eyes out
B)Listen with all your heart, you must cherish this moment
D)Think "What does Vicki and Alice see in him?"

3.He ask you to throw his trash away, you:
A)Cry your eyes out
B)Save the trash close to you and worship it when you get home.
C)Throw it away
D)Say "Throw it away yourself or give it to Vicki or Alice, they'll take it as if it was made out of gold"

4.He bumped into you, you:
A)Cry your eyes out
B)Never take a shower ever again, he just touched you.
C)Igore him and walk on your life
D)Say "hey watch it!"

5.You think of him as:
A)You are crying to hard to think rite now
B)A god send from heaven
D)Another human male

Mostly As
God damn it! What's with you and crying?!

Mostly Bs
::siged:: I'm not even gonna say it.
Alice? Vicki? Is that you?

Mostly Cs
You don't like him

Mostly Ds
You don't seem to like him very well

*Go back to my wack-o, jacked-up, crazy page*